Chapter 9 Tied down

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So this one got some smut two as well I kinda couldn't help thinking that this would happen so here you all go. Hopefully I feel things will move towards when naruto starts as then I can have more fun with things.
Slipping in through the window as a snake Orochimaru smirked. Kabuto was still deeply asleep thanks to the work he had done. Which made her chuckle. She shut the window while making sure the curtains were closed and then that the door was lock, she move over and smirked at Kabuto's sleeping form. She would carefully pull out two pieces of fabric before carefully tying one part to each of Kabuto's wrists before tying them to the headboard. She chuckle as the only movement the teen showed was a slight shifting as he was unaware of what was going to happen. She would place condoms on the nightstand. As she debated how to wake him now that she had him tied down. The sannin would get onto the bed and move to straddle his waist as she smirked as she looked down on him. She touched his chest though his shirt kept her from touching his skin. "Ka-bu-to" she would say placing a hand on his cheek hoping this would wake him. But all he did was shift softly still asleep which got her a bit angry as she glared down at him. She would then lean down to his collar moving it out of her way before proceeding in biting him where his neck met his collarbone as she made it a bit painful wanting him to wake.
Kabuto gasped as he felt a sharp pain in his neck as his eyes would snap open as it would turn to a moan slightly when he felt the teeth gone as a tongue licked the spot. He tried to move his arms only to find that they were tied down. He tried to struggle as he couldn't see who had bitten him. He was gaining awareness someone was straddling him as he felt helpless. He heard the person chuckled as he blinked when they moved to sit up and it seemed like they reached for his glasses and held them. "It's nice you are finally awake, what did you do to be SO tired? You wouldn't wake as someone tied you down while you are in a foreign village? Are you always so careless?" He heard them say realizing then it was likely his master above him. "L-lord Orochimaru?" He questioned before hearing a chuckle as she then leaned down and place his glasses on him. "Are you going to answer my questions, Kabuto?" She say smirking at him making him blush a little as his face grew warm. "I-I was making sure I got everything I learned noted down and encoded. I went over it all twice to make sure it was everything so that I was the most use of this time. I even bowed out of the exams before the finals. I know it's good to not let others see my fighting skill at it's true strength. I....I was actually wondering if I was going to get to go with you to get some work done." Kabuto say as his face warmed a bit at the hungry look he saw in his master's eyes. He couldn't help swallowing softly. "I see." She said softly as she moved one hand under his shirt to run her fingers slowly up his side which made him moan softly.
Orochimaru smirked softly as she pushed his shirt up a bit to gently trace his skin as she moved to sit slightly lower so when he was aroused she would know. "So have any of your squad make it to the next round?" she asked with a slight smirk as she kept a normal tone as if she wasn't letting her fingers gently tease his skin. "Y-yes...both of them...did m-my lord" Kabuto say softly as he slight squirmed. "Good, so that means you all have a reason to stay but no one will care if you aren't here for a bit." She say in the same tone as before as her fingers gently rubbed over his nipples before pinching them which got him to gasped. She leaned down to speak into his ear. "Do you remember what day it is Kabuto?" She asked softly knowing this would get to him.
Kabuto would chew his bottom lip some only to feel her shift her hips a little which made him gasp softly as he felt his arousal rising. "I-it is....your birthday...lord Orochimaru?" He asked slightly not sure but she responded with a chuckled before she licked his neck a bit and whispered into his ear. "Exactly, so I will do what I please." This had him swallow hard as he wondered what she meant. "A-and what is it you want to do?" He asked his voice shaking a little in anticipation. Only for her to trace the bite mark she left on him to wake him. "You will find out as thing go." He gasped softly at how sensitive that skin was and she took that opportunity to press her lips to his and put her long tongue into his mouth as she asserted her dominance over him. He couldn't help moaning into the kiss as he closed his eyes. She only pulled back when she left him breathless. His face would warm as she would lick down his neck to this collarbone only to then lick his chest and over his nipples. He couldn't help squirming as he moan. She then licked his waistline just above his pants before she licked his belly button which made him gasp as his head went back a bit. She felt his arousal as she swayed her hips a bit to tease the tent in his pants as she move to speak into his ear. "Now beg for what you want and maybe I will allow it." She said in a commanding tone which only made Kabuto feel more turned on as he moaned a bit. "L-lord Or-orochimaru...I-I want to be intimate with you." He said unable to say what he really wanted as he felt embarrassed. She chuckled as she moved to undress herself some to let him see her skin a bit more knowing it would get to him. She only let underwear on as she move to sit back on his waist before whispering. "We are already past that Kabuto, If you don't speak I wouldn't give you what you want." Her tone was teasing as she knew well what he wanted and she wanted him to admit and beg for it.
She even shifted back a bit to sit between his legs as she looked into his eyes as she was ready to drive him crazy. Her eyes held hungry for him to submit as she just started to touch her breasts before playing with her nipples giving him a little bit of a show as he squirmed unable to get away or get closer.
Kabuto grunted as she moaned before chewing his bottom lip. His face warming as he knew she was for the first time going to make him say it that he enjoyed these times and that he didn't mind this even if she was using him. Though deep down he felt like it was more then just a mire action as it felt they connected on a deeper level. He swallowed the knot in his throat but just as he was about to say something she placed a hand over the tent he had and rubbed it slightly making his face warm more. "L-lord Orochimaru....I want you to use me as you please, a-and I..." He had to swallow again as Orochimaru looked into his eyes as she halted her moments to hear his next words. "I...really enjoy when we do this things....I am lustful towards you, master. I like to hope that I am the only one you are like this with....I want you lord Orochimaru" He spoke softly as his eyes welled up a bit admitting this. Orochimaru gave a soft smile as she leaned down and kissed him softly but possessively. Kabuto couldn't help the small tears that rolled out of his eyes as he closed them as he kissed her back. His face was warm when she pulled back and wiped his tears away some. "Kabuto, no need to feel so insecure with me. Unlike others I intend to keep you by my side as long as we both live. You are special to me as you are one of a kind. You also partly remind me of when I was younger. I will always be here." She gave a soft smile before leaning into his ear. "I had just wanted to hear you ask for sex and beg for it." She giggled as he blushed and struggled a bit. "M-master you...really want that?" Kabuto's voice quivered a bit as he felt embarrassed. This earned a chuckle and a nod. Kabuto squirmed a little as his face felt hot. He couldn't escape and had to face this or simply be left unsatisfied which he could tell by the look in her eyes would end with her likely in a bad mood if he choose the latter. He swallowed the knot in his throat. Kabuto took a deep breath as she looked down at him waiting on if he could muster the courage to say it. "U-use me t-to pleasure y-yourself m-master" Was the words he could muster.
Orochimaru chuckled but took it as enough as she traces down his sides smirking. She moved to kiss him deeply as she pressed her tongue into his mouth making him moan a bit. His face warming again when he felt her hand rubbing his tent a little. She pulled back and moved so she could take his bottoms off before smirking at how aroused he was as she reached for a condom as she smirked and teasingly took off her underwear before sitting on his chest facing away from him as she chuckled at her thoughts. "Kabuto, you would do anything for me, yes?" She asked in a teasing tone as a smirk could be heard in her voice.
Kabuto swallowed a bit scared at the moment of what she was thinking. But he was more afraid of leaving himself bare in everyway to his master. Which seemed to be what Orochimaru was asking of him. "Y-yes...anything m-my lord. W-why?" His voice shaking a little thanks to his embracement.
Orochimaru smirked as she softly chuckled as she moved back before turning a little just to take his glasses from him. "So they don't get damaged." She said softly as she placed them on the nightstand for the moment.
Kabuto blushed as he chewed his bottom lip thinking of what this likely ment. He was excited by the thought. He swallowed a bit when she shifted to move herself to sit on his face which he took the chance to have his tongue enter her to play with her petals which made Orochimaru intake a sharp gasp.
She then would open the condom before leaning down to put it onto Kabuto before she wrapped her tongue around him to help tease him as she know it would get a moan from him making her smirk. She would allow him to get her close before pulling away to shift positions. She would move to staddle his waist before letting him slip into her flower. At first she moved slow as he blushed and moaned softly."L-lord Orochimaru....faster...please." He begged and so she would move a bit faster and before long they were both close. Orochimaru would kiss Kabuto deeply as she kept moving pulling back only when she reach her climax which happened a bit after his. She would be breathing heavily as she sat there a moment before untying him.
Kabuto would reach for his glasses before placing them on to look at his master. "Lord Orochimaru, do we have anywhere to be?" He asked softly and got a chuckle from her. "Give me a bit to clean up then we will leave as yes we have some place to go. I wanted your help with somethings." She say before moving off him and going to the bathroom to use the toilet before coming back to gather her clothes and put back on.
Kabuto took the condom off and throw it away before he got dressed. He would stretch a little and couldn't help chuckling. "I think we should brush your hair before leaving, it's a bit messy." He said causing her to sigh. Orochimaru "Well then where is your brush?" She asked and he smiled softly before pulling out a scroll to pull a comb he had made for her. "Actually, may I use this? I made it for you as a present for you birthday my lord." He said and she stepped closer to him to look at the comb and with a soft smile she nodded before turning so he could comb her hair. Once he was done he handed her the comb which she smiled softly. Kabuto would then write a note for his sensei to make sure that his team knew where he was as he left it where his sensei would find it. Then he would make sure to pack everything he needed before leaving with Orochimaru. She hadn't mentioned what they might be doing but he didn't care as long as he could spend time with her for a while he was happy.
Thanks for reading, please vote, comment and if you could follow me that be grand. If you follow me on Tumblr melodicphoenix where I put up art and will be blog some with updates on projects as they become ready to be shown. Next chapter will be out a week or so later. Honestly made it thinking it be fun and no one would really read it but now here we are.
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