Chapter 12 Free me

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So we are closing in on getting to Naruto era. If things go as I hope this is the last chapter fully before. Hope you enjoy.
I forgot to post this a bit earlier as it's my birthday today. So happy birthday to me and since Kabuto's birthday is just in a few days also happy birthday to him.
A year would pass, in that time Orochimaru had left the Akatsuki and with that pissed off Sasori. Sasori still had Kabuto working for him not knowing he was Orochimaru's servant first and foremost. Sasori would send Kabuto to gather information on Orochimaru which Kabuto was fine with making sure he gave enough to get information for his Lord. But for a meeting Sasori did manage to knock Kabuto out with some gas so that the now 17 year old didn't know what he was doing. Sasori would preform a jutsu to make him a sleeper agent. And when Kabuto came to he acted like nothing happen. Kabuto was then sent back to gather more information and now was giving a bit more information freely as he was under Sasori's command.

On a day when Kabuto was summoned back to one of Orochimaru's hideout. It was after the chunin exam and he had to turn in information to his master about it. He took a deep breath as he arrived to the hideout. He straighten up as with the chunin exam's passing he had turned 18. He had been under Sasori's control for a month and a half. He hadn't spent enough time with Orochimaru since. In fact he had been a little distant to her. Orochimaru have been giving him space since she put so much work into his hands. So coming into the hideout he saw Jugo which gave him a soft look before going back to what he was doing. Kabuto sighed softly as he made his way down the halls of the hideout to find Lord Orochimaru. He couldn't help smiling softly as he saw her sitting working on a small experiment. The glee she got from knowledge often made him feel attracted to her. But he took a deep breath as he put down his emotions before walking over and bowing. "Lord Orochimaru, I have brought you a report on the chunin exam" He said pulling out a scroll and handing it to her.
Orochimaru would turn her attention to him with a small sigh. 'Why does he seem so cold?' She thought before taking the scroll. "Thank you, how did you do and how has your work gone?" She asked as she felt a small ping in her heart when Kabuto looked up and his eyes held a cold distance to her. 'What is that look for?' She wondered as he spoke. "I made it through the first two rounds though all of my team failed at that point. I have been busy but nothing I can't handle. Spying, missions, training, and study has me quite busy but I can handle it all." Kabuto say before bowing his head again. A big sigh escaped her lips as she looked at her work before getting up. "Follow me, Kabuto" She said as she stood and walked to the room door. Kabuto raised a brow before stood and gave her a questioning look. Orochimaru gave him a soft smile. "Oh, come now Kabuto. Are you scared of me now?" she chuckled as she teased him. Kabuto sighed and shrugged before following her. She would lead him to her room and have him come into her room with her. It was once they were inside and the door closed she would pin him to the wall and glare into his eyes. "Kabuto...what happened to you?" She asked seeing the cold look in his eyes that bothered her. "I have no idea what you mean, Lord Orochimaru?" Kabuto said in his normal tone. Orochimaru would grab his chin roughly. "You never looked at me like that. You seem distant, as if you aren't fully here. Why is that?" She demanded. A small fake sarcastic smirk formed on his face. "Whatever do you mean Lord Orochimaru." She would press her body to his a bit to see if he reacted any and which she felt disappointed when he didn't react. A pained look came to her eyes as she looked away for a moment. She needed to think. 'What could have happened?.....' She thought to herself before a dreadful thought entered her mind. 'Sasori...Did he do something to my dear Kabuto?' She thought before looking back at the teen. "Have you been reporting to Sasori like normal?" She asked and Kabuto nodded only because she had let go of his chin. She sighed before pulling him along with her out of her room and into a small room where she pushed him in to sit down before she worked on drawing the symbols needed to release him if she was right. Once she was done she would touch his forehead as she did a jutsu to check if she was right to be worried and it confirmed her worries. She sighed before talking "Kabuto I want you to sit in the symbol I drew." She said and Kabuto with a raised brow would follow orders. Once he was in place she would preform a jutsu that would free Kabuto of Sasori's control.
Kabuto sat there before his mind felt like it was being pulled apart a bit causing him to clinch his head in his hands as a few tears rolled out of his eyes. The jutsu lasted only a minute but the pain lasted what felt like an eternity but when the pain started to fade it's when Kabuto started to feel a chill in his heart as the realization of what had happened to him sunk in. Even when he could breath normally he couldn't bring himself to look at his master. He felt dejected over what had happened. He had failed to be careful. His heart was in pieces over this. He expected her to be angry with him or even furious with him as he should have been more careful as her right hand.
Orochimaru took deep breath as she collected herself before coming around to crouch in front of him. She took a hold of his chin gently and seeing the familiar softness in his eyes to her actions she smiled softly. "I am glad you are back to normal Kabuto. You are staying close to me tonight Kabuto. You had me a bit hurt being so distant." She said with a slightly pouty voice which made Kabuto blush a little. She gave a soft smile seeing his reaction as she then gently pressed her lips to his in a gently quick kiss. Kabuto blushed a bit more as he looked into her eyes. "Yes Lord Orochimaru, anything for you. Th-thank you." He said softly as he couldn't help feeling shy that she wasn't mad at him but was showing relieve that he was okay. "Now come, we need to get some work done." She said as she held a hand out to pull him up which he took. He felt indebted even more to her now. So for the rest of the day he followed her around and did as she asked. When dinner time came they ate with everyone else which was nice. He though couldn't help his natural habit to head to his room after dinner while Orochimaru finished a few thing. Just as he sat on his bed thinking about sleeping as his body felt exhausted after Sasori's control being broken he heard his door open as he had forgotten to lock it and when he looked back he saw she was glaring at him. It was then that he remembered and so he grabbed his things before coming to the door. "I'm sorry for forgetting." He said softly as they both went into her room.
Orochimaru would watch Kabuto put his bag and sash on the nightstand before he went about taking his shoes off. She was glaring at him still. 'What if he had other marks on him. Might be best to check.' She thought to herself as she stepped over to him and pulled him into a standing position just as he had unfasten his second shoe as the first was already off. Kabuto's face grew warm as he looked up at her feeling the tightness of the hold on his arm. "M-master, what is it?" His voice soft as he felt she was angry and didn't want to make it worse. "I need to know....if Sasori did anything else to you." She said in a tone showing tension but not to him but to Sasori. She was pissed that anyone messed with something important to her such as Kabuto this way. She started to drag him to the bathroom which he hobbled along. "L-lord Orochimaru let me take my other shoe off." He said softly which she stopped with a sigh and let go of him. "Fine but then you come to the bathroom with me." Kabuto gave a small shy nod as he tried to not think about that as he would take his other shoe off and place it beside his other one before walking into the bathroom with her following behind. He didn't know why she had to walk in behind him until he realized she closed and locked the door. He swallowed a bit as he felt shyness trying to well up in him. Orochimaru would come over to him and hold his chin now she turned it to either side as if inspecting him. She even soon roughly take his hair tie from his hair before placing it to the sink counter. She moved behind him as she would run a hand over his scalp as she made sure there wasn't any marks hiding there. After checking his head, neck, and eyes for anything off she would stand infront of him and say. "Undress I want to make sure you have no other marks or anything that I don't know about. Then you need to wash up as I want you feeling your best tomorrow." Kabuto's face flushed dark red. He knew she saw him naked before but this just made him feel embarrassed. He couldn't help turning away from her as he started to take his shirt off. He felt her intense gaze on his back. He had to swallow back his embarrassment as he let his shirt drop to the floor, next was his bottoms and then he would be exposed to her searching gaze. He chewed his bottom lip and took his bottoms off but couldn't bring himself to face her. This wasn't a problem as she would come closer and touch his back softly before taking a hold of one of his arms as she looked over his back then checked his arms and chest. She would look over his legs and would make him sit down to check his feet even as she wasn't satisfied until she had check him all over much to his embarrassment. She let out a sigh before taking hold of his chin. "You seem okay which is good. Be more careful and don't let someone do that again to you, Kabuto." She said softly as her eyes held a soft look which made him want to melt. "I will do my best master." He said softly. She gave a soft smile before moving back a little to remove her clothes and start the water. "Come Kabuto, best we wash up before bed." She said and despite feeling tired he got up and got into the shower with her. At first he forgot to take off his glasses but she noticed and with a chuckle she took them off him and place them safely to the side before helping him wash up since he was tired. Kabuto couldn't help blushing a little as she did this. His tiredness being the only thing keeping him calm. Once he was clean she kissed his cheek. "Go dry off and get to bed. I will join you in a bit."
Kabuto gave a soft nod before getting out and drying off. He was honestly so tired he would forget his glasses in the bathroom as he headed into the room to get some clean clothes to wear but with his impaired vision he only end up putting on pants as he was too tired to try and mess around with a shirt before going to lay down in Orochimaru's bed which he would fall asleep almost instantly after he laid down.
After finishing her shower Orochimaru dried off and seeing his glasses she chuckled. Taking them with her as she walked into the bedroom. She couldn't help the smile forming on her lips seeing how he was asleep already. So she would place his glasses within reach for when he woke up. She would then decide she would only put underwear on before laying down with him. She would cuddle up to him and place a small kiss on his forehead before falling asleep as well.
Thanks for reading, please vote, comment and if you could follow me that be grand. If you follow me on Tumblr melodicphoenix where I put up art and will be blog some with updates on projects as they become ready to be shown. Next chapter will be out a week or so later. Honestly made it thinking it be fun and no one would really read it but now here we are.
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