Chapter 39 Intoxicating

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I have been so busy and unable to really write which is so annoying as I have only been keeping a little ahead of what is going up.
Kabuto couldn't help feeling excited as he showed Orochimaru around to the things he had as he couldn't help smiling as he explained it all.
Orochimaru just followed helding a small smirk on his face as he listened to his young medic explain it all. Oh how adorable he was while he did this. He wouldn't ever say it but it's something he loved about him. He wanted to pull him close but just choose to stand close as he looked over everything. He couldn't help wanting to let Kabuto continue to show him different things.
Kabuto would look over at his master and slightly blush seeing how close he was as he stepped a little away from him before turning to walk over to a different thing. "I worked and improved how different samples are stored here. I am glad you took samples even from the sound ninja four before their defeat.....Oh and over here I am working on some cloning work." He said all smiles.

Orochimaru just watched and crossed his arms as he slowly walked over to look at the cloning progress. "I see, and are you liking how I had it all set up?" He asked smirking knowing he would get a reaction.
Kabuto would look over to him and blush a bit. Adjusting his glasses he would calm himself to speak. "Yes it has been amazing, but of course you know well how to stock a lab with that being a standard thing in all hideouts." With this Orochimaru simply said "Hhhhuuummm, I meant more then just the lab. How do you like things as a whole and I mean inside and out." Kabuto would gently grip one of his hands to keep a blush from forming on his face as he looked to his master. "Well the Kitchen is quiet nice, I don't see why 3 bedrooms are needed, and how things are set up outside makes it easy to get fish to eat." His voice was quiet so it stayed even as Orochimaru moved closer to him. Kabuto swallowed as to try and keep himself calm. It had been quite a while since he was this close to his master and it reminded him well why he was in love with the older man. Just looking into his eyes he was captivated. He didn't hear what his master said next as he was in a dazy looking into his eyes that he missed so much. He didn't even realize he was holding his breath until he felt Orochimaru's hand on his cheek which snapped him back to reality. "Kabuto, are you okay?" Orochimaru asked his voice sounding so soft it almost made him tear up as it touched his heart. Swallowing back a knot that had formed in his throat. "Oh, Yes Lord Orochimaru. Sorry I guess I got use to being alone here." Kabuto said softly his face a bit warm.

Orochimaru looked over his face as a small smirk formed on his lips. "Oh is that so? Would you rather stay alone?" He asked knowing it would get a reaction. As he expected the look in Kabuto's eyes changed to one of worry. "What? - No, I enjoying working by you, master." He said in a bit of a rush not realizing how it sounded. Orochimaru just chuckled as he moved his hand to be under Kabuto's chin to make him look back into his eyes. "Good." Orochimaru said before kissing him deeply.
Kabuto's face burned as his mind went blank as he wrapped his arms around his master as he held onto him as if slightly scared he was a dream. He closed his eyes as he surrendered himself into the kiss wishing only that it last forever. He truly had missed his master. Orochimaru was the only thing missing from making this place perfect. He pouted a little when Orochimaru pulled back as he looked up into his master's eyes. His ears and cheeks a bit warm especially from how his master was looking at him. His eyes made him feel like he might get devoured which was intoxicating. He felt like he was being drawn into him all the more. It made it all the more difficult to catch his breath.
Orochimaru smirked at Kabuto's reaction. 'Should I push this now or wait....huuum. I think I will make him wait a bit more since it will make it all that more enticing.' He thought to himself before pulling back to allow for the boy to catch his breath. He knew that was the only way to let him calm down. He would look around at a few things in the room as he ran a hand over a few lids to containment for small experiments.
Kabuto took deep breath as he tried to collect himself after Orochimaru moved away. He had placed a hand on a table he was close to as to support himself a bit as his legs felt a little weak. 'Oh gosh did I get this weak while I have been here? I might need to work on training some so that I don't fail him.' He thought to try and collect himself and not focus on how Orochimaru made him feel. He wouldn't admit that he was a bit aroused right now. His free hand did come to his lips as he gently touched them. 'I missed him so much. I need to do better. I let my guard grow weak.' He thought feeling a bit disappointed in himself. He just looked to the ground not even paying attention to his master.
Orochimaru would glance over to Kabuto after a while and sighed. 'Oh, why the fuck is he making that face?' He felt a bit annoyed that he looked almost like he would cry. "So what are you thinking about making for dinner? I brought a few things with me." He said hoping to snap Kabuto out of that state.
Kabuto would look over to his master and rolled his shoulders back before taking a deep breath. "Oh, I haven't thought of it much yet. But I guess I should make food for us both and save the fancier things for tomorrow." He said as his voice got softer at the end as he started to think about what he might even cook for his master much less for his birthday. He wouldn't dare ask how old his master was as he was ageless and that is how he liked it. "If you brought some food items I should know so I can figure out better what all I can cook us." He would say with a raised brow.
Orochimaru smirked as he couldn't help chuckling at the change in attitude in him. He was glad that he got into a better mood. "Well let's go to the kitchen and I will show you." He said not able to help saying it with a smirk on his face as he raised a brow back at him.
"Alright then let's go so I can get to thinking what to cook." Kabuto said as he would start to make his way to the hall. Orochimaru chuckled before following him. The two were quiet as they walked to the kitchen.
Once in the kitchen Orochimaru would pull out a scroll and unpack some food items which were enough for that night and the next day with things that wouldn't last long like eggs. Kabuto couldn't help smiling as he looked over the few things before placing them away as he thought of what he might cook. "Well all that definitely opens up my options a lot. I will make us something good tonight and cook all meals tomorrow as well. Just let me check the nets to see if I got any fish to cook." He said as he turned and looked at his master.
Orochimaru couldn't help smirking a little seeing how Kabuto was back to normal. "Glad to hear it. Would you like me to leave you to cook?" He ssid with a raised brow as he caught Kabuto off guard as the teen blinked a bit as he thought about it. "I-I guess I can work on dinner while you go rest from traveling." He said softly before looking away. Orochimaru chuckled softly to himself. "Alright, I will be back a bit later for dinner then, dear Kabuto" He spoke in a silken tone before turning and leaving.

Kabuto blinked as he looked to where his master stood. "D-did he just say - No I must have misheard him." He denied what he thought he heard as he would get to work on dinner.

Orochimaru sighed softly to himself when he arrived to the 3 rooms. He honestly had slept in all 3 so whichever Kabuto had chosen would have his scent. He wanted to be ever present in his mind. So he opened the first door which had the most fancy room where he placed his own clothes in the closet and sighed softly seeing no sign of Kabuto ever sending time in there. He would then check the room across from his to see that's the room Kabuto choose to sleep in. "Just as I set it up for him." He said softly to himself as he touched the bed softly. He couldn't help taking a seat on the bed as he wondered what kind of nights his young medic had over the time he had been here. "My dear Kabuto, what all have you been doing while here, I wonder." He spoke softly to himself before standing and checking over everything before softly sighing and walking back to his room making sure to close Kabuto's room door so he wouldn't notice. He would then take his shoes off before laying down on his bed. A soft sigh escaping his lips as he relaxed. "I didn't realize how much my body wanted to rest." He chuckled to himself as his eyes closed for a moment or so he thought.

Kabuto would be mostly done with the food and felt anxious that his master hadn't returned. "I guess I will have to go get him for dinner.....or maybe." He chewed his bottom lip as he check and found a food tray. "Maybe I will just take our food to him." He said softly to himself as he couldn't help his face warming a bit. So he would simply finish cooking and set it onto the tray served between the two of them. He took a deep breath before picking the tray up and walking down the quiet halls to find that his master's door was adjar. 'Did he leave it cracked for me?' He thought to himself as he would open the door more before walking in and placing the food down. Looking over to the bed he couldn't help blushing a little as his master was asleep looking very peaceful. He swallowed the knot that formed in his throat as he would go and close the door before walking over to the bed. He sat on the side of the bed.

Orochimaru hadn't realized he had fallen asleep until he heard Kabuto's voice. "Master, dinner is ready." He groggily opened his eyes which when he did the view of Kabuto leaning over him slightly greeted him. He couldn't help chuckling to himself softly as he smirked. "Well hello, I didn't mean to fall asleep." He said and Kabuto simply moved away a bit to let him sit up. "Well I brought our food here as I figured you might have taken a rest." He looked at Kabuto and frowned seeing the fact he didn't look back at him. "Alright well then let's eat." Kabuto would stand and get their food and bring it over so they both could eat. It was quiet as they ate. Orochimaru felt a bit like if he didn't say anything Kabuto would go and sleep in the other room after dinner which had him thinking about ways to get him to stay close. Placing his empty bowl down he reach out and grabbed Kabuto's hand as the teen had just finished eating as well. "Will you be returning here after you wash the dishes?" He gave the invitation.
After he had finished eating Kabuto go lost in thought on what to do until he felt his master's hand which made him focus on him. His heart racing at the words he spoke. "I can if that is what you want." He said as he tried to not let his excitement show but his eyes gave him away.

Orochimaru smiled softly. "Then I will see you in a bit." He said simply before getting up and walking to the bathroom to take a shower, leaving the door ajar as a tease.
Kabuto watched him go into the bathroom as he swallowed. He would collect the dishes and leave the room to clean the dishes. His mind raising as he would take his time with this task hoping that Orochimaru wouldn't still be in the shower when he returned.
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