Chapter 36 Together again

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I hope by the time this goes up they made the scheduler available on the app as it make it easier on me. But for now I have to put them up myself and so sorry this one is a bit late but I was just not feeling well.
Orochimaru was starting to feel worried as it had been a month and a half since he had sent Kabuto out. He felt it would be time for them to move to another hideout soon. But he wanted Kabuto back before then. 'What is taking him so long? He didn't run into some bad trouble has he?He better be on his way back soon.' He thought to himself. His mood was a bit sour as he went through his day. It was only when he was looking over some papers in the evening that the young medic returned. Kabuto kneed infront of him as he gave his report which he had to make sure he focused on the words he was speaking. He didn't let the fact he missed him show though his eyes had a soft look in them. A soft smirk formed on his lips as he heard how he completed all that was asked of him. "You did well" He said softly after Kabuto finished.
Kabuto couldn't help softly smiling hearing this as it had been a lot of work he had done. It had taken longer then he thought it would but that was because the last few things took a lot longer then expected. He had to be careful and it was exhausting but thankfully it went smoothly. He wouldn't say it but he missed his master a lot and was so glad to be home where he could relax a bit. "Soon we shall be moving to a different hideout. I will give you a few days to rest but then we will move" Orochimaru said his voice like silk to Kabuto. He chewed his bottom lip a little to keep calm. He rolled his shoulders back before speaking. "Yes, Lord Orochimaru. Is there anything I am needed for?" He asked as he tried to keep himself calm.
Orochimaru held in a chuckled as he smirked. "You are free to relax. You have been working very hard Kabuto" He would stand and place his hand on Kabuto's shoulder which made him look up to him. "See me tonight" He said softly to Kabuto before leaving to take care of a few things. Thankfully it was just to wrap somethings up and prep to move hideouts.
Kabuto would let out a soft sigh before standing and going to his room. A small smile coming to his lips when he saw someone had done his laundry that he had left. He would unpacked his clothes he had been traveling with that were dirty to put them into the laundry. He would walk to his room and take a shower making sure to wash his hair as he needed to clean it properly. Kabuto couldn't help relaxing so much he felt a bit sleepy. His mind going to showering with his master which made him blush. 'I am glad to be home as it means I am close to him again. Though....' he sighed as he thought. 'Though with traveling with Sasuke we wouldn't get time alone and that is for sure.' He would shake his head and rinse off. 'Maybe I will just take a small nap. It would be nice to cuddle up to Lord Orochimaru but I know it wouldn't be right now. I want to make sure I am at my best for him.' He would think so after he go out of the shower he would dry off and get dressed before he would lay down on his bed before quickly falling asleep.

Orochimaru felt a bit annoyed when he didn't see Kabuto at dinner. 'What on earth is Kabuto doing to miss dinner? Is he relaxing so much he has forgotten the time? As a medic he needs to eat his proper meals.' Orochimaru thought to himself. It was quiet as normal but he felt a bit stressed that he hadn't showed up. So after eating he would get a small tray of food made for Kabuto and bring it to his own room. 'Guess I will just make him a tray of food to make sure he eats no matter what the hell he is doing.' After placing the tray which was covered on his nightstand before he would go to Kabuto's room across the hall. The door was locked which with a small smirk he pulled out a key and unlocked the door before opening the door as he tucked the key away. "I see, He laid down for a nap and hasn't woken up yet. Guess it's time to wake him up." He said softly before coming to shake his side. "Kabuto wake up." He said a bit annoyed. But he just kept sleeping. 'He is TOO relaxed since he didn't wake to that. I guess I gotta do something a bit differently.' He sighed as he glared down at him. He would straddle Kabuto and press his lips to Kabuto's. He would move to pin Kabuto's arms above his head as he deepened the kiss.
Kabuto couldn't help moaning softly as he kissed Orochimaru as he started to wake up. He felt aroused as they kissed. As his awareness came to him he realized his arms were pinned down. When Orochimaru pulled back he was breathing a bit hard. "Oh, finally your awake. You missed dinner" Orochimaru said softly into his ear though the tone showed he was a little grumpy. "S-sorry my Lord, I meant to wake for it. I'm sorry I overslept." he would say as his face flushed. "You will have to make it up to me...but first." Orochimaru would pull back before moving to stand beside the bed. "Come, I prepared you a plate of food." Orochimaru said which made Kabuto blink before stretching and grabbing his glasses and placing them on. "As you wish lord Orochimaru." He would grab his bags and shoes as he'd follow Orochimaru to his master's room across the hall. He couldn't help blushing when he saw the tray waiting for him. Orochimaru had him sit at the desk in his room with the food to eat while his master went to take a shower. He looked over slightly and saw his master didn't bother to close the bathroom door as he sat there and ate the food. 'How thoughtful that he saved me something to eat. I am lucky he is so thoughtful. He truly is amazing.' Kabuto thought with a smile as his heart felt warm and fuzzy.
Orochimaru decided to only bring a robe to wear with him after his shower. 'Maybe I will tease him a bit.' He thought to himself. He took his time to wash up before drying off a bit before placing the robe on and tying it loosely. He would then walk back into his room as he would go over to his bed and picked up his brush to gently brush his hair.
Kabuto hearing his master's footsteps he looked over before swallowing softly seeing his master in a robe so fitting to him. He couldn't help watching his master brush his dark hair. He had finished his food and he couldn't help staring as he took in the view as it been forever since he saw his master like this which was just a nice quiet moment. When Orochimaru looked over at him after placing his brush down made him blush a his breath caught for a moment as he felt caught.

Orochimaru couldn't help the smirk that came to his lips as he saw Kabuto gawking at him. "If you're done eating come here." He said softly as he patting the bed to becken him over.
Kabuto swallowed before removing his shoes and bags - placing them to the side then walking over to sit where his master indicated. He couldn't help looking down and away sitting so close to him. Orochimaru chuckled and simply placed a hand under his chin to nug him to look up into his eyes. This made him blush a bit as he couldn't help squirming slightly. "I am glad you are back" Orochimaru said softly which made Kabuto blush deeper but before he could say anything Orochimaru would kiss him and so he closed his eyes and kissed him back. Naturally he moved closer to him and wrapped his arms around Orochimaru. He was taken in by the moment.
Orochimaru couldn't help smirking a bit into the kiss as he wrapped his arms around Kabuto and dared to pull him into his lap. The action got Kabuto to gasp which Orochimaru used as a way to deepen the kiss as he put his tongue into Kabuto's mouth to let their tongues dance together.
Kabuto couldn't help gripping the back of his master's robe. When he pulled back he was breathing hard. "I missed this." Orochimaru whispered in his ear causing shivers to do down his spine.
Orochimaru would simply rest his head on Kabuto's shoulder. When he was in the shower he had thoughts of being intimate with Kabuto but right now, just holding him was enough. He wouldn't admit he had been worried for his safety nor that he was so happy he was back. But he wouldn't let Kabuto go anytime soon as he wanted to just keep this moment lasting longer.
Kabuto was a little surprised things didn't seem to be getting intense but he wouldn't press it as it felt nice to just be held like this by his beloved that he was missing so much so his master was in his dreams. He felt at ease and that all his work the past month and a half was worth it. He simply rubbed his master's back a bit as he rested his head on Orochimaru's shoulder to enjoy the moment of peace. This was all he could want. He honestly started to fall asleep when Orochimaru pulled back to look at him.

Orochimaru's eyes held a softness to them as he looked down at Kabuto. Seeing how drowsy he looked he couldn't help but chuckle. "Feeling tired again?" He teased which made the young medic blush and glance away which made him chuckle a little more. He would just move a bit to tighten the tie on his robe before he would place a hand on Kabuto's cheek.
Kabuto couldn't help looking over to him as he blushing a little as he looked into Orochimaru's eyes. Oh how much he loved those eyes. " was relaxing." he said softly as he felt drawn in by his master's eyes.
A small smile formed on Orochimaru's lips as he stroked Kabuto's cheek. "Is that so?" He said softly as it warmed him a little. "Y-yes, my lord." Kabuto said softly as he moved a bit closer as he couldn't help wanting to kiss him again.
Orochimaru smiled softly as he would lean in and connect their lips into another kiss and he kissed Kabuto deeply in a sweet kiss. He found himself rubbing Kabuto's back softly as well. When he pulled away from the kiss he couldn't help but to kiss Kabuto's cheek. Which made the teen blush. "I am glad to be back even if we have to move bases for work soon enough" Kabuto said softly which made him smile softly as he rubbed his back softly. "Do you still feel a bit tired?" he would ask and Kabuto nodded softly. "A little bit." With this Orochimaru smiled and moved to lay down with him as he rubbed his back. "Then we can just rest a bit together." He said in such a calming tone it made Kabuto felt a bit more tired. Orochimaru would cuddle Kabuto as he would enjoy relaxing like this as Kabuto fell asleep. He would just stayed awake holding him a while before he passed out himself.
Thank you all for reading this chapter. Any votes and comments are wonderful to see and help me feel encouraged to keep going in this fanfic. Following me helps you keep up to date with me with posts I put here. See you next week when the next chapter goes up.
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