Chapter 28 Tension rising

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This chapter I think I will focus more on Orochimaru. Some of it covering the same time as the last chapter but from Orochimaru's pov. So hope you like it.
Orochimaru sighed after Kabuto left for the trip he had asked him to do. "I feel like this should keep him busy for a week which would give me time to start on Sasuke's training and well..." He smirked to himself as he stood and went to his closet to get dressed. "Gives me time to adjust this body to my liking some." He took a deep breath enjoying the freedom of moment which had been taken from him for over a month. He licked his lips as he thought about Kabuto. He honestly wanted to see his features twisted by pleasure but knew he wouldn't feel right unless his new body matched him more. So he felt he would focus himself to wait. 'I will just take what I please when he returns.' He thought to himself as He had sent Kabuto away to help keep himself calm so he could focus on Sasuke's training as he knew the boy would be impatient to learn. So right now would be the time to set him up with schedules and routines. Orochimaru smirked to himself as he would walked to get breakfast now that he was dressed. His smirk got bigger slightly as his eyes landed on Sasuke already waiting and looking bored. He couldn't help chuckling at how the boy pouted a bit. He would come to sit down at the head of the table. "Why the long face, Sasuke? I will get to training you today after breakfast." He said smirking as the teen looked up at him with a glare. He couldn't help chuckling. With that soon breakfast was brought out and they both ate before Orochimaru would take him into a large room for training. He would then asking Sasuke his current abilities so he could work out how to best train him. And once he heard it all he would device a physical workout for the morning which would include sword training before jutsu training in the afternoon.

For the first 3 days Orochimaru would also do the exercises with Sasuke in the morning to make sure his body was holding up well to that as well as make sure Sasuke could push himself to get the best results. Before working with him each day in the afternoon to make sure he would use up most of his chakra to work on expanding his abilities. Orochimaru was impressed with how Sasuke was handling the training so far.

After those 3 days in the morning Orochimaru would work on some other things including adjusting his new body to his liking as he took something to help his hair grow a bit faster so that it be more comfortable as well as other things so that it was proper. He had to admit it felt a bit odd being in a male body after being in a female one but he shrugged the feeling off. Thought he did think about how things would be intimately with Kabuto now that he was in a male body now. He chuckled to himself with a smirk. 'Maybe I will just tease him when he returns to see what he does. How cute it is when he is trying to hide his desire.' Orochimaru would think as he worked.

All too soon for him Kabuto returned just as he was working on preparing the last thing he needed to make this body his. He waited for Kabuto to leave before proceeding with finishing with that as he would have to undress a bit to do it. It took a while and so he wondered if Kabuto had gone back to his room and as he walked down the halls he couldn't help wanting to check if Kabuto was in his room as he felt a rush of horniness. He wouldn't knock on the door just open it before glancing around the room to see Kabuto's things but not the boy. That's when his eyes landed on the bathroom door to see it closed and the light inside it on. Orochimaru sighed and smirked as he would just nearly closed the door as he wanted to just leave it adjure before going to his own room. Taking a deep breath he would decide to get a quick shower to see how he liked everything about his new body as he had done alterations now. He took a nice steamy shower to relax before drying off and getting dressed as he would lay down in the bed. 'I will put it off until we get to the next hideout...maybe even until he has settled in so Kabuto wouldn't be expecting it but be begging for it.' Orochimaru thought to himself. Oh how much he wanted to bend Kabuto to his will but part of him wanted the boy to beg for it as he would lay down to sleep. A small sigh at the thought of what they would need to get on the way. They would need to get Sasuke some clothes as well as a sword. Orochimaru sighed as he would let himself drift off to sleep.

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