#14 - Night duty

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"Oh, well. See you in training later?"

"Ah, some of us don't miss those so yes, see you there." Carmen shocked herself with her witty remarks towards the former troublemaker, it usually takes her a lot longer to joke around with people she doesn't know. She quickly enters her suite not giving Raelle a chance to respond.

Carmen shuts the door quickly and stands looking at the door handle for a second, in her own head questioning the sudden confidence that had just came from her, the confidence that made her feel she could make such a dig at Raelle, the troublemaker, she's going to hate her now. Carmen's racing thoughts were disturbed by a shrill of laughter.

"Some of us don't miss those..." Veronica impersonates Carmen, "Ballsy."

"Yeah... I'm not usually a bitch so soon." Carmen responses in a daze,

"Noted." Grace nods from her bed, looking up from her book.

It's true, Carmen does feel that she isn't a bitch so soon into knowing someone. Usually takes her awhile to let someone be close to her, she typically just lets people talk at her and she listens but Fort Salem is weird. It's like a bubble and time goes quicker here, people get closer faster, things are much more intense. Carmen doesn't mind this but the pace is something she's having to get used to, although it seems she's already doing it unintentionally.

Veronica and Grace glance at each other a sense of seriousness between the two as they look back to Carmen who's flopped down on her bed.

"She's trouble you know." Veronica states, starring down at her friend. Carmen props herself on her elbows slightly confused by the lack on context.

"Huh. Who is?"

"The hot blonde." She explains.

"Raelle." Carmen corrects, she's now sat herself up to look at her two unit members.

Veronica crosses her arms, "Troublemaker."

"Your point?" Veronica's tone was aggravating Carmen a bit, it felt like a lecture despite her not doing anything wrong.

Grace places a hand on Veronica's arm from where she sits, "I think what Veronica is trying to say is, please be careful."

Carmen looks between the two girls in front of her, the topic of this conversation completely lost on her. "Am I missing something?"

Veronica throws her arms up in the air. "Just don't be stupid, ok?" The genuine care in Veronica's eyes takes Carmen by surprise, both girls hostile demeanours disappearing. Carmen still doesn't understand what they are referring to but she understands that it's coming from a place of care towards her.

"Ok. Yes, I will. I will." Perhaps they were worried Raelle would be a bad influence but the two have barely had any interactions to warrant this amount of worry. Yet, the fact they were looking out for her warmed Carmen's heart. "Promise." She offers them reassurance and Graces smiles at her, Veronica still with her arms crossed releases a small exhale walking over and giving Carmen a small punch on her arm before she climbs up onto her top bunk.

The three lay on their seperate beds in silence, enjoying the comfortable atmosphere they have.

Raelle stretches out her arms and rubs hers eyes awake as she preps herself for a long night on night-time guard duty.

"Hey." A sudden touch on her shoulders stuns her, but is relieved to see another officer stood behind her, the night already starting off well, the two look at each other before the older woman extends her hand out to Raelle. "Lieutenant Helen Graves." Raelle shakes the older woman's hand slightly admiring the woman's cool looking hair, "Sorry to scare you. You must be Private Collar."

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