Hey all

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So I wanted to at least give you guys a bit of an update, the month has been tiering more then I had expected as a few unexpected events have happened which have left me stress and mentality exhausted as I try to find out how to get back into a state of not feeling overwhelmed so that the story can continue. The plus side is I am typing this up on my new computer and it's working grand. I have even lost my steam a bit when it comes to doing my gaming streams on my small youtube channel. I just keep feeling like I need rest but also that I could maybe do more to fix things up. I wouldn't let myself forget about the story nor go too long without at least updating as so you guys know what's up as I don't want to leave a fanfic this far in without a good end. I know how that feels to read. I still read all the comments and smile at seeing votes for my fanfic come in. I just wish I could click the recharge button on my brain so I can feel better to jump back it. I miss writing the story and I got many more to write from other ideas for fanfics to original works in general. So hopefully I can recover and get back to you all soon.   

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