Chapter 24 Defeat hurts

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I know I am hoping the battle wraps up soon but hey it gives me easy chapters for now. Thankfully the battle finishes here after some chapters. Opps...I did it again sorry this chapter is going up a day late.
Tsunade would struggle to get her arms in the loop so she could loosen it from around her throat much to Orochimaru's surprise. "Can't give in, I have to get it everything I got." She said now holding Orochimaru's tongue and starting to pull on it. 'Impossible' She thought now being pulled into get punched by Tsunade, this sent her flying backwards again. But then Tsunade would pull her back towards herself. "Come on, I am just getting started." She say before tossing Orochimaru in the air to try and punch her more. Orochimaru manage to dodge the first punch but then was hit with the next several. Then as she started to fall again Tsunade again grabbed her before pulling her in to try and punch her again only to stop and start breathing hard.
Poor Kabuto couldn't do much but watch this in horror as his chakra was beyond low and he, himself was in bad condition.
Orochimaru was also breathing hard as this battle had take a lot out of her. But she was still in the battle since she was still awake. Soon smirking with a thought. "Everyone has their limits, yes even you." She said feeling smug before Tsunade would say "Shut up" and yank her up again before starting another set of punches on Orochimaru. The last one was another across her face.
Kabuto felt concerned a lot from watching this and couldn't help calling out to his beloved master. "LORD OROCHIMARU!!!"
This woke Orochimaru up whom had passed out for a moment after the last punch. Now trying to move out of the way and trying to dodge the hits thrown at her. Which for the most part now that her tongue was back in her mouth she was doing good on. But being kicked back she used her tongue to lash out at Tsunade again. As she pinned Tsunade's arms down before coming at her with her snake blade. To her shock Tsunade landed her foot on the blade to block it before kicking her away. Before she could recover Tsunade would punch her in the face again. Now she landed more punches but they weren't that strong even if it sent her skidding a bit with a kick. She was shaky on her feet now as Tsunade came up to her and punched her with a chakra infused fist to the face which sent her flying and hitting the toad's sword which stuck up from the ground.
Kabuto couldn't do anything but watch in horror. 'Insane strength and she took the full brunt of it.' He thought to himself as he would move to check on his master. Slowly he crawled over to her side as she laid motionless on her back. "Lord Orochimaru" He said as he started to grab her and pull her into his lap to help her sit a little as he held her head as he used some of his chakra to heal her some. "He made me clumsy and careless, I'd eat you both right now but I wouldn't be swallowing solid food for weeks, thanks to this hole in my mouth. But if we met again well he better hope we don't" Manda say from under them as he would then return to where he came from.
Kabuto was still weak but glad that after the smoke cleared his master was standing though they both breathed hard. "Tsunade, so you refuse to heal my arms, do you? Very well then. I don't need you, there is one other way. And I will destroy the leaf village, depend on it." She spoke through pants as her host's face showed partly which brought shock to Tsunade and Jiraiya. "I hope we all will meet again very soon when I once more walk among you. Until then my dear old friends. When I return with the elixir of life I will show you what it means to be truly immortal." She would say as she used a jutsu of sorts to escape by what looks like melting into the ground.
"We'll meet again." Kabuto say as he would weave hand signs before disappearing to go meet up with his master.

Orochimaru would appear first in the hideout where some of her underlings and Sakon would notice her. She coughed as she put her weight on a wall. Sakon came over. "Are you alright, my Lord?" They asked which Orochimaru gritted her teeth just as Kabuto arrived before passing out soon after as someone caught him. "Take him to his room, Things went badly as Tsunade not only fought us but Jiriaya showed up." She said in an dark tone. She would gather her strength and stand up straight. "I will need some rest and make sure you bring something for Kabuto to eat so he can regain his strength." She said as she would walk to her room.
Once inside her room she would let her body drop to her bed as she felt frustrated and so tears of frustation would start to come to her eyes as cried into her blankets as she laid there. Hatred for Tsunade burned as she denied healing her arms. She was annoyed how that whole thing went. Even Kabuto was in bad enough condition that he fainted once he arrived home. The tears would end up making her drift off to sleep as exhaustion took over.

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