Chapter 38 Island Laboratory

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I am trying to handle a lot of thing right now which I hope work out well.
A month or so passed as they worked. Kabuto felt a bit depressed as Orochimaru was distant. But he push it down. They had a lot of work to do but his mind wondered when his master would tell him about where the lab he was leaving to his care was. But he couldn't bring himself to bring it up.
Orochimaru had a lot on his mind and decided it was a good time to give Kabuto the directions to the hideout he intended to leave in his care as he had a lot of work to do and needed to focus so he could at least send him off to enjoy that. So when lunch came around he would ask to speak to him in private.
Kabuto smiled and gave a small nod before following Orochimaru into a different room to speak. Kabuto wasn't sure what to say so he would stand quietly. Orochimaru turned to face him and held up a scroll. "Whenever you are ready you can go ahead and look over everything in the lab and make sure it's up to your liking." Orochimaru said as he placed the scroll in his hands. Kabuto looked at the scroll and opened it to look over it a small blush coming to his face. "Can I leave soon?" Kabuto asked to be sure. "Yes, as soon as you feel like you can." Orochimaru said with a small chuckle and smirked. Kabuto smiled and nod. "Then I will head out tomorrow morning." he said softly.
Orochimaru would pat Kabuto's shoulder as he pasted to go do more work. His mind thinking of different lists of things. So he just got to things.
Kabuto looked at the directions again before closing the scroll back. He would go to finish his work for the day and then start packing for the trip. He wanted to see how it looked. He couldn't help his excitement to see it. So much so he almost forgot about dinner when packing when he glanced at a clock which made him chuckle. 'I better go eat before Lord Orochimaru gets mad with me.' He thought as a small smile came to his lips as he would go to the dinning hall. He would sit next to his master not helping the soft smile on his face. Blinded by his happiness he didn't notice his master's troubled expression. The meal was quiet as normal and Kabuto left quickly to get back to his room to finish packing and then try to get sleep which he had trouble sleeping and so he studied the directions to the lab hideout. "Oh, it's an island, how interesting." He said softly to himself before putting the scroll away and trying to rest. Finally his body would have given into sleep as he passed out.

Kabuto woke early to make sure to check over his stuff and get ready for the traveling ahead. He couldn't help the smile on his face as he walked down the halls to the dinning hall. His smile softened when he saw his master up and handling a few documents there at the dinning table. Kabuto couldn't help but to go to the kitchen to make some tea before bring it to the table as he sat it next to his master.
"Huummm" Orochimaru would say as he looked from his work to the tea cup placed near him. "Good morning Kabuto, you are up early." He said softly with a chuckle.

Hearing Orochimaru's comment, Kabuto couldn't help blushing a little. "Yeah, wanted to make sure I was ready to travel." Kabuto said softly enjoying sitting there with him. With a small smirk Orochimaru took a sip of the tea. "Thank you." He said softly as Kabuto would give a small nod as he would pull the directions out again so he could look them over once more before other arrived and food was made and served. After eating Kabuto would make his way to the exit of the hideout and look towards the light of the sun as his eyes took a moment to adjust. He couldn't help the smile on his face as he would soon start walking as he started his way to the island lab.

Taking a few days as he checked the instructions a few times to make sure he was going the right way he would finally arrive to the island as he then took in the look of it all. He couldn't help smiling as he looked over the outside of the building. 'Let's see where is the entrance.' He thought to himself as he walked and his face brighten when he found it as he would enter the hideout and close the door behind him. "It's nice." He said softly to himself as he would slowly walk the halls. He was use to big hideouts and labs but this was different as it was for him. He had to take stock of everything. He was amazed by everything in all the rooms. He smiled in the fact there was only 3 bedrooms. "One of these are for me, I guess Lord Orochimaru wanted a room for if and when he visits. Though it's unlikely there is a need for a guest room." He shrugged to himself as he stretched. He would go to the kitchen so he could see what there was to cook. He chuckled softly to himself when he noticed it was just dried and canned foods. He smiled softly. "I guess I shouldn't expect anything that may go bad quickly since it's just going to be mainly me here." He said softly still smiling. He stretched. "Well maybe I can see if I can catch something from the ocean outside a bit before making something to eat." Kabuto would walk outside before noticing there was things set up to help catch fish. He couldn't help feeling happy about that as he would go about fishing which with the tools and things he was able to catch a few fish which made him feel happy as he would take them inside to prep them for cooking. Kabuto couldn't help smiling as he worked on the food. It was only after it was made his mood dropped a bit as he for a moment forgot he was alone in this hideout and so what he cooked was for him alone and wouldn't be shared with Orochimaru. He would sigh to himself. "Maybe I got a bit carried away but I guess I can eat leftovers in the morning." He would say to himself as he sat down to eat. His mind of course thinking over different times with his master. The quietness of this hideout was nice though as it ment he could let himself be vulnerable for a time. After eating he would clean up and put away the extra food before going to his room to shower. After showering he got dressed and decided to lay down on the bed and to his surprise it smelt a bit like his master making him blush. "I am pretty sure he would have picked the room across the hall so why does it smell like him?" He said softly to himself as he sat up. He would stretched before standing and going to the other room to check. It also smelt like his master and was more set to Orochimaru as it even had some clothes fitting him in the closet. This made him raise a brow before shrugging and going back to the other room. He would lay down back into his bed. "Either way it's really nice it smells like him though it makes me partly wish he was here." He would say softly to himself as he would drift off to sleep.

Kabuto felt groggy as he wake up slowly as for a moment he thought he felt his master's presences. As he blinked before rubbing the tiredness from his eyes. Sitting up he looked around and sighed when he was alone as he thought of how he thought he felt something when waking. But looking around now there was nothing that would have given that feeling. "Huuummm, That's odd. I must have really dreamed it." He said softly to himself before getting up and stretched. He would get ready for the day before going to the kitchen to warm some leftovers so he could eat. After eating breakfast and cleaning up he would make sure to take stock of everything before starting work on a few different experiments he couldn't really do in the other hideouts.

Soon the days would blur together and thus nearly a month would go by without him realizing it. He kept himself busy with experimenting, training, researching and cooking. What brought his realization of time back was when he found Orochimaru standing in the kitchen drinking tea when he went to get lunch. "Well hello Kabuto, been busy?" Orochimaru said as his voice sounded like silk to Kabuto which he couldn't help blushing. "M-master Orochimaru" He said before regaining his composure. "I have been quite busy working on a few things. Do you need me for something?" He said softly. Orochimaru chuckled "Do you know what what day it is?" This question brought Kabuto to a pause. He would place a hand to his chin as he thought about it. His eyes widening when his brain started to calculate the date. "It's the day before your birthday." He said softly a little annoyed with himself that he let the time slip by him. Orochimaru would raise a brow as a small smirk came to his lips. "Yes, I told you about this place and let you go off to do some work alone and you let yourself get so absorbed into it that you let time get away from you." He said softly as he moved closer to Kabuto. Kabuto couldn't help blushing a little as he looked down and away from his master. "S-so have you come to take me back to the other hideout?" Kabuto questioned softly before feeling a hand under his chin as his eyes would look into his master's. "Maybe a bit later. I wanted to see what you have been up to and take a small break." Orochimaru would say as a chill ran down his spine. His face grew warm as he just wished his master would move closer and kiss him. His heart throbbed when Orochimaru pulled back. He felt a bit disappointed as he had been wanting to see his master.
Orochimaru couldn't help smirking as how Kabuto turned away from him. "So how long do you plan to be here before we go back?" Kabuto asked him as he took out supplies to cook with. He couldn't help chuckling. "I was thinking we would leave the morning after my birthday as so you can show me what you have been working on." He couldn't help smirking as he spoke.

Kabuto blushed as he heard this. His heart racing a bit as he realized that he just said that they would be alone for over a day together. He swallowed softly as he would carefully cooked himself lunch. "H-have you eaten lunch?" He said a bit shyly.
Orochimaru had moved back to where his tea was as he raised a brow. "Yes, I have. I ate a bit ago before you came into here as why I have just been relaxing with some tea." His couldn't help smiling as he took a sit. "Well that is good. I guess after I eat, I can show you everything I have been working on." Kabuto would say as he worked on cooking. Orochimaru would just watch as Kabuto cooked, ate and then cleaned up, all while just quietly drinking his tea. After cleaning up after the tea and everything he would follow Kabuto around as the boy showed him what he had been working on during this time he had be gone.
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