Chapter 15 Mask off

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I am watching Naruto again as I am working on some of these chapters. I grab any screenshots of the anime I think would make a good cover piece for a chapter. Hope you all are enjoying it all.
Orochimaru would move to the side to stand by her team from the sound village. She fully expected Sasuke to fall or at least give in to the mark. She knew her underling could push Sasuke to rely on the mark which she was excited to see what he would do. Her focus was to see how things went for Sasuke. She knew Yoroi would do well. She couldn't help a soft smirk seeing how quickly he pinned Sasuke. She was excited to see how Sasuke would respond now that he got free. He seemed weak. 'Will he die? If so that be a sad waste but oh well.' She thought as she glanced for a moment at Naruto and his team before back at the fight. Her grin growing seeing how Sasuke got back into the fight. 'Oh but can you fight throw the pain and keep my mark at bay?' She thought as she saw it trying to take over young Sasuke. She glanced as the mark moved back. 'Oh?' She thought as he took control of the fight again. 'Interesting, how very interesting. You were able to push my mark back with only your will and you won your match.' She thought to herself feeling quite excited as it had been a while to see such a show of shear will. 'I can't wait to take him under my wing. He will come to me for power.' She couldn't help licking her lips from how enticing that show was.
Had Kabuto been there he would have given her a nug to calm down. Thought he also would have enjoyed Yoroi's downfall.
She sighed softly seeing Kakashi take Sasuke away for now. She took a deep breath to calm herself some. The next match was for one of his sound ninja to go against Shino. He wondered how the boy would handle fighting in his state but that didn't matter too much. The boy had already failed as he got injured as he did. So she left to check on more important things. She went to see how things were with Kakashi and Sasuke. She had her hair covering her headband so it wasn't seeable and wore her old face to keep her hidden identity safe. She was surprised that Kakashi could seal her mark. It was definitely different to see the boy grown up some. Sadly he stood in her way of getting Sasuke. Her headband was somewhat visible as she moved her head as her hair moved to show it slightly but it wouldn't matter much since only one of the 3 she brought from the sound village would even win their match. Then she couldn't help but to boost to Kakashi that the sound village was her's. As that helped her have pawns for her plans. Orochimaru would take steps closer to Kakashi to grab Sasuke only to stop when Kakashi changed his pose and issued a threat as he charged an attack. She couldn't help chuckling at how amusing this was to her. She would tell him how Sasuke will just come to her seeking power sooner or later. So he was only delaying what will happen. Even daring him to kill her knowing he couldn't. So she would leave things be for now. She would leave as she wanted to enjoy the natural beauty of the village before it's destruction.

Kabuto had been resting in the infirmary since he had taken himself of the the prelims. He was taking a short nap when he saw his teammates being brought in as he inwardly smiled. He had to keep the smile from his face as he was filled with glee at their failures. Once the prelims were done he would be going to met up with his master. He felt freer by the day. He knew that his mask was going to come off and it was itching to. He couldn't wait to be himself and by his master's side without having to pretend otherwise. So when he got the news the prelims were over his time of rest was over as he went to met his master. Kneeling before Orochimaru he reported in that the prelims were done and that they are moving forward with the next round. He couldn't help feeling at ease listening to his master's words before he stood. He couldn't help asking to off the old man. 'If the hokage is out then things will go faster.' he thought. With how she spoke of how 'unfun' it be to kill an old man he wondered if she still felt close to the old man. He even dared to questioned if she had second thoughts speaking in just calling her by name without calling her Lord or master. He would speak about how war would put them all on edge as fighting brakes out even with the sound village getting involved. Adjusting his glasses as he would look over at her seeing her frown a bit. Hearing a soft chuckle before Orochimaru spoke about how right Kabuto's guess was about her intentions and even goes as far as calling it 'Creepy'. Kabuto had to admit he didn't know all about the plans for the 3 sound ninjas that Orochimaru put into place. He wanted to show of his skills in gather intel since even as Orochimaru's right hand he wasn't given all the information. Orochimaru didn't want him to get lazy now. Kabuto couldn't help speaking aloud that he thinks Orochimaru doesn't trust him at least not yet. Even after everything the Sannin still kept things from him. Orochimaru found this amusing as she would tell him about the fact she trusted him so much she didn't tell him all about them as she knew well Kabuto would figure it out. Kabuto would look over at her unsure if he should trust her at her words but couldn't help hoping it was true. The next thing out of her mouth was definitely something she would only give to her most trusted. As she told him that it be up to him to abduct Sasuke. Kabuto couldn't help his grin as he mentioned how unusual it was for her to be hasty with something so important since even his position here was planned out long ago. Orochimaru would say that she was trouble by something and of course Kabuto guessed it correctly that it was Naruto. She knew well if she was to take Sasuke to be her host in the future getting him away from Naruto was key. Kabuto glanced over at her holding in a sigh. He would do as his master asked even if he felt a little odd about her taking on such a young host such as him. So he started to walk away when she called to him to wait. Orochimaru challenged Kabuto with the statement if he wanted to stop her then he better just kill Sasuke now. Before going on about how Kabuto isn't stronger then Kakashi and couldn't kill her before saying she was joking. Admittedly this had his mind all in knots a bit confused. He looked at her with a conflicting glare as he didn't know how much of that was a joke. 'Was that really a joke? Do you not trust me after everything? Am I disposable to you?' he would wonder before leaving to go take care of what was asked of him.

Orochimaru couldn't help wondering what Kabuto was thinking from the look in his eyes before he left. She sighed to herself as she thought about how Sasori had taken control of him once and she couldn't have that again. She never wanted him obeying anyone else. She wanted his loyalty until the end. Feeling like she rather kill him then let him turn on her.

Kabuto wouldn't wait long at all to find Sasuke take out all his guards and walk up to the sleeping boy. He sighed slightly wondering what if he hadn't met Orochimaru. He couldn't help thinking how young the boy was as after all the boy was several years younger then even him. Holding a scalpel he would end up throwing it behind him at Kakashi who just entered the room. Kakashi catching it without missing a beat. Kabuto would boast about how at least 10 guards would have been better and asked if Kakashi was ready to fight him. He was getting tired of pretending now. He wanted to just let the mask come off. He didn't care anymore. Kakashi complimented his skills but of course he couldn't help downplaying them a little with 'You overestimate me' coming from his lips. He only turned when Kakashi said something about halling him in for questioning. He couldn't help chuckling as he spoke 'Wonder if you could?'. He had a bit of a staring contest with the man. As Kakashi guessed his identity he didn't care. As he knew well that Kakashi couldn't prove anything on Kabuto. Having a little fun back and forth with Kakashi, Kabuto was feeling himself fall into his old habits. He tried to ask Kakashi to let him go but of course he was too smart for that and prepared to attack. Pulling out a weapon he readied his get away but first he would put his weapon to Sasuke as he was fine with killing the young teen. The next moments went by quickly as Kakashi took down what he thought was him had one of the guards move to escape but when they met with a clone he moved from the floor to jump out the window. He knew he was exposed now but didn't care. He was ready to be by Orochimaru's side full time. He would have to unfortunately have to tell her that he failed to get Sasuke. Taking a deep breath before letting it out. He knew it be fine as they would just have to come up with another idea how to get the boy later on.
He would go meet up with Orochimaru outside where he was staying kneeling infront of her. "Kakashi arrived just as I was about to get him. I am sorry my lord." He said and she would glare at him a bit annoyed. "You failed? Oh well. Did he catch on you are working for me?" She asked as she glared down at him. Kabuto looked up with a smirk as he would rise. "He suspects me but he can't prove anything Lord Orochimaru. I may have let my skills show as I got away though. It couldn't be helped." He shrugged as he looked into her eyes. Orochimaru chuckled. "I guess not, you have been holding back most of the time for several years. I will just have to not give you any reward for not bring me Sasuke as I asked." She say with a small shrug. Kabuto couldn't help smiling softly. "True, but we can use this time to make sure everything is in place before they continue with the next test." He said softly and Orochimaru smiled. "Yes and nurture Sasuke's dark side the best we can from the shadows." She would start walking to the door to go inside. "Come on Kabuto, might as well eat with me before you go." She would say and Kabuto smiled softly before following her inside glad it was empty besides them so he could be himself with her. He rolled his shoulders back a bit before adjusting his glasses as he relaxed himself. Orochimaru would go put some water on for tea. "Would you like to cook with me?" She asked and Kabuto nod "Yes Lord Orochimaru, that would be wonderful." he said with a small smile as he would join her in the kitchen to help her cook.
After eating together he felt content with things. He wanted to stay with her longer but knew he would have to leave soon enough. He couldn't help but to pick up the dishes and clean them. Orochimaru would follow him to watch him clean up but before he finished she decided to grab his butt before leaving the room.
Kabuto blushed softly as he didn't expect something like that and froze up for a moment. When he looked back Orochimaru had left the room and so he let a sigh escape his lips as he finished the dishes and put them away. He would dry his hands as he wondered what that action was for. When he left the kitchen he heard Orochimaru's voice say "Best you get going for now, Kabuto. Just make sure you take the scroll on the table for Baki" which made the teen sigh as he did as he was told. Stuck with the thought of the action on his mind.
Thanks for reading, please vote, comment and if you could follow me that be grand. If you follow me on Tumblr melodicphoenix where I put up art and will be blog some with updates on projects as they become ready to be shown. Next chapter will be out a week or so later. Honestly made it thinking it be fun and no one would really read it but now here we are.
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