#21 - Khàsémé àvá.

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Whilst all the festivities kick off back at Fort Salem, General Alder was called to an emergency meeting with The Hague.  The Hague consist of witch representatives from all over, almost like their own version of a the United Nations but on a much smaller scale. 

The atmosphere within the grand room was intense. A collection of medalled individuals stand up as General Alder and her Biddies enter the room.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." She addresses them without looking up, "My flight hit a little rough weather." A casual, light tone in her voice, not matching the intensity of the others who just stare at her. "Do I have one of you to thank for that?" Alder jokes and finally the ice breaks, a few snickers amongst the long table she now stands at the head of. 

"Khàsémé àvá." Let us begin. Alder declares in Mothertongue. She sits down in his char, the rest following the motion, her Biddies seated behind the woman. The Biddies sit down one by one, one lets out a hushed sigh a clear discomfort in her posture. 

The conversations between The Hague members went on for awhile, the group bickering and disagreeing with Alder simply listening until she needed to intervene. Over all her years she found these conversations some of the most tedious things, history constantly repeating itself. 

The current topic of interest being a plague that seems to have suddenly resurfaced, a plague Sarah Alder remembers all too well and yet hadn't seen for over 50 years, so why was it back?

Some representatives wish to propose an expedition for new sounds and cells, rumours they've heard of possible work that could help them to defeat the Spree once and for all.

"You're asking us to commit troops on the promise of finding one cell?" One male Hague member exclaims, a dominant look of disbelief on his face, he looks between General Alder and another woman sat at the table, apparently trying to make her see reason. 

The woman known as General Amis narrows her eyes at him, "Our embassy was taken out by a plague bomb that no one's used in 50 years. Two hundred thirty-three dead, ninety-one injured." She spits in his direction before calmly relaxing herself and looking to General Alder at the head of the table. "The numbers fail to express the horror of what happened. They died in the most painful ways you can imagine." She informs the General whilst looking back to the man at the end of her sentence, her jaw clenching. 

Their minds wonder, only imagining the horrors the woman must have seen, a few looking back at her in pity, other scared. 

"Uyèghà ủri mé péník'òyè, beà akán mé yayè akán vú - péchér jirùvónàz úrràyà ènò." They will not stop until we end them, one cell at a time, Using all the weapons at our disposal. Amis speaks up, her words earning nods and a gentle tapping of hands on the table, an acknowledgement of agreement. 

General Alder looks around the table, holding her hands idle but as she looks around the table she notices she is the only one. The Hague are riled up, ready for war and willing to do anything to stop yet another threat boarding their shores. 

"The Spree are escalating. But now is not the time for any rash or indiscriminate action." The General explains calmly, the opinion earning some disapproval from the table. "When we have verifiable intel, America will spearhead an operation and cut the head off the snake." She continues.

At the other end of the table General Sharma stand up from her seat, "Like you spearheaded the raid in Kiev?" She throws at Alder. Sarah holds her tongue and narrows her eyes. 

"General Sharma, you object?" She asks in a harsh tone, "Again." If words could kill, that would have been bullet.

"What I object to is your presumption of leadership and authority in matter that concern all of us equally." Sarah tilts her head at the woman's outburst. "Sé t'akálà bà jùrimé kat'énji t'amwè." Perhaps it is time for some new leadership. General Sharma purposes, a small smug look spreading across her face as she looks around the room, ending on General Sarah Alder. A few head turn, the confidence of the woman and the proposition now sitting in the air making a few people wary, others excited. 

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