Chapter 31 While Orochimaru is out

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So if you skipped last chapter, Orochimaru is trauma bonding Kabuto to him as their relationship is unhealthy at the point.
As a next few days went by Kabuto felt a little uneasy around Orochimaru. That night haunted him and left him feeling a bit disgusted with himself. So he worked hard and kept busy. He even found himself falling asleep at desks in the lab while writing as he just couldn't bring himself to really sleep in his room at the moment.

Orochimaru would take notice of this change in Kabuto with a raised brow. "Huuuummm" he would say to himself watching the young medic sleep. 'Guess maybe I should get him something.' He would think as he had been working on training Sasuke. So he decided he would go out for a little trip to get a few things without telling the two and just leaving a note in Kabuto's room for him. 'Too bad I wouldn't get to see what happens.' Orochimaru thought as he would grab a few things and walked out of the hideout as he took in the cool air of the night. "How nice it is when one isn't in pain." he said to himself with a chuckle as he walked towards the nearest town figuring it be sometime before his return which he expected Sasuke being at the entrance if not bugging Kabuto which brought a smirk to his lips.

Kabuto woke just before dawn and stretched as his back popped back into place. A small yawn left his lips as he would rub the sleep from his eyes. Looking down at his work he would quickly finish before standing to go get himself something to eat. He walked into the kitchen and decided to make himself some tea as well as it was still before anyone else was awake. He couldn't help humming to himself and deciding to take his little snacks and tea to his room as he felt it was about time to take a shower. Though once seeing the room he felt a little bit of dread. Even though he had changed the linens the morning after what happened something loomed in the room. Kabuto swallowed as he placed the small tray down on his desk before going to the bathroom to shower. Kabuto hadn't brought himself to stay in the room long after the incident until now. As the warm water washed over his body he felt himself relax in a way that he hadn't been for the days sense it happened. He felt his worries melting away. He was able to take deep breaths. He would gently wash his hair and scalp. His eyes would close as he relaxed only for his eyes to snap open as he remembered that night, his hand going to the wall as he took deep breaths. A few tears rolled down his face. It took him a moment to push the thoughts back down. Taking a deep clean breath he would work on cleaning his body. He had to swallow back his feelings as the water washed the suds away as fear gripped him when it came to opening the curtain. Turning the water off he gathered himself as he reached to grab his glasses before putting them on. With his glasses on he pulled the curtain back and took a deep breath when all he saw was empty air. He took hold of a towel to dry off. He stepped out of the bathroom back into his room. The dread he had been feeling was feeling a bit lighter. He would grab a fresh set of clothes and get dressed before sitting on the edge of his bed as he brushed his hair to put it back up. He would roll his shoulders back as he collected himself before eating his snacks he made himself as well as enjoying his tea. He felt calm and relaxed for the moment. All the while not noticing the small scroll on his pillow that Orochimaru left for him. He stood with a stretch. "Guess I should get back to work since soon everyone should start to wake up for breakfast." He said to himself as he picked up the dishes and walked out of his room to put the dishes back in the kitchen. He would caught a glimpse of Sasuke as he left the kitchen as the boy was working on waking up. Kabuto couldn't help smirking softly as he would walk back to the lab so he could start on more work.

A few hours passed as he work without problems as his heart felt calm. Suddenly he heard a echos of loud sounds. At first he ignored it but then the sound got louder then soon enough he could tell it was Sasuke's voice. 'What does he want?' he thought just as he soon heard the boy enter the lab he was in. Kabuto sighed as he looked up from his work to the boy. "Where is Orochimaru?" Sasuke said with a glare to him as Kabuto just smirked though he didn't know the answer. "Sasuke didn't you have training you could do without him being here? As Lord Orochimaru is a busy man and has many things to work on." He spoke smugly which only made the boy angerer as he glared more at him. "Well, when will he be back?" He asked and Kabuto chuckled. "I have no clue but probably within a few days." He said calmly which Sasuke snapped. "DAYS?!?! Uge but he is suppose to be training me." Kabuto felt annoyed by the wining of his tone. "And I am sure he will be back to that later. For now train by yourself. I have work to do. As since Lord Orochimaru has been helping train you so much, I am having to pick up the lab work and what not for him." Kabuto would say annoyed. Sasuke scoffed and after rolling his eyes left. Kabuto sighed softly to himself and couldn't help wondering where his master had gone and when he would return before pushing the thought out of his mind as he focus on his work.

Orochimaru had decided he was going to rest some at an inn before heading back so it was quite late when he started his way back. A smirk on his lips as he wondered how things were back at the hideout. 'I wonder if Kabuto is missing me now or not.' He wondered and then as he thought Orochimaru decided he would be gone a bit longer to enjoy his freedom a little. 'Maybe I can do a little bit of exercises by myself in the fresh air now that I am not in such pain.' He smirked to himself.

Kabuto dealt with things over the first day pretty calmly and feeling a little calmer would even go to his room after dinner to rest. it was then he noticed the scroll on his pillow. He swallowed as he picked it up. He would glance around feeling worried. 'Was this here earlier?' He thought as he thought back on dinner. Orochimaru had been absent and Sasuke looked pissed. Taking a deep breath he would start to open the scroll his body feeling calmer when he saw it was just a note. Taking a deep breath he read it.

Kabuto, I will be gone for a while. I wanted to pick up a few things from town and wanted the pleasure of enjoying the little trip by myself. I will return soon.

His eyes looked at the signature and sighed softly. "So he left me a message he was leaving. I wonder why he left it here though." He said softly to himself. He couldn't help looking over his room again but found nothing out of place. He place it on the nightstand before going about taking his shoes off as well as his ninja bags. With a small stretch he would go into his bathroom to use it before washing his hands and thus taking his gloves off and placing them on his nightstand. He sat down on his bed feeling a familiar feeling. He laid down and took his glasses off as he would try and go to sleep. He quickly drifted off solely from the fact he hadn't been sleeping the best when sleeping at a desk as part of him stayed alert but now his body just relaxed.

Kabuto jolted awake from a nightmare of being experimented on without his consent the pain of the dream feeling so real it had jolted him awake. His breathing was quick as he looked around. Swallowing as he took in his surroundings. He would grab his glasses and put them on as it was only then he could confirm he was just in his room. Taking a deep breath he wiped his brow as he tried to calm his racing heart. He pinched his nose to try and help bring him away from the nightmare. "It's okay it was just a nightmare" He said softly to himself as he then chuckled to himself. "Funny how this is what brings me to the edge when I live by the fire." a small twisted smile formed on his lips. "Guess even I have limits after all. I am not a god after all.....not like Lord Orochimaru." He said softly to himself as his smile fell as he finished his statement. Moving to get up he would go use the bathroom and wash his hands before putting his bags back on as he readied for the day. Rolling his shoulders back. "Can't let that bother me or I will just end up dead." He said softly to himself to steel himself for the day. Once his shoes were on he would go to his room door to find it was still locked which he smiled. He unlocked it and left the safety of his room to go get breakfast. His face showing annoyance when he saw young Sasuke whom was glaring at him as Orochimaru hadn't returned yet. Breakfast thankfully was almost ready when he took his seat. "What could have been so important?" Sasuke said which made Kabuto sigh. There was so much to be done and a lot fell to him since the moody teen had been demanding Orochimaru's attention most of the time. "We are researchers, scientist, and ninjas so there is a lot we could need to do. Maybe Lord Orochimaru is setting up something he wants done. It's not your place to ask questions." He told the teen though he knew it just made Sasuke glare at him more. He felt it was unlikely the teen would actually attack him. "I have a lot to do but I can maybe spare time if you need help while Lord Orochimaru is gone." He said as he shrugged as he knew well might as well keep the peace between them. So being a bit nice to his master's next vessel wouldn't be a bad idea since he would have to deal with the teen for the next 3 years. Sasuke gave a half smirk as he looked over at him. "I will think about it, if there is something I come up with maybe I will ask." He said giving a sharp look which for once wasn't a glare. Kabuto gave a small fake smile. "Alright, you know I am often in the lab." He said just as breakfast was served. Sasuke gave a small nod as he would then eat. The meal was quiet after that and then Kabuto would pick up his dishes and place them to be washed before going to the lab to work. Though he woke in a jolt his mind felt sharper then it had the past few days and so he was able to get his work done smoothly and quickly. A small smile formed on his face as he worked as things just fit into place. He found himself even being able to take a small break in the little garden they had for medical supplies. He felt so relaxed at that moment.
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