#91 - Stealing a cop car

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TW - Mentions of blood & syringes.

News of Raelle and Carmen's capture spread insanely fast, General Bellweather jumping into action instantly for a rescue mission. For a brief moment her thoughts wondered to Abigail, Raelle is her unit and she thought she should know but Petra couldn't find her anywhere. Little did she know, Abigail was already closer to getting to Raelle than they were.

General Alder and her Biddies was still recovering from her attack when she found out, Anacostia breaking the news to her. 

"The attackers took them, they fled the scene. The MPs our of Fort Deacon are spreading running hem down." Anacostia tried to reassure Alder but it didn't seem to help.

Even with her burnt throat she was able to spit out her words in anger, "Who took them?" 

"The Camarilla." 

Fear, dread, anger, sadness, a collections of emotions filled everyones minds. Two of their biggest assets captured to most likely be used against them in gruesome ways. Anacostia feared for the girls she'd come to care for. 

Unknown Camarilla Location

Every part of Carmen's body felt heavy, her neck hurt, her head hurt, everything ached. She couldn't open her eyes just yet but with every passing second she gained more and more of herself. 

"Hit with more, yet wakes up first. Interesting." She heard a muffled voice say. It wasn't familiar, sounded deep like a mans. 

Unconsciously, Carmen tried to touch her face not evening realising she was doing it until she felt that she couldn't, something was around her wrists. The realisation that she was restrained sent a burst of adrenaline through her and seemed to accelerate the waking up process. 

"Aha!" Someone in the room cheered.

Carmen's eyes rapidly blinked and searched the room, her vision took a second to clear but eventually she could see they were in a metallic room, like a surgery room but not that fancy. Several people wore red ropes, there was a man directly in front of her, smiling at her, for some reason he did look familiar.

"Do I know you?" Carmen croaked out without thinking, she hadn't realised how dry her throat was. She wondered how long she had been out. The prior events suddenly fell back into her memory. The attack, the darts, Raelle! 

A second burst of adrenaline shot through Carmen and this time her eyes found Raelle laying strapped down to a metal table. 

"Ah." The man in front of Carmen followed her gaze, his smile became smug and wicked. "Your friend over there, she's special." Then he turned back to Carmen, "Oh, but so are you. Mimicker." He pronounced every syllable. "It's not just that though, is it?" Carmen just watched him as he walked away from her and towards the sleeping Raelle. 

Carmen was trying to remember where she knew him from whilst also trying to find a way out of this chair she was strapped to. 

A tiny movement came from Raelle's head and her eyes fluttered open.

"You're awake." The same man said to Raelle who looked scared. Unlike Carmen who had most feeling back Raelle still had none. He then looked between Raelle and Carmen like he was studying them. "I am surprised, considering the amount of paralytic we gave you two. Especially you." He pointed towards Carmen. 

The man reached down and caressed Raelle's hair out of her face, she wanted to flinch away or at least bite his hand but she couldn't move. Behind them Carmen thrashed against the restraints.

"I've heard you have a very special gift." Whilst the man might've been smiling down at her warmly he looked pure evil. "We will have that." He finished. 

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