Chapter 8 First Chunin Exam

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Well I hope after all the smutty bits you all know that some violence will be ahead. I wouldn't get too gorey yet only because it would take longer and thus mean it be longer to get to bridge to Naruto.
Time flew by after Kabuto was forced to come back and focus on training, learning, and spying. Even collecting what he could from the end of the Chunin exam. He felt closer to his master more then anyone else. He was happy to report in for any experiments or tasks his master wanted. He didn't even care if he dug up graves to get what they needed. He wanted to be sure they had a good collection of things his master could use to fight. He couldn't help at times placing some flowers on his master's parents grave as he felt it was respectful to. He had looked into history to find which ones where their's so he could pay respects. He worked with his squad to get better though his teammates showed a little jealousy that Kabuto held such favor with their master. This only added a bit to the teen's ego as they worked on being ready for the exam which when it came up they would sign up for it. This gave him a reason to visit another village and meant it be easier to talk to Lord Orochimaru. He knew he had to keep himself out of the third round of things as he couldn't let anything slip but made sure to pack with everything in mind. He made sure to be ready for the trek as they were going to Iwagakure otherwise know as the hidden rock village for the exam. He knew he would have a little bit of a leash to do things once there. In thinking about his master he remembered that her birthday would be coming up which he wondered what he could do for her for that. Maybe he could make her a comb or something. Thanks to this thought he would grab supplies to make something for her. Kabuto knew well is that Lord Orochimaru held him to different standards. Reaching the town after nearly a week of travel with his team. He knew that Orochimaru would expect to met up with him before the exam. This brought a soft smile to his face as he let himself look like a bit of a weakling. He would keep with his team as he looked around as they entered the village and then go to an inn which was prepped to care for these coming for the chunin exam. He was glad he didn't have to share a room with his teammate but it was connected to theirs.
Kabuto would unpack a little before going out for a small stroll to just gather a little bit of info on how to at least get around for the exam. He smiled as the sun started towards evening. He would move back to the inn as he would go to eat dinner with his squad. He felt a little relaxed eating. Afterwards he would go to his room and take a shower before coming into his room to grab his brush to start to brush his hair when he heard a soft knock on his window which with a small sigh he would go check the window and smile seeing a white snake as he let them in before pulling the curtains close.
Orochimaru would move to sit on the bed before shifting to her normal form. "Good evening Kabuto" She said smirking softly at the teen who had yet put his hair up. Kabuto turned to her. "Good evening Lord Orochimaru." He said smiling softly as he would come back over to the nightstand to grab his brush again only for Orochimaru to take it from him. "Sit with me as you tell me your report Kabuto." She said and with a small sigh he would move to sit next to her befort turning away from her. "I started to make notes of their defenses and the layout of the village. Soon we will have our written test which shouldn't be too hard since you have made sure we are quite well studied. When that day comes I will make sure to make extensive notes on everyone that I can." He said as she would brush his hair to put it up into a ponytail. "I am glad to hear it. I do have other business here in town as I work on getting information on the Akatsuki." She said softly before placing the brush down since she was done with it. Kabuto would turn towards her. "My Lord, I don't know if I will be able to find you when it's time so I want to say happy birthday now." He say smiling softly causing her to chuckle. "I can see about visiting you that day if it's not too busy. But for now I will stay here the night to rest." These words made Kabuto smile a bit bigger. "That's sounds good. I need to be sure I am awake early to make sure we have our registration in since the test is the day after tomorrow." She softly smiled as she placed a hand on his cheek. "Then we should get some sleep." she would say before taking her shoes off and then turning to him to take his glasses to place them on the nightstand before pulling him into the bed more to cuddle. "I am guessing I have a room like this thanks to you my lord?" He asked and she chuckled. "I wanted to be able to come and go as I please while you are here." This made him blush as he cuddled up to her before she would make him turn before cuddling up to his backside. As she held him as the big spoon as she nuzzled his neck. "Go to sleep now and don't let anyone get too tangled with how things are between us." She say and Kabuto nodded slightly as he tried to sleep though he couldn't help feeling a bit aroused. "Relax Kabuto" She said softly making his face warm as he would try to relax and soon enough fell asleep in her arms.

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