Chapter 33 Shower fun

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Smut warning for this chapter. Hope you all are enjoying the story so far. Smut ahead as we are continuing where the last chapter left off.
Orochimaru would smirk as he heard Kabuto join him in the shower. He was in the middle of washing his long head hair.
Kabuto swallowed as he saw his master a bit under the water. He had forgotten to take his glasses off and thus just took in his master's back as his face and glasses warmed. He couldn't help chewing his bottom lip only to bite down on it a little hard when he heard Orochimaru chuckle.
When Orochimaru had turned to face his young medic the teen's glasses were covered in steam which made him chuckle. He would reach his hands out and gently take the glasses off Kabuto's face before placing them on a shelf outside the shower. "It's better to have fuzzy vision then none." He said a bit teasingly as he smirked. He would then place a hand on Kabuto's cheek as he saw the teen looking away from him blushing. He couldn't help licking his own lips before putting his lips to Kabuto's which caught the teen off guard.
Feeling Orochimaru kissing him Kabuto's eyes widen for a moment before slipping closed. He couldn't help putting his arms around his master's neck as he gave into the kiss.

Orochimaru would smirk into the kiss as he would place his arms around Kabuto's waist as he would deepen the kiss which caused a moan to come from Kabuto. When his lips moved from Kabuto's he would move to kiss and suck on the flesh of the teen's neck which enlightened moans from him as well as press his body against him. This made Orochimaru smirk as he would then push Kabuto against one of the walls of the shower as he kissed him again. He knew well what he wanted and he was going to make sure Kabuto was practically begging for it.
Kabuto couldn't help kissing Orochimaru deeply as his mind was blank expect for a desire for his master. His member was growing excited and he wanted things to go farther but then Orochimaru pulled back. This made him blink as he swallowed his excitement back.
Orochimaru would take the hair tie from Kabuto's hair and place it around his wrist before guiding Kabuto under the water only so he would start washing his hair. His fingers working over Kabuto's scalp gently and caringly.
Kabuto had to chew the inside of his cheek as the feeling of Orochimaru's hands in his hair was making him want more. His face warming when a small moan escaped his lips. The hands in his hair being pulled away before he heard in his ear. "If you want more ask." The tone was teasing at the same time demanding. He froze for a moment and in that moment he felt the hands return to his hair as they worked to finish cleaning his hair. "Ma-master?" His voice was soft as he felt shy as he questioned if that moment had happened.
Orochimaru smirked as he moved his hands again from Kabuto's scalp as he was finished. "Yes?" He asked with a smirk before running his fingertips on one hand down the teen's spine.
Kabuto's breath caught before a soft moan came from him. His face was warm. "I...I want to..." His voice cutting off when Orochimaru turned him around to rince his hair. "You want? Huuummm....Are you trying to ask for something." Orochimaru said teasingly. Kabuto swallowed feeling he knew what his master was saying. "Master, please fuck me." He said with a warm face as he looked into Orochimaru's eyes. This was greeted with a smirk as Kabuto was again pinned to the wall as he kissed his master.
This time Orochimaru would run his fingers over the medic's sides before licking his neck. All this would get moans from Kabuto. "How badly do you want it?" Orochimaru whispered into Kabuto's ear.
This comment made Kabuto want to melt as he moaned softly. "Master, please...I want you badly." He said as he would look away from his master a bit. He would hear a chuckled from his master. "Good." He heard which the word was laced with lust. He would feel himself being pulled from the wall before he was turned towards the wall under the shower head. Orochimaru would whisper into his ear from behind him. "Place your hands on the wall then and lean forward a bit." Which after swallowing Kabuto would do as he was asked.
Orochimaru smirked and smacked Kabuto's ass which was greeted with a moan making his smirk widden. This time he would be nice and used the water and 3 fingers to prod his back entrance as he didn't want to hurt Kabuto right now.
Kabuto would gasp at first before that turned into moans as Orochimaru worked on preparing him. Soon enough he felt the finger leave him only to feel something else slowly entering him. He couldn't help moaning loudly feeling Orochimaru entering him.
Orochimaru pushed into him fully slowly and then let him get use to the feeling as he would nip Kabuto's neck. This getting sweet moans from Kabuto. Soon he would pull back as he started to thrust at first staying slow as he wanted Kabuto to beg. "M-master, f-faster." He would hear after a bit so he decided to move a bit faster getting moans from Kabuto. "M-master, fuck...faster" Kabuto would say through moans and Orochimaru would smack his ass before grabbing his waist to do exactly that moving faster.
Kabuto moaned loudly before soon releasing but he felt his master kept going for a bit before a warm release inside him. He felt Orochimaru pull back so he turned to him wanting more. He would kissed Orochimaru deeply before saying. "Please don't tell me you're done already?" his tone was a bit begging as he wanted more.
Orochimaru smirked as he would push Kabuto to a wall and had him wraps his legs around his own waist before entering Kabuto again which he couldn't help smirking at how Kabuto's head moved back slightly as he moaned. Orochimaru would suck on Kabuto's collar bone as he thrusted the teen. Once he had brought them both to releasing again he simply didn't stop as Kabuto moaned loudly now as he felt overly sensitive which made Orochimaru smirk as the teen moaned so loudly. Only after releasing again into him did he let Kabuto down but then the teen's legs had trouble holding him up as he would slip done to his knees.
Kabuto would look up a bit to see that his master didn't seem to be fully satisfied unlike him. With the water washing over Orochimaru, Kabuto couldn't help pulling himself to his knees as he was infront of Orochimaru as he would lick his member which twitched.
Orochimaru raised a brow at Kabuto as he watched him. He truly wasn't done by a good bit.

Kabuto would move to place the tip into his mouth as he looked to his master as he licked it. The member twitching in his mouth as he slowly took it in as he felt a hand in his hair making him move faster. This caused him to gag a bit but he would start to bob his head faster.
Orochimaru would be gasping softly as he gripped Kabuto's hair. When he got close he pushed Kabuto to deep throat it as he released before letting go of his hair.

The teen pulled back to cough a little though he had swallowed most of it. His face warm as he looked up to his master.
Orochimaru would help Kabuto back to his feet. Even if he could still go for more he figured it best be after Kabuto rested some. So seeing how Kabuto still seemed a bit weak thanks to things he would simply gently help wash him down with soap before washing his own body before turning the shower off. He would then open the curtain and grab Kabuto's glasses as he would pass them to the teen along with a towel before he stepped out of the shower as he dried off. Walking into his room with just a towel around his waist.
After placing his glasses back on Kabuto would watch his master until he was out of the bathroom. After drying off Kabuto couldn't help the feeling of having to use the bathroom so he moved to use the toilet for a bit before washing his hands and getting dressed in his new sleepwear. It felt so nice against his skin. He made sure he carefully tied the top closed as he look in the mirror at himself. The top had elbow length sleeves and it was easy to untie to take off or wear half off if he wanted. A small blush was on his face as he looked at how his hair was down now remembering Orochimaru taking his hair tie. He would turn and step out of the bathroom into his master's room.
Orochimaru had gotten dressed in a robe and sat on his bed brushing his hair as he waited for Kabuto to join him. He had partly forgotten the hair tie that was still around his wrist which was Kabuto's.
Kabuto couldn't help watching his master in awe of how graceful and stunning he was as he brushed his hair. He couldn't find his voice to even speak as he watched.

Orochimaru would place his brush down after he finished brushing his hair only to look over to see a gawking Kabuto which made him snicker. "How long have you been standing there?" He teased which snapped Kabuto from his trance as he blushed softly before clearing his throat to speak. "Master, where is my hair tie?" He asked softly. Orochimaru thought a moment smiling before saying. "Come here, I'l brush your hair and put it up." He said and Kabuto smiled softly before moving to sit on the bed near his master with his back turned to him to allow Orochimaru to brush his hair. Orochimaru would pick his brush back up and start to brush Kabuto's hair. "You are sleeping in here tonight." He said sternly as it wasn't a request but a demand.
Kabuto swallowed and almost nodded his head before he remembered Orochimaru was brushing his hair. "Yes, Lord Orochimaru. As you wish." his tone was a bit formal but he was happy.
Orochimaru would smirk as he stayed silent as he brushed Kabuto's hair carefully before gently putting his hair up using the hair tie that he left on his wrist. Oh how small moments like this made him feel happy though he wouldn't dare say it. He would place his brush back on the nightstand. Taking a deep breath he would say. "So it's time for bed." He said softly wanting an excuse to cuddle Kabuto.
Kabuto looked back to him with a soft smile before yawning softly. "Yeah, I think you're right." Kabuto say as he would move to get under the covers with Orochimaru.

Orochimaru pulled Kabuto close and held him as the boy quickly fell asleep. Orochimaru just rubbed Kabuto's back as he held him close. 'I wouldn't ever let you go. You're mine for the rest of your days.' he would think to himself as he looked down at how Kabuto had fallen asleep in his arms. He would gently kiss the teen's forehead. A small smiled graced his face as for at least a moment he felt peace. Even when he closed his eyes it took him a while to fall asleep as he enjoyed the moment of just being with Kabuto like this. Holding him with both arms close to him. It was such a nice feeling after not being able to use his arms for months. After a good while Orochimaru would finally drift off to sleep feeling calm and relaxed.
Thank you all for reading this chapter. Any votes and comments are wonderful to see and help me feel encouraged to keep going in this fanfic. Following me helps you keep up to date with me with posts I put here. See you next week when the next chapter goes up.
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