Chapter 35 setting out

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Some time apart will be next. Hopefully they have the schedule working on the app so I can write and read over things and set it to go out so you all get your new chapters at a constant date. I have also started to stream a bit on youtube - link at the bottom.
Kabuto would enjoy having Orochimaru in the lab and it left him in a good mood for the rest of the day. He enjoy it that his master also had him stay with him another night even if it was a bit of an active night. He enjoyed it and woke feeling relaxed. He was the first of them to wake. Kabuto placed his glasses on and looked over to his master. He couldn't help smiling softly to himself as he reached out and gently stroked his hair. It was nice to see him at peace. He couldn't help wanting to hold onto this gentle moment before the cruel world took it away. He place an arm around his master as he cuddled him a bit. He took in his lover's face for the moment. It was only when Orochimaru pulled away as his eyes opened that made him sigh as it was over. Orochimaru would stretch and give a small sigh. "Oh, it's morning already - isn't it?" Orochimaru's voice was almost like silk to Kabuto's ears. "Y-yes it is." Kabuto said softly as he looked away from him. "Oh well, guess we should get ready for the day." Orochimaru would say as he stood and walked over to his closet to find something to wear. Kabuto on the other hand sighed and would pull out his normal wear and started to get dressed. He made sure to put on his gloves, ninja bags, and shoes.
Orochimaru had looked to the closet as he got dressed and even a while after. He didn't really want to send Kabuto off but knew he had to. It was likely be a month or more that his young medic would be gone. With a sigh he turned to look at Kabuto whom was dressed now, it warmed his heart. He wouldn't smile as he would come over to Kabuto pulling him close before gently kissing him deeply.
This action surprised Kabuto a bit as he would kiss him back and wrapped his arms around his neck. He couldn't help enjoying this tenderness. So when he pulled back for air he smiled softly only to see Orochimaru's eyes giving a sad glimmer. "Is there something wrong my lord?" He asked softly as he took a step back and let his arms fall to his side.
Orochimaru would turn away a little from Kabuto before sighing softly. "It's nothing, Kabuto." He said softly before heading out of the room which Kabuto followed as they walked to the dinning room to get breakfast. They sat quietly as food was served before they ate. Sasuke came out stretching a bit just as food was being served. So the three of them ate together quietly with Orochimaru enjoying it as the last meal he would get to fully enjoy with Kabuto for a while. After breakfast was over the next few hours went by quickly as he trained Sasuke. So before he knew it, it was time for lunch. Orochimaru couldn't help a small sigh before walking to the dinning hall to eat lunch. When he saw Kabuto joining them in the dinning hall he held in a sigh as he pulled out the scroll he had written out his orders for Kabuto on and handed it to him after he sat down. "I have some missions for you to take care of." He said softly as Kabuto looked to him after being handed the scroll.
Kabuto nodded as he would start looking it over a little. "When do you want me to leave?" He asked softly hoping it wouldn't be right away. "I want you to get going tonight." Orochimaru said softly which made him feel sad but he understood. "Alright after lunch I will go collect the things I will need." He said softly as he would reroll the scroll and place it on the bag on his hip. Not long after he did that lunch was served. The meal was quiet and Sasuke came a bit late but that was okay. It didn't matter much to him. He was deep in thought while eating so afterwards he would get up and head to his room. He sighed softly before looking over the scroll while sitting on his bed. "This will take me at least a month." He said softly before chewing his bottom lip. He would make a mental list of supplies as he would work on packing everything he would need and before he knew it the time to leave was close at hand. He would sigh softly before going to the dinning room to have his last meal with his master before he left. He arrived a bit late for dinner but still sat and ate. After eating he would give a small bow to his master. "I will be off." He said softly before leaving.

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