Chapter 4 Master's new host

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So we are working on getting to where we see Kabuto first in Naruto but for now it seems it will be a while as a good few chapters will be before. There is only so much I can do before they show up in the show but it it getting a bit of length. I am figuring out how much we will cover as I go as this is for fun. Orochimaru will be sometimes put as her here as their host is female.
I don't own Naruto or these characters.
This chapter is a bit spicy just so you know.
Kabuto looked into his apartment mirror as he sighed the mark Orochimaru put on him was almost completely gone. It hadn't been enough to scar so soon it be fully gone. It had been almost a month now and they blended in well. He had a nice small apartment to himself. His hormones had been more calm with only one flair up being a hot fantasy he had while he slept of his master visiting his little home. He had shelves with supplies and books to work with. He remember his master's words. He hoped he get to be the one to care for him. It mean he was more special as what he got to see. He just had to make sure he studied, trained, and work on his skills. Though he had to keep his true skill level hidden he did his best. Medical work was to be done at home or if absolutely needed when out on mission. He was registered as a standard type ninja. He sighed, he hadn't gotten called upon to return yet as he was settle in and learn the best way to sneak out. He hoped to be given a sign where to go so he could report in and see his master. He missed Orochimaru, he wanted to be held again. He hated how much it would mean to hear from his master. He walked over to the window to open it a crack as he would pick up a book to study.
What he didn't realize was a white snake had been waiting on him to open his window. They slipped in through the crack in the window to get in and slowly moved to him and seeing that the teen was sitting on the bed they would slip up the side of the bed before getting on the book and startling the teen.
Kabuto's eyes widen as he saw the snake. He swallowed softly before speaking. "A message from Lord Orochimaru?" He asked and the snake nodded. "He wants you to come to the lab hideout to met up with him. You will be gone a while so your team has been notified to take a mission what will have you all out of the village. You leave in the morning with them before going to met up with Orochimaru." Kabuto would nod. "Alright I understand. I will prepare for the trip." He took the snake and placed it on the table near the window so it could leave before placing his book open on the table. 'My hopes answered, he has called for me. He will likely want to see my improvements.' He took a deep breath. Picking up his money pouch he looked out the window. "It's a bit into the afternoon, I should be able to pick up my supplies without any issues." He said to himself before placing his shoes on at the door before going out to get the few things he needed if he would be traveling to see his master. He had a soft smile on his face as he was happy he would see his lord soon. He would met up with his sensei as well who gave him the info on the 'mission' that they would be going on. It was a simple delivery type one which would make things easy. After finishing up and returning he smiled when he could take his headband off for a bit as he packed to go out and clean up the apartment before taking a shower. He knew he wanted to be decent when he arrived at the hideout. He was calm as he washed his body and hair before drying off and getting ready for bed. Kabuto let out a deep sigh as an excited smile spread on his face when he laid on his bed. "I hope I exceed his hopes." he say to himself as he looked to his ceiling only to remember he left the window open a little so he got up and closed it before laying down to sleep. He placed his glasses on the nightstand to sleep.
It honestly took a while for the young teen to get to sleep thanks to his excitement but when he did he slept deeply. He only woke just as the sun started to rise. Kabuto would stretch before placing his glasses on and then going about his morning routine which included grabbing his bag and putting it on. He would make himself a bit of fish to eat before cleaning up and heading to met up with his squad to leave. He arrived before his teammates in his excitement. He couldn't help chuckling to himself as he stood there with their 'sensei'. He was thankful when his two teammate showed up together within 30 mins of his arrival. He was glad when they all left the village and started their journey. He knew he was to come along for a certain amount before separating to met up with Lord Orochimaru.

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