Chapter 17 Damage done

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I ended up making the month between the forest of death and the next part of the exam take up just one chapter. Just means we will get to the parts after this sooner. It's still going to be a long story trust me. I decided this chaper will be a bit of a long one as I want to finish this arc of the story in this chapter so we can go onto the next one which I have some plans for.
Kabuto relaxed himself as he blended in watching everyone coming into the stadium. He had to hold in a chuckle of how Naruto came in. He would glance over to see Lord Orochimaru move to sit down next to the Hokage. He couldn't help feeling his hate for this village bubbling up inside him. He couldn't wait to see it destroyed. 'The snakes will have fun crushing this village.' He thought to himself.
Orochimaru would take her seat before the exam started. Talking with his old sensei a little as she pretended to be the Kazekage whom they got rid of a week earlier. She couldn't help wondering when Sasuke would show up for the exam. 'Where might he be I wonder. Since Kimimaro is now useless as a host now it be good to get my hands on him for my next host.' She held in a sigh as the first match got ready to begin.
Kabuto would smile softly behind his mask as the match between Naruto and Neji started. He wondered how it turned out and he hoped that the boy would tire out some from this match. He couldn't help watching the match out of curiosity as he waited for the time to be right. He had to keep his excitement down. He couldn't wait to see all the death and destruction that would soon enough happen. He couldn't help wondering where Sasuke was as he doubt the young teen would miss this exam from how he acted. 'How long will it take Sasuke to show up, I wonder. Hopefully he is here to fight Gaara so that things fall into place. It be disappointing if he doesn't show up.' He thought to himself a bit. Just as it seemed Naruto might loose Kabuto heard a cough from someone and his medical instincts kicked in. He walked over to her and her friend and offer to help only saying he was a doctor as he would work on healing her some. He couldn't think about the match much as he healed the poor girl. He knew that she was Naruto's friend. This would give him something to do for now. He could hear what was being said which just reminded him how this village mistreated it's young ninja. He let a soft sigh escape his lips as to keep calm and not give himself away. 'Naruto wouldn't be giving up and I wonder how things will go from here?' he thought to himself. He would tell her friend that he was done and the girl just needed rest now. He had healed her all up now. He went back to watching the match now and he couldn't help feeling curious as Naruto gain chakra of orange color. 'This is getting interesting.' he thought as a smirk formed on his face behind his mask. 'Might be hard to top this match for anyone besides Gaara and Sasuke' He thought as smoke clouded everyone's view. He couldn't help raising a brow that Neji was back on his feet first. He had to hold in a chuckle when Naruto came out of the ground as a smirk graced his face behind the mask. Naruto was definitely an odd one. 'Seems Naruto won. I didn't doubt it.' With everyone clapping the win went straight to Naruto's head.
Orochimaru was a bit surprised by how Naruto won the match. She didn't think he would have enough control to pull that off. 'How does he have that level of control of the nine tails chakra after I added that second seal. It should be more unstable.' She thought to herself. It got her want for destruction higher. She kept quiet for the moment as she tried to calm down. She was glad her face was covered as it hide her smirk. Then she chuckled at how the crowd was acting as she asked about Sasuke. But from her sensei's reaction she could tell the boy hadn't shown up yet. 'I can't let them disqualified Sasuke.' She thought to herself as she asked if it was a good idea to do that. She knew she would have to carefully talk him into pushing Sasuke's match back to not disqualify him as it might cause a riot. She couldn't help moving her hand a little as she spoke. Glad he agreed to push it back. She just hoped that he would show up soon.
Kabuto grit his teeth a little annoyed that Sasuke hadn't shown up yet. He also felt annoyed the audience reaction to Kankuro withdrawing. He knew full well it was to better fit their plans but this was a pain. Tamari would at least be putting up a fight. 'He better be here before the match is over, it's important to our plans.' He thought annoyed that Sasuke hadn't arrived. He couldn't help sighing softly seeing how things were going. Kabuto couldn't help wondering how this battle would go as he saw it going either way.
Kabuto couldn't help blinking as he processed how that battled ended. He was taken aback by it for sure. 'Well that's unexpected.' he thought to himself as he watched hoping that Sasuke would arrive soon. He couldn't help feeling the itch for destruction since it was coming close to time to make a move. But they needed Sasuke to show up damn it. He couldn't help glancing over to where Orochimaru is as he tried to keep himself relaxed as to not draw attention. Kabuto smiled softly seeing how Naruto rushed to tell off his friend. Kabuto took deep breaths as he hoped that Sasuke would arrive any moment now so that things would go smoothly. 'It's bad enough Kimimaro isn't around as he fell ill.' He thought annoyed slightly.
Orochimaru would insist they wait another 10 minutes to arrive. She wasn't happy that the boy was late.
Kabuto gave a sigh of relief when Sasuke arrived just in time. 'Good now the last piece is in place. So the plan should go well from here. Just a bit longer until we make this village crumble.' He thought to himself as a small smirk formed on his face behind his mask. He was excited as now things would fall into place. He just had to relax and keep his cover just a little longer. He couldn't help for a moment picturing how it be to serve by Lord Orochimaru's side at all times. Though he would refocus on the task at hand. He knew he had a lot to keep in mind.
Orochimaru couldn't help a small smirk as she knew everything was in place and soon it be time to reveal herself and take out her old sensei as she leads the destruction of this village. All was in place and ready. Even without Kimimaro things should be fine.
As he watched that match Kiba came over to thank Kabuto for healing his friend only for his dog to start barking at him. After he spoke. He clinched his jaw slightly as he couldn't let his cover be blown by a dog a bit before it was time. The damn dog recognized his scent. So he knocked the two of them out gently and quietly so no one would notice before they could make a fuss.
Orochimaru couldn't help a small smirk to form on her face as she watched Gaara put up a sphere shield of sand around himself. She did notice that Sasuke seemed a bit injured which she found funny.
Kabuto turned his sight to the match. He could feel it. Soon very soon it be time to move. Excitement of what would come soon was rising in him as he smirked softly behind his mask. The sound ninja should start getting into place as he himself took deep breaths. He would need to be ready to genjutsu to put all those in the stadium out. 'I wonder how much longer it will be until the signal?' Kabuto wondered as he tried to keep calm. He slightly clinched one hand as he watched the match. 'Well Sasuke definitely is making himself an even better host for Orochimaru.' He thought to himself as he had to keep himself calm until the signal. Kabuto would look over to his master and smiled as he knew it was almost time, any moment now they would strike.
Soon Gaara screams would echo in the stadium before Sasuke pull himself back and everyone saw a piece of the 1 tails as it pushed Sasuke away before retreating. Then a growl came from Gaara's little sphere before it drained down as if it go wet. Showing Gaara bleeding. Kabuto chewed his bottom lip a bit seeing this as he would start the genjutsu to put everyone to sleep it was important to disable as many as they could.
Orochimaru slowly turned to his old sensei as his sensei turned to her. Lighting the signal the attack begun. She would grab her old sensei before dropping her disguise. The sound ninja 4 would take their place before making a barrier to lock them inside.
Kabuto jump in to stop Kakashi and Guy as others came out to help fight them. He wasn't going to let them get in the way of Orochimaru's fun.
Orochimaru talked a bit with his old sensei as he tried to talk her down from fighting. She chuckled as she started to drop the charade. She would talk about her intended plan as she said it didn't go as planned. She couldn't help her smirk at how she was about to kill her old sensei.
Kabuto felt glee as they said that Lord Orochimaru had the Hokage. The sound ninja starting to fight Guy and anyone else awake as Kabuto watched.
Orochimaru was glad to see Kabuto was doing well before stabbing her hand to calm down and wake up. She would explain how it was boring how things were in a state of stillness. Tossing the kage hat to the side.
Kabuto couldn't let anyone leave the area as they needed to secure everyone here for the most destruction. Kabuto glared at Kakashi as he saw Naruto and two others leave. He had to keep those here contained if possible. He couldn't let others out.
Orochimaru started her fight with her old sensei as she couldn't help enjoying the fight. Before taunting his old sensei some as she smirked.
Kabuto pulled Naruto's card when some sound ninja doubted that Naruto would be an issue. He knew his card was right and he was not to be underestimated. Just like he wasn't to be underestimated. He handed the card to a ninja to lead a group to take care of Naruto's little squad so they didn't interrupt their plans. He himself would leave the fighting to the others as he would move to stay by Baki.
Orochimaru smirked as her sensei took of his hokage robes to fight. She took off her disguise. Her hair flowing in the wind that their chakra made. She then summoned the first two hokage with a small sigh that the third one failed. She smirked as the caskets opened as she felt she had already won. With the two walking forward and the the old man talking a little she stepped forward to put tags in the two old Hokages to make them fight for her. She then stepped back as the two started to steam a bit. She cackled. Soon she would send them into attack. She would watch as they fought as the fire from it sent a breeze through her hair. She was enjoying the show for sure. When they had her old sensei pinned to a tree she felt she had won. As the battle seemed over already. Then smoke cloud had clouded her view as he summoned his monkey helper. Orochimaru telling the two old Kage to stop the monkey but they failed to stop him before the monkey turned into a weapon. But she took the challenge as she would have a snake spit out a sword for herself to use in this fight. She knew well that this would be easy. Now they were lock in a weapon fight until the old Hokage came in to trip him up and so she could get a few punches and a kick in which sent him flying a little. She would move to stand above him before taking the collar of her old sensei as she talked down to him. She would cackle in his face. The sounds of the anbu outside the barrier only made her laugh more. The Hokage took her by surprise putting her off balance before his monkey helper grabbed her throat. But of course she was prepared for that and had done a replacement jutsu to come up after only to get kicked which sent her tumbling across the roof. She walked over to her sword as she placed her hands on it looking at him. She couldn't help calling him old. It was then she showed her host's face and used her voice. Smirking before chuckling at how her sensei called her a demon. She would talk about the jutsu and how she doesn't want to get old. It was then that her sensei realized that Sasuke was to be her next host. She would take on her own face to allow the fight to be with a familiar face for the old Hokage. She knew he was growing tired now as his summon had to protect him from the forest grown by the first Hokage. He seemed to get serious now as he summoned 2 clones. She knew he was at the end of his line though and even call him inpatient. It was then that he summoned the reaper death seal as She talked about winning. She would taunt him as he got sentimental. Darkness enveloping them as the seal came into place. Now the two Hokage clones go to grab the opponents as they would grab the older Hokages as they started to seal them so that they would be out of the battle. The two clones took the seal for the older Hokages which showed Orochimaru used two of her sound ninja for the jutsu. The old man starting to cry over them as Orochimaru just grew annoyed. Now her old sensei would charge at her with his staff as a one on one battle would ensue. Much to her annoyance he knocked her sword out of her hand so now she would change to using snakes to help her win. They did capture the staff of the monkey but thanks to her focus being on that she didn't notice where the Hokage had moved to for a brief moment allowing him to grab onto her. Her old sensei now using the reaper death seal on her. A feeling of something terrible welled up inside her as the reaper reached into her body. Raising her hand she got her sword to rise as she plan to use it to kill him and stop whatever he was planning. Sadly for her the reaper did start pulling her soul from her body as she pierced her old sensei. The damn monkey though had to grab the sword keeping it from doing the most damage. She was annoyed he didn't dodge the blade and then she realized she couldn't use jutsu now. 'I can't die here!' She thought as partly inside she was panicking. 'How could this even be happening?' she wondered. This was what sealed the nine tails. Her mind reeling as she felt less of her body and her anger as well as hatred grew. She felt fear when she saw the reaper behind her old sensei. She wanted to do something, anything to avoid that fate so she started to becken the sword to move bit by bit with what she could still do. This brought her soul bit by bit more back into her body. She would tell him to 'hurry up and die'. As she hoped that she will get out of this alive and well. They were both breathing hard. Trembling she was glad he wasn't as young as he use to be as it made her a bit confident she would survive this. She clinched her jaw as he started to pull her soul back out of her body but she wouldn't be giving up even if she felt her life slipping away. She had to kill him before he achieved his goal. She could feel she didn't have much time to keep him from taking her soul. She felt frustrated that he still hasn't died even after the sword had caused damage. 'Why wouldn't he just die and release me?' she wondered as she gritted her teeth. She chose to try and taunt him into letting go of her arms as it was the one part not in her body. It kept her from performing jutsus. It hurt to move her arms the little she could. She would tell him about the destruction happening around them in hopes that it make him give in. She chuckled in his face after speaking about the destruction of things. Then he started to preach about the village and how they will protect each other. She got annoyed that he said he'd stop her ambitions here even if he didn't have the strength to finish her here and now. This pissed her off as she couldn't allow that. She wouldn't let him stop her if she coud help it. But then he did the unthinkable he pulled the spirit of her arms out before having her soul cut as he sealed her arms with his death. She looked down in horror that her arms go limp. She would curse him one more time as he started to die from the seal. She watched as his eyes closed before he fell down with a damn smile on his face. The pain of the lose of her arms sat in as the damn monkey removed her sword from his old sensei. It was then that Sakon called out to her and she told them that the mission had failed, to release the barrier and to take her back to the hideout. The sound four would pick up Orochimaru and start a retreat.
Kabuto standing next to Baki would look at Kakashi, Guy and the proctor for this exam. As he told them to not be haste and get put into traps. Which Guy retorted that doing nothing isn't their nature. Kakashi then said "So you propose that we do nothing, aye Kabuto?" Which the teen couldn't help smirking as he took his mask off since Kakashi already identified him. Kabuto would remark that Kakashi was clever only for Kakashi to ask if he was going to run away again. But with a small smirk he would say he wouldn't be so obvious and would rather leave them in the dark as it was more fun. Speaking his observation of Kakashi's skill. Kabuto would say 'Oh well' before teleporting him and Baki away. Which once away they separated as Baki went back to his village and Kabuto would rush to his master's side. He had to see what condition his lord was in.
Thanks for reading, please vote, comment and if you could follow me that be grand. If you follow me on Tumblr melodicphoenix where I put up art and will be blog some with updates on projects as they become ready to be shown. Next chapter will be out a week or so later. Honestly made it thinking it be fun and no one would really read it but now here we are.
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