Chapter 6 Happy birthday Kabuto

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I hope you all are enjoying this so far. This is definitely going to be a long story as I plan to go though the storyline of Naruto when we arrive that far. I will say smut warning for what's ahead.
The next week went by pretty smoothly though Kabuto felt a bit self conscious but was getting use to thing with Orochimaru there. But he had to remind himself it wouldn't last forever as soon enough his master would have to leave to do other work. Kabuto was so focus on training and spying that he had completely forgotten the fact his birthday was coming up.
Although Orochimaru hadn't forgotten as she got ready for it. She figured the teen would forget which would mean more of a chance to surprise him. She woke early that day and made Kabuto breakfast as she wanted to be nice. A small sigh escaping her lips as with the month of training before the next match she would need to go back to work. She wondered if maybe she could take Kabuto out for a while for a few things. She wanted to set up a few experiments for the future. "Maybe we can do that but I would have to make sure to send him back be interesting though." She said softly to herself as Kabuto groggily moved to stand in the doorway of the kitchen foggily wondering what she was talking about. "Good morning Lord Orochimaru." He said and she gave a small smile to him. "Good morning Kabuto, go sit down the food and tea are almost done." She said a little cheerfully which made the young medic chuckled before doing as he was told. Their relationship was something Orochimaru couldn't put into words as they slipped between what felt like a few things. But she loved that he was loyal to her goal. She chuckled thinking to herself. She would serve the food not mentioning what day it was to the teen. She also made sure to make him a bento for later as they would eat breakfast together quiet. She felt she was understanding how it felt to be in a female body. It had it's good points and it's own drawbacks. She felt intune with it just as she felt intune with male bodies. When they were done eating she kissed his cheek as she let him leave before cleaning up. She couldn't help that after she finished that she would go outside and bring flowers to her parents graves being sure that no one saw her. She would then go for a small walk to enjoy the nature before going back to the apartment. She couldn't help sighing. Was she truly sure this was a good idea? Maybe not so she made a backup plan. So she cleaned up and made sure to prepare some dessert for him. She decided to change into something a bit more form fitting as she pulled out a few gifts for him. Though she sighed at the small box one. She would place it on the nightstand. She hoped he wouldn't overwork himself since the forest of death part of the exam was the day prier. She knew she wanted to talk to him about the experiments she needed his help with later as well. She shook her head, this was her new body that was letting them doubt themselves so much. Orochimaru would place a hand on their forehead. "Being in a female body can do a lot to one's mind. I can see why Tsunade was the way she was. I wonder how she is doing." She chuckled. "Probably lossing a bet right about now, knowing her. Just like Jiraiya is probably peeping on some unfortunate woman if he isn't paying for a woman's attention." She smiled softly thinking about that time before refocusing on the present. "Soon enough he will be coming home I best get into the kitchen to make sure everything is prepared for the special dinner." She said before going back to the kitchen. She would also make sure to start warming water for tea as she worked on the food. A small smile formed on her lips when she heard the door as Kabuto came in. She would start putting things to cook before coming out to greet him. "Welcome back Kabuto, how was training?" Her grin could be seen as a smirk as she looked at him. She saw the soft blush that came to his face as he looked away now that he was turned towards her as he had finished taking his shoes off. He rubbed the back of his neck. "I-it went great." He said softly which made her smirk more. "I hope you didn't work too hard so that you have energy left." She said as she would place a hand on his cheek causing Kabuto to look back to her and make eye contact as his face warmed more. "I st-still have a decent bit of energy....w-why does that m-matter, master." Kabuto couldn't help stuttering thanks to feeling embarrassed. Orochimaru would smirk as she licked her lips before giving him a soft short kiss. "You'll find out a bit later Kabuto. If you want to take a shower as I cook go ahead but don't take too long and leave your hair down." She said with a bit of a commanding tone.
Honestly this turned the teen on a bit as he nodded. "Al-alright, I guess I will go do that real quick my l-lord." Kabuto say as he couldn't help blushing as he dashed off to grab clean clothes before heading to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

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