#1 - Conscription Day

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The mall was crowded and laced with red, white and blue - it was Conscription Day after all. At first the rising blue balloon didn't seem out of the norm, that was until it burst.

A forbidden working, unseeable to the human eye started lurking and weaselling its' way into the ears of every person in the mall. Calmly, everyone in the mall began walking up to a ledge and instantly threw themselves off, all 1600 of them.

Content with the results, the instigator exits the gruesome, fresh graveyard with her catchphrase at hand,

"We are the Spree."

Getting in her car, she grabs the car lighter and puts it on her forehead, burns spreading across her face as she smiles.

Happy Conscription Day.


Chippewa, Cession

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Chippewa, Cession

A short-haired blonde girl, sporting a cute collection of side braids, Raelle Collar walks through an overgrown village up to her home. Her attire suggests there's a chill in the air and yet still she doesn't wear a warm hat, wouldn't want to ruin those side braids. Her father sits in his armchair, having fallen asleep watching the game, Raelle grabs the remote and turns the TV off. The new lack of noise makes an older woman peer her head from the kitchen, Raelle hadn't noticed the woman until now.

"Hey, Your Daddy let me in." The woman stands as Raelle comes into the kitchen. She picks up a foiled tray containing food, on top sits stray bills. "Here. Um, there's a little extra there." The woman passes it over to Raelle who hesitantly takes it, "I know you're off to Salem tomorrow, God Bless."

Raelle places the tray back on the counter and starts taking her coat and scarf off.

"Yes, ma'am. Permanent government vacation till I'm old and grey, if I make it that long." Raelle hid her emotions well with the woman and knew what she was truly here for.

The two have moved to Raelle's room, the walls littered with letters. The woman now lays on the bed with Raelle kneeled next to her.

"With me now." Raelle holds the woman's arm.

The woman's shirt is slightly raised revealing a nasty, red, burn looking wound.

"Ask, and it shall be given you." They both say in unison. "Ask and ye shall find. Knock, and it shall be opened unto you."

A small discomfort is shared between them as the work starts to take affect.

"For every one that asketh receiveth..." Raelle's voices becomes slightly distorted, "...and he that seeketh findeth..."

Concentration and discomfort fills Raelle's face, the woman looks at her eagerly.

"And to him that knocketh it shall be opened. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, forever and ever." A smile spreads across the woman's face as her and Raelle finish their chant, she looks down to her torso and is pleased to find the wound gone. Raelle lifts her shirt to reveal the wound now on her instead.

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