#104 - Moving on

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"Does anybody know any Mothertongue?" Khalida asked the small group before her. 

"I can't believe you dragged me to this." Carmen quietly complained in Myka's ear. After ditching her at breakfast this morning, getting her to adjust that piece of Work for 'nothing', Myka's own words. She insisted on Carmen tagging along to Khalida's Mothertongue classes that Myka seemed to have taken an interest in. 

"You know I'm like fluent right?" 

Myka rolled her eyes, "Sorry, not all of us have a weird connection with a glowing wall that allows us to fluently speak an ancient language." 

"Why don't we learn how to say Mothertongue, in Mothertongue as a start?" Khalida continued on gently. 

"I hope she teaches us swear words." Myka joked to Carmen.

Carmen scoffed.

"Menishe." Khalida said in perfect Mothertongue.

"Menishe." Everyone repeated back to her.

"Very good." Khalida looked at them with pride. "The story of our language is as old as people. Long ago, six sisters embarked on a sacred mission to bring the power of speech to man." Carmen was surprised by the sudden history lesson, she hadn't heard of what Khaldia was speaking about before. "This common tongue is the root of all the world's languages."

As quickly as Carmen's interest peaked, it died. Khalida didn't continue on with the history lesson and continued on with Mothertongue Basics. She did get a small kick out of it though, every time Myka tried to pronoun something she would end up saying something entirely different.

The inevitable part of the day came where everyone had to pretend they loved moving boxes except it would seem Adil and Abigail were trying something... new today.

Adil came round the corner with some boxes when he saw Abigail by the rollers, he made a split second decision to stop, fix his hair and lean up awkwardly against the wall close to her. 

"Hey, Shelby." He tried to say smoothly. 

"Hey, Dwight." Abigail turned to look at him with a grin.

"I really like your vest." He complimented.

"It's the same one you have."

 He looked down at his own as if to check, it was. "Yeah. But on you, wow. You look so pretty." 

Abigail blushed a little, "Well, thank you, Dwight. The thing you say are very romantic in nature."

"Oh, man, you better stop it. you're making me feel shy, Shelby." 

She laughed, "No! But you're so outgoing."

Adil put on a serious face but his smile struggled to stay hidden, "But here's the thing, Shelby. My feelings for you are growing every day. And sometimes, I don't feel like I can hold them in."

"Why is that?" Abigail couldn't contain the smile that somehow continued to widen on her face.

 "Because you're the Corn Queen of Aberdeen County." He bowed his head to her.

"Yes, I am!" She laughed out. "But Dwight. I feel the same way about you." She confessed.

"Good. Because I think it's time for us to start a family." Adil stepped closer but this time Abigail didn't match him, she took a step back.

"Wait..." The confusion written on Abigail's face made Adil's dropped. "Are you being Dwight still?" She asked him seriously.

"Kind of." Nerves bundled up in Adil. 

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