#28 - Am I Dead?

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Not long after leaving the infirmary Raelle notices Scylla waiting by a large, overhanging a tree, a sight that usually fills her heart with warmth but right now it just furthers the conflict going on in her mind.

"You're okay." Scylla states, looking over the girls entire body quickly taking in her everything. She notices the deep bags under her eyes, her usually pale skin tone and the distance look in her blue eyes, all things that filled her with worry. She quickly plants a kiss on the blonde's lips and pulls her into a tight hug. All things that Raelle half-heartedly returns. "Tell me you're okay." Scylla somewhat asks.

"Um, I don't know." Raelle response honestly, "I just, I have a lot of questions."

"Like what?"

Raelle takes a deep breath, "Did you know that he was depressed?"

"I haven't seen him for years. I didn't know him anymore." She explains.

"I don't know." Raelle mumbles, "I can't help thinking it was us." She looks off into the distance, focusing on a random spot of the ground drifting off into her own head slightly.

Scylla grabs the girl by her arms gently, "Stop, Raelle." Raelle looks at her, "There was always something off with him." She adds, the information causing a scowl to form on the blonde's face. Just something didn't add up.

"Did you see him last night?"

"What?" Scylla quickly retorts shaking her head. "Did he say something to you?"

"He, uh, he tried. But he couldn't." She stumbles on her words as she recalls the events, recalling Porter's eyes. "His...his eyes and his mouth..." Tears brim in her eyes.

"Look at me." Scylla gentle orders, "Porter was disturbed. He was angry, That's why I left him. I mean, he killed himself, You tried to save him, that was your first instinct. That's who you are. You have nothing to be ashamed of. Let's put him behind us." The amount of control and ease Scylla speaks with surprises and confuses Raelle, knowing the two had a history and yet she seems entirely unbothered by the whole situation, it just didn't sit well with Raelle.

"I can't just forget. And Carmen, she still hasn't woken up."

"Carmen." Scylla slowly nods.

"What if she doesn't." Raelle's voice breaks slightly at the thought.

"She'll be fine." Scylla attempts to offer fake reassurance to her girlfriend, Raelle's worry for the other girl causing a stir of emotions within the brunette. She pulls Raelle into another hug, but the blonde's expression is not one of comfort, an unsure looks on her face as she ponders over Scylla's words.

Tally goes back and forth from her closet, pulling out a different dress each time and standing in front of the long mirror in their suite, pulling the dress up in front of her body with a disappointed look in her eyes every time. She holds red one up, looking at it dissatisfied.

"No. What was I thinking?" She speaks out loud. Abigails walks by in her pyjamas, glancing at Tally. "Help me!" She exclaims at the girl.

"You're trying too hard." she responses with a dull expression. "Relax."

Tiny taps come from the girl's window, then again. They look over to see a small bird tapping away at their window with it's beak, they look at each other curiously. Tally rushes over to the window, the blue birds briefly looks at her before flying away.

Tally opens the window to find a small piece of paper residing on the window sill. The bird reminding her of last night with Gerit and him summoning that adorable owl, a giddy feeling filling Tally as she recalls the evenings kiss she'd had with Gerit, the entire scene beyond magical with the moonlight and the romantic atmosphere and now he's sending her little note through a cute tiny bird, it's like she was in a dream.

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