#37 - How are you?

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TW - Strong depiction of death, blood and some strong language.

Carmen POV

Everything in front of me is wavey, like there's a pool of water in my eyes and everything has a red tint to it, it's strange. At first I don't feel anything out of the normal but then I feel a horrible amount of tension in my chest and realise I'm holding my breath. I try to take a breath to relief this tension but I'm met with no air, I can't breath. I try again but my mouth fills with water, water with an awful metallic taste. No, no, no, no! I'm drowning again, over and over again. Despite my inability to breath I don't seem to be falling unconscious, this nightmare going on for what feels like forever.

My lungs burn and my body aches, right now I would welcome the darkness but it never comes.

"Private Ullsthorpe." I hear a distant voice call out, "Ullsthorpe!" It shouts again, getting closer. "Carmen!" The voice seems to be right in front of me, the volume of it making me jump, but surprisingly it seems to do the trick. I'm no longer in water, I can breath and I can actually see what's in front of me...

Looking around I note I'm sat in a small office, my clothes not even wet... did I dream it?

"S-sorry." The scratch in my throat and dull burn in my lungs helps me recall today's events once again, reliving it and now here I was being de-briefed and trying to remember as much as I can to help try and catch the Spree that attacked the wedding.

"Back in the bathroom..." The officer in front of me gestures for me to continue as she sits ready with her notepad and pen. 

I take in a deep breath, "Back in the bathroom, the female Spree attacker had used some high frequency machine I've never seen before but it sent an ear piercing sound that rattled through my skull, the small moment allowing her to get the upper hand." I lick my dry lips, recall the next part with a grimace. "The next thing I know she's holding me down in a bathtub, drowning me." 

I remember trying to kick her off, my fingers clawing at the sides of the tub but her weight kept me under, I screamed but nothing helped. I've never been good at holding my breath and if I had to admit it I'd saying drowning is one of my least preferred ways to go and yet there I was.

If Abigail hadn't of pulled me out when she did I don't know if I'd be here right now. My Fort Salem experience is really turning into something, coma'd just before Beltane and then borderline drowned by the Spree at a Bellweather wedding... am I cheating death or just being stupid?

"Carmen." Shit. I wasn't paying attention again, I quickly look up to the officer in front of me. 

"Right, Sorry...again." I shift around in my seat, concentrating hard on recalling the needed details. "They wore waiters uniforms, blue shirts." I tell the woman and she quickly writes it down.

"Ok. And when did you first make visual contact?" She asks.

"I... I went into the room, I hadn't seen them during the wedding. I don't think so anyways." I mutter to myself, trying to quickly going through all the faces I saw at the wedding but it was too many. We've been at this for ages, retelling the same story and recalling as many details as I can.

The woman hums, "Why did you go to the room?"

"Because-" I pause, I went to the room because I could feel the strange Work from their disgusting machines but I can't tell her this, she won't understand and then she'll ask further questions and then she'll go to Alder and I was suppose to get one more day of peace!

"Carmen?" I must look crazy, I feel crazy. The past few weeks events are catching up to me and my head can't focus, I feel like I'm losing it.

"I hadn't seen Abigail in a while, I went upstairs and heard a strange noise so I went inside." I lie, it was a pathetic lie and still the woman seems to buy it, quickly jotting it down. "They had this... this weird Work? I don't know, but it was blocking us." I tell her eagerly.

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