Chapter 5 Observe before participating

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I am not sure how many chapter will be in this far back but I think I am going to go towards Kabuto turning 16 which makes some progress in this chapter.
So it had been a few months since Orochimaru changed hosts and they hadn't had such an intimate moment since. Orochimaru would have Kabuto give her a bit of a physical when he came to report into about his information which had been at most once a month or once within two months. Kabuto was living in the village now easily getting anything he needed as he trained and study on the medical arts at home to keep his levels on it from becoming common knowledge. He felt glad his hormones seemed to be decently calmed now. He carried a few groceries into his apartment as he smiled softly to himself. He had grown to not fear the Sannin as much instead just having admiration, respect, and love for his master. He enjoyed his average life in the village for the moment as he gathered info. He know this be a long term thing. He had to improve his skills and teamwork with his team to enter the chunin exams which would be soon. When that happened he could get the best intel on upcoming ninja. A sigh came from his lips as he put away the groceries away. Having to downplay his skills can be annoying sometimes but anything for Lord Orochimaru. He kept his little apartment clean and organized. Though no one outside his squad would visit him on a rare occasion. His wondered what Orochimaru was doing and the thought of his master conducting some human experiments brought a twisted smile to his face. "Soon as I visit next I got a few experiments to do myself." he sighed as he would finish placing everything away. "My birthday will be coming up and we still have more training before we join the chunin exams as I know we have to do it later this year. But too soon and we may have an issue." He sighed again as he pushed down his thoughts about his birthday as it didn't matter, no one care about that small detail about him or at least so he thought. He knew he would have to gather intel on the ninja coming for the exam a bit even if he himself wasn't taking it. Kabuto would go to look over his books as he studied more on medicine and remedies as he also made sure to study on female anatomy so he understood it better for his master. He had be making sure she had medication for her monthly issue so that Orochimaru could work at her best no matter what. A small blush formed on his face when he thought about how little the vessel Orochimaru took mean to who they were as either way his feelings for the Sannin were the same. This thought brought him a little peace as he studied before working on remedies. He was glad that this Chunin exam was going to be held in the hidden leaf so he could get intel a bit as that be helpful. 'I know it's best I am here and gathering intel over reporting in once thing get started.' he thought to himself as it got late so he had to move to start cooking himself dinner. He sighed himself "Sometimes I wonder what it feel like if Orochimaru was here....." he chuckled to himself "I doubt they would like it as it's small and doesn't have the nice decor the hideouts do." He said to himself smiling as he would finish cooking before sitting down to eat his food. After eating and cleaning up he would shower and lay down to go to bed. He left his hair down for the night.

In the morning he would wake up and would start to get ready for the day. People should start to arrive for the chunin exam and so he wanted to relax a little this morning leaving his hair down as he made himself breakfast. Just as he served himself and had sat down to eat he heard a knock on his door. "Now who could it be this early?" He mumbled to himself as he would go to check the door. He took a deep breath to let himself look harmless before he opened the door only to be met with a woman he felt confused seeing her at first. "Kabuto, may I come in?" She said softly looking into his eyes and he couldn't stop himself from letting her into his apartment before closing the door. It was once the door was closed and he looked at her again he understood whom he let in as her eyes glowed yellow as they slit revealing that it was his master. "Thank you for letting me in Kabuto." A smirk formed on her face as Kabuto swallowed. He gave a soft bow. "My Lord, why did you risk coming to the village?" he asked softly as she walked more into his apartment as she then noticed his breakfast that laid forgotten. "It's not that risky right now, many are coming to see how things go. I wanted to see how you were doing." She said and Kabuto move back to his dinning room. "I see, well would you like some tea or anything?" He asked and Orochimaru chuckled. "I am fine for now but you should probably eat your breakfast Kabuto. I wouldn't want you weak my dear medic." She said slightly teasing him which made Kabuto's ears warm. As he would sit down at the table. "Well you can sit with me then as I eat. Do you have a place you are staying at or....are you staying here?" Kabuto couldn't help but asking as he now looked over Orochimaru's form as she sat down. The kimono was beautiful and went well with her skin. Orochimaru simply smiled as she sat at the table. "Mmmmm...I could stay at an inn but I think it be more useful to stay here. If anyone asks we could say I am a pen pal or something." She said though it sounded both dismissive as well as teasing. 'Or pen pal girlfriend' Kabuto couldn't help thinking as he ate feeling a little self conscious since his hair was down and he often kept it up especially around his master. He had to put his focus on his food to push away the feeling as he couldn't take looking into his master's eyes right now.
Orochimaru would fall silent as she watched him eat. Only speaking near when he was done eating. "So this will be the one time you don't enter but watch it." Kabuto would nod as he took his dishes to wash them. "Yes my lord that was the idea. I want to make sure that we have an idea before heading in. I train as an average shinobi when out but work on my medical training in here with all my skills. So no one can easily read me as a medical ninja to make sure they only see me as average." Kabuto say as he washed, dried and put away everything. "Though if you are going to be here I guess I should pick up a few more groceries." He say turning to give his master a fake soft smile as he showed his master that fake face. Which actually made Orochimaru chuckle. "I see, well I brought money to help with that." She stood and started to walk around the apartment to check it out with a soft smile on her face as she was glad it was clean. "hhuuummm, you keep it pretty clean which is good." She said as Kabuto couldn't help but follow a bit feeling himself slightly blush when she walked into his room and sat on his bed. He unconsciously chewed his bottom lip as a new thought entered his mind. 'How are we going to sleep? I should probably give Master Orochimaru my bed for her stay and I can sleep in my workroom or on the couch or something. But then.....her scent will be on my bed...Gosh she looks amazing.' He couldn't help swallowing as he looked her over.
Orochimaru was looking around the room a bit to take in all the details so she didn't notice Kabuto's gaze at first. When she did met eyes with the teen she smiled softly before standing up. The teen looked away embarrassed which made her chuckled. "Why are you looking away Kabuto?" She asked teasingly.
Kabuto swallowed the knot in his throat as he turned his gaze back to her which made his breath hitch. She was so close and looking so flawless it was driving him a bit crazy. "I...I got to get to p-practice my lord. I can't miss my training." He said partly as an excuse to leave. Orochimaru smiled softly "I understand, do you have a spare key so I can just go grocery shopping while your out so you don't have to worry about it." Kabuto nodded as he softly swallowed to keep himself from loosing his voice. He would go to his nightstand to pull out the spare key and hold it out to his master. "Here you go Lord Orochimaru." She softly took it from him. "Well I will head out now then." Kabuto would say and Orochimaru let him leave. The teen had forgotten to even put up his hair when he left so he had to put it up later.

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