Chapter 32 Trauma bonding

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I had a long bit of time I was struggling to find the drive to write. I may not be fully through it but hopefully I can keep rolling for a bit.
Sasuke would come into the garden having come looking for Kabuto. He was quiet and not so angry. "Kabuto, would you be up for sparring?"
Kabuto looked over to the boy as he didn't expect the boy to be as calm with him as he was at this moment. With a small smile Kabuto would speak. "Sure, just let me finish something real quick." Kabuto would say as he would water some of the plants real quick before walking with the younger teen out of the room and down the halls of the hideout.

When they reached the training room Kabuto had to ask. "Any restrictions or rules for this spar besides no deadly attacks?" He had a raised brow when he asked this. Sasuke thought about it for a moment. "How about lets keep it mostly to weapons and taijutsu." He said and Kabuto sighed with a bit of a shrug. "Taijutsu was never my strong suit but I will try my best."

Orochimaru had decided he would make his way home now and would smile as he saw the entrance of his home. 'I wonder how things are going....I don't see either of them around' he thought to himself as he took a moment to look around before entering the hideout. He was intrigued by the fact Sasuke wasn't mopping around waiting for him by the entrance. He would make his way to the lab to check to see if Kabuto was there to find him not there. A frown forming on his face as he would walk to check on where Sasuke normally trained only to hear the clashing of metal. 'Maybe he got someone to spar with him while I was out.' He thought to himself as he walked only for his eyes to go wide when the scene came into view. Kabuto was the one sparring with Sasuke. His face went blank as he tried to think of something to say. His brain not sure what was right to say and part of him worried that if he spoke Kabuto would get distracted. Orochimaru didn't realize he was holding his breath as he watched the two.
After a while both the teens had noticed the fact they were being watched. They took a moment when they pulled away from each other before Sasuke would look over to Orochimaru first. The boy straighten his back as he raised a brow. "What took you so long to get back and why didn't you tell me you planned on leaving?" the young teen said.
This made Orochimaru chuckle as he raised a brow. "What makes it seem like I need to explain anything? I see you found a way to train while I was gone." Orochimaru said keeping composure.
Kabuto was catching his breath as he stood straight. He had been pushing himself to deal with Sasuke. He was a little slower then the teen but his chakra healed the little cuts and scraps he got from the fight. He couldn't bring himself to look at Orochimaru. "Well I guess I should get back to work then." He said softly before bowing to them both and going back to the lab.
Orochimaru clinched his jaw for a moment with how Kabuto left. It annoyed him that he left when he wanted to talk to his young medic. Taking a deep breath he would just ask Sasuke how he trained while he was out.

Soon dinner time would arrive and Kabuto felt nervous to go to the dining hall to eat as then he had to sit next to his master. But he took a deep breath to steel himself and knew if he didn't it would show how bothered he was. So he would go to the dinning hall after he finished his work. He breath caught in his throat for a moment as he found Orochimaru relaxing reading over some scrolls when he arrived. Kabuto had to swallow his emotions down as he moved to sit next to his master.
Orochimaru glanced at Kabuto when he saw the boy sit down next to him. A small smile forming on his lips. After a few quiet moments he set the scroll he was reading down. "How are you doing Kabuto?" He asked softly.
Kabuto pinched his leg under the table as he looked over slowly to his master since he was addressed. Swallowing down his nerves he would steady his voice. "I have been alright my Lord." He said knowing full well it wasn't the truth. He bite the inside of his cheek as Orochimaru raised a brow as he looked at him. His back starting to sweat some as he was worried Orochimaru would see through him. He let out the breath he didn't realize he was holding when Orochimaru moved his gaze back to his scrolls but what happened next shocked Kabuto some. Orochimaru actually pulled out a box which had been wrapped. Orochimaru placed the sizable box on the table infront of Kabuto. Kabuto looked to the box then to his master. "Go on, open it. I thought it would be nice to get you something." He said which made Kabuto's face warm as he looked over outside of the box before carefully unwrapping it. It had some weight to it. He swallowed as he started to open the box. He would freeze once the box was opened. There was a few things inside the box. He looked to his master before back to the contents. First was a few dried and pressed herbs and flowers, under that was a book which looked to be some type of story book. Placing the book to the side he looked he found a set of clothes which looked quiet nice. He looked to his master not knowing what this ment nor what to say.
Orochimaru had placed an elbow on the table as he rested his head in the hand of that arm. A smile played on his lips and his eyes as he saw how bashful and confused his gift made his young medic. "I thought that maybe it be nice to have something to wear at night besides your normal wear. I wanted to get you something nice." he said comely with a small smirk as the teen's face grew warm as well as his ears.
Kabuto looked down at the clothes as he touched them. He couldn't think of anything to say. The gift had his heart racing as well as him forgetting the trauma that his master had put him through recently. "Th-thank you my Lord." He said softly with his face darken with a blush. He couldn't help softly smiling to his master whom leaned close to whisper into his ear. "Maybe I could help you try the sleepwear on." these words felt like electricity surging up his spine as he couldn't help squirm a little. His eyes giving away that this turned him on. "I-if you want to" He said softly. Thankfully his master pulled back after this as others started to come into the room. But Orochimaru still held a big sexy smirk on his face. He swallowed before placing the things into the box again and getting up to take them to his room. "I will be right back." He said softly before quickly walking away to his room to place the box on his bed before going back to the dinning hall. Sitting next to his master his face neutral but that didn't hide he felt aroused by the proposal from his master.

Orochimaru couldn't help feeling smug as soon dinner was done and brought out. The meal was quiet but he couldn't help smirking some as he glanced to Kabuto whom looked to be relaxed and a bit happy. He was glad his gift had the desired effect. Orochimaru would makes sure he left with Kabuto as they walked down the hall to their room he couldn't help smirking at how the teen seemed to glance away from him. Once at their rooms Orochimaru would turn and touch his cheek before whispering into his ear. "Why don't you join me in my room tonight?" his tone carrying a lustful promise.

Kabuto's face flushed as his back stiffened. His breath caught at the thought. Then the way his master slowly pulled back and look into his eyes as if reading his soul left him speechless. All he did was watch his master leave him and go into his room. After a few moments he took a deep breath before going into his room and looking at the box which he had left on his bed, he would chew his bottom lip in contemplation. His mind having forgotten his nightmare as well as the very thing that made him have the nightmare. So he would think if he should change before going over or not. Swallowing his nerves he took the outfit from the box his hands going over the high quality fabric and looking at the detailing of snakes and herbs. A blush came to his face again as he would thinking about wearing it. So he turned towards his door having made the decision he would change in his master's room. Swallowing his nerves down he would leave his room and knock on his master's door. His nerves making him hesitate at the door.

Orochimaru hearing the knock but not seeing Kabuto just enter like he normally did make him chuckle before he walked to the door and just open it a bit. A big smirk formed on his lips seeing his young medic there with the outfit from the box in hand as well as a blushed face. "Since when do you not just come in?" He asked with a teasing tone as he raised a brow at him. The teen looked up into his eyes. "I-I....Lord Orochimaru I wanted to be sure you weren't in the middle of something." He said which made Orochimaru chuckle. "Oh, but you saw me mere moments ago. The only thing I could have been caught up in is maybe a shower." He teased which he knew got to his medic. When Kabuto opened his mouth before closing it as if he wanted to say something but couldn't think of what Orochimaru simply moved to let him in. "Come on in Kabuto" He said softly.
Kabuto would nod softly before walking into the room as Orochimaru would close the door behind him. "Did you shower yet?" Kabuto would hear as his master wrapped his arms around his waist from behind. His face warmed as he felt aroused. He almost dropped the outfit as he felt as if he melt into him.
Orochimaru nuzzled into Kabuto's neck which made him smirk how Kabuto moaned softly. "I was thinking about taking a shower in a moment, if you want to join me" He said in a teasing tone.
Kabuto's breath caught hearing his master's suggestion. His face was warm as his mind felt empty as he didn't know how to respond. All that he could do was close his eyes to enjoy the moment.
Orochimaru waited for a reply for a while knowing he was getting to the teen. After a good few moments he slowly pulled his arms away and stepped back. "Well if you want to join me just do so." he said before walking towards the bathroom to turn on the water to let it heat up.
Kabuto blinked feeling his master move away. His mind still a fog as he heard the invite. He swallowed before sitting on the bed for a moment to take off his shoes, his sash and his two ninja bags to place them on the night stand. Then picking up his nightwear he walked to the bathroom. He swallowed noticing that his master was already under the water so he put the clothes down before getting undressed to join his master in the shower.
Thank you all for reading this chapter. Any votes and comments are wonderful to see and help me feel encouraged to keep going in this fanfic. Following me helps you keep up to date with me with posts I put here. See you next week when the next chapter goes up.
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