Chapter 22 Too easy or is it

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Yeah this fight might take a bit. Sorry everyone but I do feel it's important.
Orochimaru frowned as she saw whom all arrive infront of her dear medic. It was that pest and Jiraiya as well as Naruto.

Kabuto swallowed softly seeing the 3 people whom joined. Things went from handleable to hard.

"It's been a long time old friend." Orochimaru would say smiling a bit. Getting a bit of a glare from Jiraiya "Long time indeed, and I can't say it's improved your looks any old friend." She chuckled with a smirk.

Kabuto had glanced at the two only for Naruto to notice him. "Hey, Kabuto." He said poking at him. Kabuto couldn't help smiling "Naruto" he said in response before Jiraiya spoke. "You have met this guy before, Naruto?" Which poor innocent Naruto said. "Well of course I have we took the chunin exams together. What are you doing here, Kabuto?" Tsunade pushed Jiraiya out of the way. "Out of the way. Stay out of this, I can handle them." She say as she attacked Kabuto whom had to cross his arms to block her before running to get back into a fighting stance. "So you recover quickly no matter. You're still not at 100%" She said as she attacked him and he did his best to avoid and block. She was right he wasn't at his full strength. "Game up, kid." He would grab a kuni in the rock he had been pushed up against to cut his right hand a little to bring her fear out thus weaken her. "Your jutsu's worn off. Now I am at 100%. I knew I wouldn't be able to take on two of the legendary Sanin at the same time. But now at least I got-" He punched her in the face to send her back. "One down." She flew into her assistance arm's "Lady Tsunade" she said catching her.
"I don't get it. What's going on? I'm confused, did I miss out on something? How come Kabuto and Grandma Tsunade are mixing it up." Naruto questioned Kabuto just smirked as he answered "I see you're as slow as ever Naruto." He continued after he caught his breath "No wonder you're no match for Sasuke." Which catch the boy's attention. "If you want your answer just look at his headband, he serves Orochimaru." Jiraiya would spell it out for the kid. "That's right, I'm a spy from the village hidden in the sound." Naruto looked at him then to the ground "But a spy, that's impossible. You don't really mean it? But you helped us get through the chunin exams. You saved our lives." This just made Kabuto feel SO smug. "Only to gather information about all of you, that was my mission. Indeed, I learn one very important thing about you, Naruto. You lack any ninja ability. You're not a bit like Sasuke." He said as Naruto seem to shake a bit. Before glaring at him. "Go on glare at me all you want, you're still just a pint sized genin who is in over his head. I admit that the demon inside of you had me worried for a time. But surrounded by the 3 legendary Sanin I see how insignificant you are. Next to them you are a mere child sitting at the grownups table. Stay out of it or die." He grinned widely. "Oh yeah." Naruto charged at him. "Naruto no!" Jiraiya yelled before falling on a knee.
Naruto as normal summoned some shadow clones as he run at Kabuto. Kabuto would easily dodge 3 of the 4 as he used a bit of his blood to blind the 4th. He then easily and quickly took down the 3 clones and sent Naruto back to his little group.
Shizune caught him and spit needles at Kabuto. Which this was something he felt worry over. 'Poison needles, my reflects are still out, I can't dodge them. But if I can just' He tilted his head to block the needles with his headband. He then jumped back to Orochimaru's side. He was breathing a bit hard and he tried to collect himself. He went into his waist bag to get another plasma pill as he needed the strength. "We can't have too much blood can we, Kabuto?" Orochimaru asked. "Lord Orochimaru, isn't it time to take the bandages off your arm?" Kabuto asked as he looked over to her. A smirked graced her face as she chuckled before pulling at the bandages with her teeth. The bandages on her left arm would then fall off on their own.
"So that's Orochimaru." Naruto would ask.
Kabuto chewed his pill as he thought up a plan in his head as they listened to the others talking. 'Summoning may help in our favor.' He glared at them as Orochimaru chuckled. He would adjust his glasses as the stood and listened to them. Hearing Jiraiya talk about starting the fight - Kabuto would take blood from his right hand before moving Orochimaru's sleeve up to put his blood on the markings before doing the hand signs and summoning for his master. As the smoke cleared he and Orochimaru were on one of the summoned snake's heads as they looked at what Jiraiya summoned. Kabuto couldn't help a small smirk seeing a small toad was all he summoned. Orochimaru chuckled "Well Jiraiya still playing the fool I see. You always were ridiculous, but this time you have out done yourself. Clearly our Tsunade has gotten to you somehow" Kabuto would move to stand "Your jutsu did require a sacrifice, perhaps she was thinking ahead. Drugging him somehow to suppress his power." He said feeling a little glad.

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