#96 - Words were said, Choices made

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TW - Strong language, blood and depiction of violence towards self & others.

After getting some food and snacks from the kitchen Scylla and Raelle had continued their conversation in the living area just next to it, but with less eavesdropping this time. 

"I would have loved to have seen Izadora's face when she realised that, after all those years of yearning for a connection, the Mycelium chose you and not her." Scylla laughed to herself at the thought even Raelle chuckled a little. 

Raelle played with her food slightly, her chuckles dying down. "Actually, um, I don't know how much of a gift this really is." Raelle's tone was sad as she expressed these feelings for the first time. At the start it was fun, blowing stuff up and feeling indestructible but after that little torture session, it's not feeling so good. 

"From the sound of it, you're now one of the most powerful witches ever." Scylla tried to cheer her up. "Seems like a gift to me." 

"I just wish I didn't have to carry it alone." Raelle sighed looking down at her plate, the statement could be comical if Raelle knew how intertwined Carmen was with the Mycelium also but with everything going on they hadn't actually spoken about it all.

"How are you alone?" Scylla said to her. "You've got Abigail and Tally. They're always going to be your sisters. The three of you together, you're a... you're a force." She said to her encouragingly and Raelle felt the genuine passion in her words, she meant it and yet Raelle couldn't help but frown a little. 

"You always do that." Raelle commented.

Scylla wasn't sure what she was referring to and it was evident with a look of confusion on her face.

"Leave out Carmen, you two hate each other." Raelle said.

Scylla let out a deep sigh, "Can you blame me?"

"Can you blame her?" Raelle quickly retorted. 

"What do you want me to do? Plait her hair?" She said sarcastically to which Raelle rolled her eyes. 

"No, but at least don't be a bitch. She's my-" The sound of a nearby helicopter echoed above the house and had the two looking up. "That's our ride." Raelle said, she then looked back at Scylla. "You should probably make yourself scarce, you're friend too." 

"No. I don't care what happens." Scylla remarked. "I'm not walking away from you again." Raelle didn't know how to feel, she didn't know what would be in store for Scylla but the idea of anything bad happening to her filled her with dread, she had to protect her. 

"Psst. Wake up!" Carmen heard an annoying voice followed by some shaking.

"Ugh!" Carmen groaned, peeling an eye open to see Myka looking down at her with a worried expression. "Are you ok?" She was instantly alert thinking the Camarilla had found them, Carmen sprang up looking for something weapon like. 

"Woah, woah. Calm down. Your Army friends are here." Myka quickly explained. Carmen did instantly calm down, then felt slightly dizzy from the sudden adrenaline rush. 

"Sorry, you just looked... scared." Carmen said as she collected her shoes and jacket. 

Myka shrugged in response which Carmen found curious and she was going to pry but then heard the familiar voice of Tally and sprinted out the room. 

Carmen got into the corridor to see Abigail, Raelle and Tally already in a group hug and it made her miss her own unit, she wondered if they'd even been told she'd been captured. Lost in her own thoughts she hadn't even realised Tally was bulldozing towards her until she was almost knocked off her feet. 

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