#90 - Priority List

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Much to Myka's relief, Willa didn't wait long to plan an operation to find the animal clinic where the Camarilla where hiding the kidnapped children. It was her, Scylla and Willa. 

Scylla had barely managed to perform her way in through the front door, she used the face she stole from the Exarch, something she gained from their last encounter. Barely meaning, she didn't. The guards saw right through Scylla's act almost instantly.

"Don't worry I always come prepared." Scylla said to the guard with a smirk on her face.

If Myka hadn't been so worked up over the mission she might have found that funny, maybe even given Scylla a sarcastic eye-roll but alas she didn't. 

From the roof, Myka and Willa looked down. That was their cue to interfere if anything were to 'go wrong'. Myka raised her hands but Willa put a hand out to her, gesturing for her to stop, this confused Myka slightly. Willa performed the work by herself, exploded the nearby street lamps, sending large shards towards the Camarilla guards and knocking them down.

Once on the ground, Myka rushed over to Willa. "I could have done it, the Work was easy. Why didn't you let me?" 

Willa didn't even look at her, focusing on the doors in front of them, "You didn't need to, I had it. No need to get your hands dirty." Willa was protecting the girl, whether Myka realised it or not.

They had each dragged the guars inside the animal clinic so that no one passing by were alarmed by a collection of bleeding bodies outside. 

The trio had walked almost every inch of the place and found nothing. 

"Ugh!" Myka groaned. 

"There has to be another room, somewhere." Willa was frustrated too, she continued to look around. "Myka, sense anything?" 

Myka shook her head in annoyance. "No."

"What would you sense?" Scylla asked curiously.

"Work." Myka replied bluntly.

"You can sense it? Since when?" Scylla became more interested, walking over to them.

"Forever, you can't?" Myka questioned back. 

"Myka never believed she had a gift, not only can she make incredible Work but also sense it nearby." Willa said as she slowly walked over to something that seems to have grabbed her interested. 

The gears in Scylla's mind were turning but not quick enough, Myka shrugged and walk off to continue her search. Willa was right, Myka didn't believe there was anything special about her and it was more that she picked things with quicker, a quick study so to speak. 

Both girls attention was caught when the noises of scrapping and moving was heard in Willa's direction. She was trying to move a bookshelf so both Myka and Scylla rushed over to help her. Behind it was a door. 

The trio shared a look, a determined glint reappearing in Myka's eyes.  

It was the room they were looking for, no doubt. The place was lined with multiple kennels, except there were no kids in them anymore, they've been moved. 

"We're too late." Willa said with a disappointed tone. She wasn't the only one, Myka kicked a nearby cage in frustration. "They've already moved them." 

"They really believe we're less than human." Scylla said out loud. 

"Not less. More." Willa corrected her, "They're terrified of what we're capable of." 

"I'll show them fucking more." Myka muttered to herself but the others heard it. The girl started shuffling her feet as she looked inside the cages, her feet taking her to the back wall full of a dozen papers and pictures. 

"Well, this doesn't look good." Myka calls out, Willa and Scylla look over at the wall too. 

There's pictures of children, ones they must have taken or suspected were Witches. Information on multiple people, address, phone numbers and even maps, pictures of their houses. 

A familiar picture caught Myka's attention, it was from the NOD parade that turn into riot outside of the testing centre. It showed the General standing up on the podium with several soldiers behind her. Myka flicked the picture over to see the papers underneath and saw another photo, this one being more zoomed in. 

"I know her, I think." Myka said, looking over at Scylla for answers. Scylla looked at the photo, Myka noticed her visibly tense the brunette got. 

"Carmen Ullsthorpe." Scylla said bleakly, "Never did figure out why she was so special." 

Myka skimmed through the documents around her photo, "Powerful bloodline, Samantha Ullsthorpe, Legacy, Mimicker confirmed." 

"A dependent of Samantha Ullsthorpe, mimicker confirmed, she must hold her ancestors gifts. She would be dangerous for the Camarilla." Willa nodded along to her own words. 

"Mimicker, what does that mean?" Myka asked.

"She sees, hears or even feels Work and she can copy it, she'll never need to learn it again as she'll never forget it. There were rumours that Samantha could even manipulate the Works she learnt." Willa recalled the histories. 

"That's pretty cool. She's as high priority." Myka recalled the girl from the riot briefly, she hadn't seemed all that dangerous back then. 

Scylla groaned with a scowl, "Yeah, until you're on the receiving end of her practising." She was over the topic and deciding to go back to what she was looking at before. Flicking through several pages on the wall until she got to one that made the blood in her veins run cold. 

"Goddess, protect her!" Scylla's voice quivered with worry.

She snatched the papers off the wall to reveal photos of Raelle. 

Willa slowly walked her, the feeling of dread slowly looming over her. She looked at the various words dotted around her daughters photo, 'Highest Priority' made her heart skip a beat. She hadn't seem Raelle in so long, to see such a recent picture of her made her feel warm inside but the context ruined it all. 

"Does it say why?" Myka looked between Willa and the photo.

"No." Scylla replied.

In her head Willa was devising a plan to reach Raelle, somehow keep her safe. Scylla was practically doing the same, if not finding a way to pitch it to Willa and convince her, little did they know it was already too late. Raelle Collar was already in the Camarilla's clutches. 





Going to try and update at least every WEDNESDAY - Hope that's nice :)

Smaller chapter to finish off Season 2, Episode 6 - it's felt like a long segment but we're getting to the part where everyones going to be meeting back up again soon and I'm SUPER excited for it!

Hope you all had a fantastic Christmas and New Years!

THANK YOU for all the new readers, VOTES and COMMENTS! :)

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