#81 - Feelings

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Carmen hadn't protested that night when Grace and Veronica insisted she sleep it off, it meant she could close her eyes and not see the weird x-ray vision that was becoming incredibly creepy. 

When she woke up to Veronica looming over her jolted from being stunned and hit her head on the headboard. 

"Ouch." Carmen groaned, rubbing the back of her head with the hand that wasn't handcuffed. What she hadn't realised yet was that she was actually seeing Veronica. 

"You know, you haven't been sleepwalking in like... forever. You probably don't need these anymore." Veronica told her as she unlocked the handcuffs. 

Carmen shrugged, "You're probably right." She sat up on the bed, stretching out her arms and legs.

"So?" Grace looked a there curiously from the other side of the room.

Carmen tilted her head, "So... what?" She asked looking at Grace who's face turned into on of disbelief. 

"Am I still a walking skeleton?" She asked impatiently. Suddenly, Carmen's eyes widened. They weren't. She could actually see their faces and not their internal organs anymore. Carmen jumped up with a happy expression on her face. "I'll take that as a no." Grace smiled. 

"Thank the goddess!" Carmen exclaimed. Veronica chuckled, the trio got themselves ready for the day ahead. 

"Hey." Veronica looked over at Carmen who looked at her as she did up her boots. "I heard the stabbed a guy at the whole testing centre." She had an impressed look on her face whilst Grace was more disgusted. 

Carmen scoffed, "Remember that time I got stabbed in the back at the Bellweather wedding." Both girls nodded, "It turns out, it was the Camarilla. So really, I was just repaying a favour." She shrugged and so did Grace but Veronica wore a toothy grin. 

"Awesome." She complimented Carmen who smiled and shook her head at her friends dark side. 

Now finished getting ready, Carmen jumped up and took in a deep breath. "Right, well I have an early class. I'll see you later?" Veronica and Grace bid her farewell as Carmen left the suite. 

Despite it being early the compound was abuzz. Even Raelle who was the furthest thing from a morning person was out and about, and she just so happened to bump into the one person she was dying to talk to, Anacostia. 

The two crossed paths on a staircase and Raelle was surprised when Anacostia stopped too.

"I heard about what happened at the testing centre. Is Bellweather ok?" She asked Realle, there was a true tone of concern in her voice.

"Yeah, her mom's checking on her now."

Anacostia nodded, "And Private Ullsthorpe?" 

Raelle's heart for a split second fluttered, "Good, as always." 

"She always is." Anacostia content with the conversation made the leave but Raelle stepping in her way. The two stared at each other for a moment as Raelle worked up the courage to ask her what she's dying to know. 

She gulped, "Did you know that Scylla escaped from custody?" She watched and waited for Anacostia's reaction but the woman was unreadable and it made Raelle internally groan. 

"Why would I know anything about that?" She asked, crossing her arms over her chest in an almost defensive manner. 

"Maybe, because you're the last solider to see her before she was allegedly shipped off to jail." Raelle retorted back. Anacostia opened her mouth to speak but Raelle wasn't finished. "And before you try to get me off this, I saw her." Anacostia froze. "At the riot. Where I found this." Raelle held up a crumbled photo of herself, the one Scylla had taken and kept. 

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