#61 - Connecting the dots

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Upon leaving the meeting Abigail's mood was foul, she was feeling frustrated. She wanted to use this knew found skill to seek revenge on the Camarilla but both Alder and her mother had told her to stand down and basically reel in her emotions, but that only made her emotions worse. She was spiralling in her emotions as she walked out into the fresh air and she was surprised to see two familiar people standing there waiting for her. All the frustration sudden disappeared as she looked at Adil who looked back at her with so much care in his eyes. 

Raelle found the scene like something out of a movie, it was adorable. She felt her heart tinge a bit at the amount of love in their eyes, it reminded her of how she used to look at Scylla. Raelle quickly tried to shake the thought away, she was happy when Khalida walked over to her, offering her a distraction from her won mind. 

"I have something for you." Khalida says to Raelle as she retrieves something from her jacket pocket. The young girl opened her hand to reveal Raelle's pin that she had given to the boy during all the chaos. She thought she'd lost it for good so the fact that it had somehow found its way back to her was incredible, she didn't know what to say. 

"T-thank you, so much." Raelle looks at it, a sentimental feeling washing over her. "This was my mom's." 

"I know. And I know you saved that boy." Khalida says to her proudly, "Just like you saved me." She smiled at Raelle who was now just look at the girl expressionlessly. Khalida was clearly beyond thankful for Raelle's actions and she showed it by springing forward and wrapping her arm's around the blonde. The embrace caused a smile to creep up on Raelle's face, at least some good has come out of all of this. 

Khalida ended the hug, glancing back towards her brother and Abigail. "Can you save my brother, too?" She jokingly says to Raelle. Raelle furrows her eyebrows also looking at a happy Adil and Abigail.

"He looks pretty happy, to me." She chuckles 

Khalida's face becomes more serious, riddled with genuine concern, "He's changing. He's seen too much suffering. This is not his place." Raelle understands the suffering part, probably more then Khalida realises but its not her place. 

Raelle looks off into the distance as she tries to think of a response for the concerned girl but a bundle of people caught her attention. The presence of Izadora furthers her curiosity and then she sees Veronica's face in the mix, what could be going on she wonders. 

Khalida notices Raelle's distant look and follows her gaze, her eyes quickly finding the group making their way across the compound.  "What going on?" She asks. 

"I'm not sure..." Raelle replies. The two narrow their eyes as thought it'll help them see better. 

"Is that Carmen?" Khalida says curiously. Abigail and Adil break from their little reunion to investigate the scene too. 

"It is." Abigail says confidently yet her face contorts into one of confusion. The four of them were watching Carmen be fussed over and escorted across the compound from the forest. Not to mention the fact that the girl was only wearing what looked like pyjamas, and it wasn't a warm evening in the slightest. Veronica had taken off her own jacket and put it over Carmen's shoulders, who gripped at it to try and keep the air off her skin. 

Raelle looks around, "What happened?" Her friends shrug just as confused as she was. The worry sets in fast and Raelle's feet are already taking her towards the scene, she needed to know that Carmen was ok. 

"Rae?" Abigail calls after her but the blonde is already set on her mission and doesn't even acknowledge hearing Abigail. Abigail lets out a sigh of defeat and follows Raelle, Adil and Khalida now following Abigail too. 

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