#49 - Side braid

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Carmen's POV 

Deep down I know this is a dream but the genuine fear I can feel as I look behind me to see Veronica chasing me with an evil, menacing grin on her face is unbelievable. Why the heck is she chasing me? 

"Carmen." She drags out in a whisper. "Carmen!" She hisses a little louder, the sudden volume making me jolt awake, the kind of feeling you get when you wake from a dream where you were falling. "Oh good, you're awake." I hear Veronica whisper again, was I dreaming still? 

I peel my eyes open to see Veronica and Grace peering their heads down from the top bunk, looking like a pair of excited children... what's got them so happy? I groan at the brightness and try to move my head to shield my eyes but I freeze. I can hear a heartbeat right underneath my ear and my head is slowly rising and falling, I suddenly become aware of the tight grip squeezing me. 

Veronica and Grace start to giggle, my reaction must be written all over my face. Me and Raelle must have fallen asleep yesterday, we were exhausted but I didn't realise we'd slept through the entire night. Now here I am waking up to her holding me in what feels like a death. I look up to my unit for help but that only adds to their amusement.

The sudden mischievous look in Veronica's eyes sends a flash of panic through me, what was she planning? She leans her head back as though she's about to sneeze. 

"Don't you dare." I mouth to her. Clearly I'm not very intimidating as she did it anyway. 

"Achoo!" Veronica emphasis's loudly with Grace trying to hold in her laughter. 

I feel Raelle's whole body jump awake from the loud sound, her heartbeat becoming incredibly fast. 

"W-what?" Raelle sleepily question with her eyes still closed. 

Veronica chuckles, clearly enjoying this far too much. "Morning sleepyhead." I hear Raelle take in a sharp breath, she definitely wasn't expected to hear Veronica's voice first thing in the morning. I refuse to move, I'm basically playing dead in the hopes that she doesn't notice I'm laying on her and somehow we get out of here without her noticing. 

"Good Morning... Hollow? And Grace?" Raelle says in a confused tone. I peek up towards Veronica and Grace to see them still gleaming down at me, Veronica's darting between Raelle's face and mine. I can see what she's trying to do! I try to sneakily throw the girl a middle finger but it only furthers the evil glint in her eyes, maybe my dream wasn't a dream...

"Good Morning Carmen." Veronica states as she looks me direct in the eyes. 

"Fuck you." I mouth with as much venom as I could. I feel the heat rise up in my body as I felt Raelle's body shift and tense slightly. She's finally noticed I'm there, she's probably feeling awkward as hell and is hating this and I - wait is she playing with my hair? 

"Good Morning Carm." Raelle says causally as she strokes her hand through my hair, her other hand still wrap around me but with less of a death grip... was I still dreaming?

"M-morning." I stutter out. 

"What time is it?" Raelle asks. 

Veronica jumps off her top bunk and lands down beside us with a smug look I can't wait to wipe off her face. "We've got 20 minutes until drill. You two slept like 11 hours straight. Thankfully, you don't snore." She directs to Raelle who nervously chuckles at the comment. I  however, want to hide under the covers and never return. 

"Abigail and Tally." Raelle suddenly worries, she pats my arm and stops playing with my hair. That was the signal to start getting up, and honestly I was kind of thankful because I don't think I would have been able to make the first move to get up just out of pure awkwardness. That and I was actually enjoying the hair strokes. 

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