#79 - Sing for me

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TW - Strong depictions of violence.

The first day of the testing centres went well into the evening, it was becoming dark but that didn't seem to dampen the chants coming from the protestors which only seemed to increase in numbers as time went on. 

"Not our daughters! Not our daughters!" They chanted. 

The Sekhmet had been positioned outside on the stage the entire time, watching over the crowd which was proving to be gathering boring for most. 

Carmen however was having an internal battle. She'd seen Scylla amongst the crowd, stood next to Anacostia and another blonde girl that looked unfamiliar but Carmen could feel the Spree Work riddled all over her. Carmen glared at Scylla hard, she wasn't sure if she should tell someone or not and the fact that Anacostia was with her confused Carmen even more. 

Unlike the others Carmen hasn't been watching the crowd she'd kept her eye on them three the entire time, they joined in with the chants and spoke to the people surrounding them. She couldn't understand what she was seeing and the longer it went on the more irritated she became. The final straw was when Carmen caught Scylla watching Raelle, the look in the girl's eyes... Carmen knew it didn't mean anything good. 

"What is she doing here." Carmen opened a line of communication to Anacostia, no one else could hear it but them. She watched as Anacostia's eyes instantly snapped up to meet Carmen's hard ones. 

"I'm working on something." Anacostia replied.

Carmen's jaw clenched, "Not what I asked, what's she doing here?" 

Anacostia gave the girl a look that was almost pleading, "She's helping." From the crowd Anacostia saw the scoff Carmen gave in response. 

"The Spree's helping." Carmen scoffed sarcastically. 

"It's not like that anymore." She tried to defend but she saw how Carmen's eyes narrowed. 

"A Spree, who's not a Spree but still uses Spree tricks." Carmen retorted. At first Anacostia was confused and Carmen could see this, she gestured towards the blonde girl next to Scylla who was chanting, Myka. "Maybe Scylla should be the one hiding her face instead." 

During their conversation Anacostia had gone quiet and stopped chanting, Scylla had noticed this.

"Everything ok?" She asked the woman, Anacostia didn't hear her though she was too busy talking with Carmen. Scylla could tell she was talking to someone by the way she tilted her head, she tried to scan the stage to see who it could be. 

Her eyes roamed over all the familiar faces but none of them seemed to be the ones talking to Anacostia, her eyes lingering on Raelle but then quickly passing to a less pleasant face, Carmen. Unlike the others her mouth was moving as though she was talking, and she was looking directly at Anacostia, Scylla wondered what the two were talking about. 

Scylla looked back to Anacostia to ask but she was talking again so she looked back to Carmen and almost jumped back when she found Carmen looking directly at her with a hateful expression. Scylla didn't need to hear the words the girl was saying to know it was about her, that and Anacostia's head turned to look in Scylla's direction. 

"We should leave." Scylla said.

"What why?" Myka questioned.

"She won't tell anyone." Anacostia reassured her but Scylla wasn't convinced. 

Scylla's mind spiralled for a moment, what is Carmen told Raelle she was here? Or what if she tried to hurt her again? 

"Listen." Anacostia's voice broke her away form her thoughts, "Mind on the mission. She won't say anything." 

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