Chapter 19 Traveling burden

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I am glad for the support the story is getting. Wish it had a bit more but it's okay. It's just a fanfic done for fun as a show of skill. I sometimes image there is at least one person whom looks forward to my weekly updates.
It had been two weeks since the sound 4 sent out scouts and Kabuto had to leave Orochimaru in the care of another medic for a few hours so he could restock on supplies for her medicine as well as prepare for travel.

Orochimaru's screams of anguish echoed in the halls as she felt the pain of burning in her arms. The medic Kabuto had stationed tried to insist she take her medicine only to be slaughter by her. Her breathing was lumbered at best.
The door would opened letting light into the dark room as Kabuto sighed at the mess she made. "I just got back and now I got to clean the room" He would say before insisting on her taking her medicine. Which She hissed back that it wouldn't help only for Kabuto to sigh slightly as he adjusted his glasses. "But I made it specifically for you, it should ease your pain at least a little." She gritted her teeth as she told him how her arms burned. Kabuto speaking matter-a-factly about how it was the last curse of the 3rd Hokage just made her more angry. She would ask if Kabuto found news on Tsunade and he confirmed that they had a trail. Even going as far as telling her the name of the town that Tsunade was last said to have been. This brought a smirk to her lips. Kabuto had to point out that they would be up against another of the Sanin and thus it wasn't going to be easy. She chuckled softly though it was a surprise she didn't start coughing. "The best medicines are always bitter" She would remark. Kabuto smirked and nodded. "Now just give me a little bit to clean and take your medicine so that after I check our supplies we can get going." He'd say as she gave a bit of a glare to him. He couldn't help chuckling as he pulled out a scroll to put the body in before glancing over at her. "It should help a little to keep your strength up, my lord" He said and she sighed looking away. "FINE" She hissed annoyed. He smiled as he came over to help her take her medicine before going get a rag to clean the blood up. Sighing softly once he was done he would straighten up. "I will check on our supplies before we get going, as I want to make sure everything is in order."

And with that they would be setting out together come dusk. As the sun was starting to set as they left the hideout. Kabuto walking a bit behind Orochimaru. Kabuto knew he had to be careful as he had to make sure she stay safe and took care of her health. They would be camping out to keep out of the eyes of others. Kabuto would adjust his glasses as they walked. A deep sigh coming from his lips as he had to be ready for anything. He couldn't let her down. This had to work so that she could be able to work again. He couldn't help missing how she use to brush his hair. He got to be at her side but she was in a weaken state which made him feel sad. But her bad mood reminded him whom he was dealing with.

A bit before dawn Kabuto would set up camp. She would sit down feeling frustrated that her arms still hurt. She was frustrated that she couldn't do much with her arms. Kabuto would start working on food in a small fire. He sighed as he set their sleeping arrangements up as the food cooked. The silence between them felt a bit tenses. He knew that she was a bit moody which he understood but it was a bit annoying. He had to be careful to not upset her too much. Though he knew that unless he pushed her, she wouldn't likely actual hurt him. At this point she NEEDED him above all else. No one else could handle her in this state nor would want to even try. Orochimaru knew she could trust Kabuto to care for her right now. Orochimaru sighed softly as a few tears from the pain as well as frustration rolled down her face. She was glad that Kabuto didn't notice as he had finished setting up their sleeping bags and was checking the food. "How long do you think it should take us to get there?" She asked him and he would glance over at her. "About a week or so at our current speed. I hope that is okay." He said softly as he started to remove the food from the fire as it was finished. He would split it between the two of them. He would first come over to her and feed her carefully. Orochimaru's eyes grew a little soft as she ate with his help. When he feed her the last bit he noted a small bit of something on her check which he brush away. He chewed his bottom lip a little as he looked into her eyes before looking away and pulling back to go on to eat his own food. "You can lay down while I wash up the dishes and put them away." Kabuto say as he faced away from her to not let her seen the soft blush on his face. Orochimaru sighed feeling a bit disappointed as she would go lay down. In her current state it was hard for her to express her emotions to him as she wasn't the type to speak it. She sighed as she fumbled with the sleeping bag a bit. It was then that Kabuto sighed having finished his food as he came over to tuck her in before taking the dishes to wash them in a river before putting them away. Once he did that he looked up to the brightening sky with a sigh. He was glad with the tree cover they had plenty of shade. He would move to lay down in his sleeping bacg close to her. He'd be lying if he said it was easy to fall asleep right now.

In the night as they journey she fell to her knees as she cursed her old sensei. Kicking down a tree as she screamed at the moon. All Kabuto could do was watch as she then started to breath a bit hard. He waited for her to collect herself as he knew better then to speak without thought right now. He could tell her frustration was getting to her. She had worked all her life on gaining jutsu and now it's all useless as she can't weave a sign nor even feed herself. He took a deep breath and let it out before speaking. "My lord, maybe we should take a small rest to hydrate." He said and she glared softly at him with a sigh she would say. "Alright." Kabuto would move to help her sit more comfortably as he pull the water out and helped her drink up the water as he felt it be helpful before helping her take her medicine hoping it help a bit. He would take a drink before putting the bottle to the side as he started to give her a bit of a check up which she hissed a bit at him. "That hurts!!! Must you do this now?" She said pissed as he replied calmly. "Yes, I am just checking the progress of it so I know best how to help you." She gritetd her teeth as she looked away from him as he continued his work before using a bit of ninjutsu to help restore her strength a bit. It was tiring and it was bothering her chest sometimes. Kabuto sighed when he was done. "My lord are you feeling better now?" He asked softly as his eyes held that softness as he looked at her. She took a deep breath."I think so, just help me up." She said softly and thus he carefully helped her up. He stepped back as soon as she seemed stable enough to stand. Her first steps was a bit shaky but then it was stable. Kabuto would pick up the water bottle and put it away before following a bit behind her.

Kabuto would speak up as there destination grow close. "Lord Orochimaru, we should take a rest here. That way you will be at your full strength when we arrive to the town." He would say and she gave a bit of a glare to him as he then smirked. "We are going against one of the other Sannin and we wouldn't want to be caught unable to defend ourselves." He said as he adjusted his glasses and with a sigh she looked away from him. "Fine." She said softly before walking off the path under the shade of some trees with Kabuto following her. Kabuto would offer her her medication which she refused at first which made the young medic give a glare before giving it to her anyway while she hissed at him. Once he was done he would make a small area to make a fire to cook a quick meal. Orochimaru would simply look up into the trees enjoying the quiet serene of nature. She let herself relax for the moment as she wondered how Tsunade was doing now. She hoped that her old teammate would help her. It was frustrating to not have good use of her hands and arms and the pain was horrible. She sighed softly to herself as she heard Kabuto coming over to her as her gaze moved from the trees down to him. Of course he would sit close to feed her since she lack the ability to use chopsticks well enough to eat. So with a frown she would allow Kabuto to feed her. After they both ate, Kabuto would set up a place for them to rest a little and asked her to start resting as he would go do the dishes after he put the fire out. She would sigh and do as he said only because she knew that it was best to met Tsunade at her best.
After they both rested a bit they would get back on the road after Kabuto packed everything away.

Soon enough they would stand on the road where they could see the town from afar. It had been about a week or so of travel. As Kabuto smiled glad that they were this close. She was hopeful that Tsunade would fix her arms. Kabuto couldn't help saying "She may be good medicine but she will leave you with more then a bitter taste in your mouth." But She would say "Not to worry" as she started to walk toward the town. She wanted to get to Tsunade to help her as soon as possible.
As they walked to the town Kabuto would speak about what he learned about Tsunade after being part of the medical core. That she was the first to propose to have a medical ninja in each squad. As it was simple but brilliant. He looked to her as he spoke. Even though he praised the idea Orochimaru had to point out how war and death is how anyone could even think of it. And that even Tsunade had to experience loss before she realized that idea.
She had to prop herself on a collum as the exhaustion from the pain was getting to her. Kabuto couldn't help feeling a bit worried. She would say that they needed to get this done even if it ment they had to be forceful.

He helped her with summoning as they summoned a large snake to make an entrance to get Tsunade's attention and in hopes that she would give in to helping quickly. As they both stood the the snake's head Orochimaru started to chuckle as she looked down at her. She was so glad they had found Tsunade.
Thank you all for reading this chapter. Any votes and comments are wonderful to see and help me feel encouraged to keep going in this fanfic. Following me helps you keep up to date with me with posts I put here. See you next week when the next chapter goes up.
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