#3 - Off To Fort Salem We Go

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Seeing a busy airport isn't uncommon but for Tally Craven, right now it wasn't helpful yet, she didn't seem to mind as she looks around with an excited expression on her face. The check-in lady hands the man his ticket, Tally is next.

"Have a great flight."

"Thank you." The man and his wife, return the check-in woman's smiling before quickly turning away to get to their flight gate.

"Next, please." The check-in woman calls out, which is Tally and Tally meets her with a jump and skip up to the check-in desk. Furrowing her eyebrows the woman watches as Tally reaches into her shirt to show her pendent.


"Hi." Is all the woman musters as she watches Tally. Once she sees the pendent Tally has finally pulled out and extended to the woman realisation came to her, "oh..." the woman stood taller and addresses Tally with a hint of respect and gratitude despite not knowing her. "Hi. Welcome, I will be happy to help you."

"Thanks." Tally was amazed at the response, making her smile even wider.

"Okay. We do have a flight to Boston boarding in 11 minutes and it is fully booked, but I'm sure someone will happily surrender their seat under the circumstances." The woman explains to Tally as she nods, before the woman could even leave the desk to guide her to the gate a fedora wearing man raises his hand.

"I'm on the Boston flight. This young lady can have my seat. Thank you for your service to our country." Tally feels overwhelming gratitude, at how much this pendent has given her already, strangers willing to help her just because of it.

"She's a witch." A young-man whispers in the lines next to Tally's, a comment she hears but chooses to ignore but slowly more and more people in the airport start to stare in her direction, each uttering something under their breath.

"She won't need a return flight." Another one said.

Tally felt on show, her happiness diminishes slightly under their gaze, she grabs her bags and begins heading to her gate guided by the check-in lady.

"You're very brave."

"I haven't done anything yet." Whilst Tally likes the compliment it makes her feel awkward, it's true she hasn't done anything yet, she hasn't been brave yet.

Fort Salem, Massachusetts

The stomping of feet could be heard all around the compound, the excitement and adrenaline that fills the room was electric. Tally and Abigail stomp their feet as though their very lives depend on it, whilst Carmen stomps more timidly and Raelle might be be stomping her feet but her face seems to scream 'I'm over it already' despite having only been at Fort Salem for all of an hour already.

Walking on and up to the stand is a strong figure, she holds her head high as her long, black plait sits on her back. Hands tucked behind her as she walks with confidence, she positions herself in front of the podium as several other older individuals circle themselves around her.

"I am General Sarah Alder."

Carmen watched as General Alder stood tall on the stage, her presence strong as she practically stood above them like some goddess. She'd met the iconic woman before, more so when she was younger. Sarah Alder had taken an interest in the entire Ullsthorpe line after something one of her ancestors did back in the day, so Sarah Alder wasn't an unknown figure to Carmen. However, when she was younger Carmen never failed to notice how tense her mother would become at hearing the General was coming to visit them

Most of the people in the hall were brought up to idolise and respect the woman standing before them, to see her in the flesh was mesmerising for them. Raelle Collar did not share in their mesmerised gazes, instead her face held what could be described as a displeased look.

The stomping stops instantly, the silence creating a dramatic pause. "Welcome to Fort Salem." General Alder continues as she looks over the mass of new recruits, her gaze falling on every on of them. "It is a solemn day. Much like the day, some 327 years ago when I made a deal with the Massachusetts Bay Militia." The girls look on at the strong General, most taking in every word she said as wisdom, others simply listening because they have to.

"My terms were simple: honor me, make a place for me and my kind and we will win your wars." The recruits stomp their feet at the General's words, Abigail smiling at what she is seeing as a pep talk.

"All of you have answered the call. Just like your mothers and their mothers before them. You are the daughters of ancient lines. You are called to greatness. You have bravely pledged to serve and defend this great country." Tally's eyes lit up, the check-in woman's words from earlier ringing in her ears, maybe she has been brave already, General Alder's words igniting her happiness once again.

Raelle was taking everything the General said with a pinch of salt, she isn't as jolly as the rest of her fellow recruits seem to be, Raelle felt she knew a hidden truth and was holding a grudge.

"I assure you, dark days await us." Finally, Raelle's interest was sparks at the General's words, enjoying the lack of sugar coating. "We live in a time of ancient hatred and emerging threats. The Spree are ruthless and savage."

"Yeah, no kidding." Carmen mutters to herself, she'd seen everything about the Spree on the news and anything she didn't already know her mother would tell her. Camila Ullsthorpe was a General alongside Abigail's mother, the recent increase in Spree attacks had meant Carmen's mom had, had to spend more time away from home recently which Carmen understood entirely, in their lives being a Soldier came first.

"We will need all of you to meet what's coming. And we will meet it, with story and fury! The hall erupts with stomping feet, Abigail's that of pride and honour, Tally's attempt at bravery, Raelle's satisfaction at the truth and Carmen's simply because she feels she has to out of respect.

General Sarah Alder raises her hand and the stomping immediately stops.

"You are among your own kind now. Take comfort in it. Find strength in it." If Carmen listened to any of General Alder's words it was those ones, Carmen was surrounded by her own kind every day mostly but she feels that this will be different, her mother always says that Fort Salem made her who she is, Carmen only hopes it makes her into someone good.

"A blessing on all of you, a blessing on this place, this witch's place." And for the last time, a storm of stomps fill the room, going on for much longer this time. General Alder's speech left the recruits feeling excited for what's to come, the adrenaline of new possibilities running through them, the endless 'what ifs' and 'can't waits' swirling in their minds.

Yet, for some the darkness of the their situation still looms, don't be fooled by pep talks. Perhaps that's why Raelle Collar's feet are the only ones not moving.





> 10/03/23: Added a few sentences here and there sharing Carmen's thought and feelings during Alder's speech.

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