Chapter 20 Tsunade

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The last chapter took me a bit to do. Didn't help that one person I had talked to became toxic enough that it was hard to write. But It's okay I still want to do this and enjoy it and so we got chapter 20. Much more to come.
After their destructive entrance they would walk with Tsunade and her student to talk after undoing the summoning. Orochimaru knowing well she wouldn't run. A bit of a stared down presided as Kabuto stood next to his master. It was Tsunade whom broke the silence as she spoke "It's been a long time hasn't it, Orochimaru?" Kabuto felt on edge and kept himself hyper aware so he could protect his master. Orochimaru smiling would say "Indeed, I have been looking for you everywhere." Which Tsunade of course asked what she would want with her. Nonchalantly Orochimaru would say "Actually I was hoping to ask you for a favor." Kabuto could tell from the way she was looking at Lord Orochimaru that she was assessing her well being and so he spoke up. "Lady Tsunade, I'm sure surmised by now -" She cut him off "Find someone else, I haven't treated anyone in years." Kabuto kept his cool as he felt annoyed. "That wouldn't do. Surely you must realize how serous these wounds are. There isn't anyone whom can cure him of his affliction. Except of course for the legendary Sannin and medical genius Lady Tsunade." He glared a bit as it hurt his pride a bit to say this all. "Only you can do this." Which she then spoke of what she guessed was what was wrong with Orochimaru and whom caused it, being it was done by a seal and asking "What have you gotten yourself into." Calmly Orochimaru spoke "Oh nothing really, I was just killing the 3rd Hokage." This brought shock to the two ladies. "Impossible, is this true?" Tsunade asked as she glared at Orochimaru whom couldn't help smiling. "Oh come now Tsunade, quit shooting me that dirty look. Anything that has form must one day decay, even men." She said in a good mood. After a moment she continued. "But I don't really need to tell you that now do I? After all you let the two most dear to you march off to their deaths." Things grew silent as Tsunade glared at Orochimaru for what she said. Kabuto couldn't help thinking about what Orochimaru just said though. 'I see so this is a wicked game she is playing with them' He thought to himself. The silence broke with Orochimaru chuckling. "Such a pity, it really was a terrible way for them to die." She said which pissed Shizune off enough that she tried to attack her. Kabuto would move in to protect her as he knocked all the needles away but one which he caught. "Needles dipped in poison." He said aloud before Shizune charged at him. He stood at the ready as he noticed she was fast. "Get out of my way" Shizune say but as he moved to block her he said. "I wouldn't let you." It wasn't until she was about to land a hit Tsunade stopped her and told her to calm down. He was glad as he glanced down at the scapula which was held near his neck. Shizune was breathing heavily. As he held his calm as well as his weapon close to her own throat for insurance. He was calm unlike her. This was when he realized he may have underestimated her a bit. Slowly they both pulled back before Shizune jumped back infront of Tsunade making her sigh. "Orochimaru, you were always this twisted even when we were kids." Tsunade say as Shizune looked back at her. Kabuto glared as he stood protectively infront of his beloved. Tsunade smiled "Come on you know the type gal I am. Don't even kid with me, okay?" She say. Orochimaru smiled as well from behind Kabuto. Slowly Tsunade's expression turned to anger before she punched the wall behind her destroying it. This shocked and worried Kabuto a bit. "Or shall I kill you where you stand?" She promised. Kabuto swallowed as he had to compose himself. He knew this was dangerous but didn't expect her to be THIS strong. He couldn't help admitting to himself she was terrifying but with that noting 'She must be single no doubt.' He spoke up hoping to avoid a fight. "PLEASE, we didn't come all this way to fight. We are here to negotiate." Tsunade glaring at the pair spoke "Negotiate?"
"That's right" Kabuto say before she looked more pissed. "Are you trying to make me laugh?" She yelled. Kabuto swallowed as he felt the tension in the air. "I told you once already, now get the hell out of my sight." She say. Straighting up Kabuto would try to convince her. "I'm afraid that just impossible." He couldn't let this fail. "Get out of here." She said with a straight face. "You're the only one who can cure Lord Orochimaru's arms. You know that." Kabuto say feeling frustrated. "I'm warning you." She said being nice. "We aren't asking for charity. We can make a deal here." Kabuto say hoping she listen. "I'll count down from 5, I suggest you leave before I'm done. Otherwise I will have to make you" She said with a glare. "Please try to remain calm, this could prove beneficial for both of us." Kabuto say as she started to count. This was when he felt it was turning hopeless. Just as she finished counted down Orochimaru spoke. "I am offering to bring back your dear little brother and your beloved back to life." This shocked the ladies and thus stopped their advances as Kabuto felt smug. "With a forbidden jutsu, that I have developed." Orochimaru would say as silence fell over them. "I can't help but notice that you haven't chased us off yet, my old friend. I suppose it's safe to assume we have a deal here then." Orochimaru said feeling confident now. Thought Kabuto felt on edge still.
"Come now, don't you want to see them again. Dear Tsunade." She could tell her old friend was weakening to the idea. "What do you plan on doing once your arms have been restored to you?" Tsunade asked. "Well you know me, I have never been one to lie. So I'll just give you the truth, how about that?" Orochimaru say as her smile grew. "In addition to grabbing all I desire, this time around I am going to grind the hidden leaf village into dust." She continued to smile as Shizune questioned her. "Well what do you say?" Kabuto asked now feeling a little smug. Tsunade seemed to be thinking it over and he thought she would give in then Shizune spoke up against the idea. Saying that it wouldn't be what those whom died would want and it be a betrayal of them as she tried to talk Tsunade out of the thought. Tsunade just kept quiet for a bit before telling the younger woman to 'Shut up'. Kabuto's face had gone to neutral by now as to not to show his emotions or thoughts as they waited. "Don't decide now, we will expect your answer within the week. Keep in mind if your answer is yes, this jutsu requires 2 human sacrifices. It will be your job to take care of that part." Kabuto said calmly before Shizune shouted about attacking them and 'kill them both, here and now.' Which made Kabuto feel a little annoyed that she underestimated his master and himself so much. He had to keep from smirking at how quickly she became quiet once she looked over at Tsunade whom was still thinking about it.
Orochimaru couldn't help raising her arm slowly but surely to her mouth just to bite her finger. She had to see if Tsunade was still afraid of blood.
Kabuto noticed the change in Tsunade and looked over to his master confused as she spoke. "It's true I maybe a little weak right now, however -" She chuckled a bit. "Our good friend here has her own weaknesses doesn't she?" She asked with a smirk on her face. Shizune's mind clicked about the fact Orochimaru would know about Tsunade's weakness to blood. "I see you haven't lost it yet have you? Your fear of blood?" She soon turned "Come it's time we were going, Kabuto." She started to walk away but stopped to say. "I look forward to your decision, Tsunade. I am sure it will be the right one." She said before jumping to move away. Kabuto would move back and follow suit as he followed Orochimaru.

They would go to a hideout nearby to rest. Once they got situated into the hideout Kabuto would sit with Orochimaru as he would unwrap her arms slowly and carefully. He couldn't help softly smiling as he worked. Orochimaru on the other hand glared at him as she was only allowing this as she needed to wash up so he could keep her at her best health. She sighed softly as she moved her hand to place it on his check. "At time's you can be so annoying." She said softly making him chuckle. "Well I rather you be annoyed but in the best health possible." He said before standing up before helping her up. Then he would walk to prepare a shower for her as he felt that showering together wasn't going to happen as she was moody right now. Once it was ready he would help undress her so she can wash up. "I will wrap your arms again once you are done." He say as he moved to leave the bathroom only for her to grab his arm. He glanced back at her to see her eyes intensely glaring at him. "What is it, my Lord?" He asked calmly though he felt his heart racing. Her grip tightened on his arm. Which made him wince a little as he turned a bit to her. "Do you want me to join you?" He asked and she gave a small nod. This made Kabuto chuckle. "Alright, get into the shower and I will join you in a bit." He would say and with a glare she let him go "You better, Kabuto" She would say as she would get into the shower. Kabuto held in a snicker as he got undressed and placed his glasses in a safe place before joining her in the shower. She smirked softly to herself once he joined her in the shower. "Would you like me to wash your hair?" He questioned and she nodded softly. "Yes please." She said in a commanding tone. He couldn't help smirking as he brought his hands up as he started to clean her hair gently. Things were quiet as he gently washed her hair. Once he was finished he moved his hands away from her as he stepped back. Orochimaru would turn around and wrap her arms around his neck as she would move closer to kiss him a bit aggressively. She would nip his bottom lip when she pulled back as a smirked graced her face. Kabuto couldn't help the soft blush come to his face. "Do you want me to help you wash up more before I wash myself up?" He asked softly. She gave a small smile before moving a bit back. He carefully helped wash her up before washing himself up. He could tell she seemed a bit sensitive but he wouldn't tease her.
Once she was finished she would leave the shower to dry off while Kabuto washed up. She would carefully dress herself some knowing fully well he would have to wrap her arms when he got out. So she would go sit on the bed as she waited.
Kabuto would wash up, dry off and get dressed before leaving the bathroom. He smiled softly when he saw her waiting for him. He would pull out medicine and bandages as he would sit next to her to carefully care for her arm and wrap them again.
Once he was done she would place a hand on his cheek which made him look into her eyes. She took this opportunity to kiss him a bit softer this time. This time Kabuto pulled back with a soft smile. "Now you need your rest my Lord." He said and she sighed before moving to lay down though pouting a bit. She would smile softly when she felt him lay down next to her and cuddled up to her.
Thank you all for reading this chapter. Any votes and comments are wonderful to see and help me feel encouraged to keep going in this fanfic. Following me helps you keep up to date with me with posts I put here. See you next week when the next chapter goes up.
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