#103 - A Second Chance

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Abigail had done something bad, something she shouldn't have that's for sure. Yet in her irrational state and overwhelming emotions she couldn't stop herself and she even managed to rope Adil in to help her, so in her mind that rationalised it even more.

They had managed to sneak out at night and go to the nearest town in search of a payphone. 

"Try and make it quick." Adil said to her as she closed the doors to the payphone. 

All around them there were sirens and police, areas cordon off and officers looking like they were searching everyone that walked past. Adil looked around and din't like what he saw, NOD posters and flags hung up everywhere. People holding signed in protest with them. He saw one man hold up some torch looking device to another mans face except not light came out of it, sound did. 

He was doing it to everyone, but nothing happened and he would let the people pass. Adil dreaded to think what it was searching for. Adil hadn't realised he was staring until the man looked right at him. Instinct made Adil turned around instantly but that just made him looking even more suspicious so he tried to walk it off and make it look normal but not even he was convinced he looked normal now. The man didn't either, he watched Adil skeptically until deciding to follow him.

Adil calmed sped walked over to the phone booth and knocked against it.

"Mom, hi." Abigail said happily, a wave of relief washing over her as her mom answered the phone. That quickly ended when Adil went from just knocked to opening the doors with a serious look on his face.

 "We need to go." He told her.


"Now. Come on." He tried to usher her out quickly. Abigail was sad, she'd gotten to say all of two words to her mom before having to abruptly hang up the phone. 

Adil hurried Abigail back down the street away from the man following him expect the man didn't stop. He continued on down the street, he bought out he sound torch and scanned it across the clear around. The sound it produced was strange and definitely something cooked up by the Camarilla. 

He left having found nothing but what he didn't realise was that Adil and Abigail were a mere few feet away. Adil used her Tarim Work to keep them hidden and invisible. Either way that was too close for comfort. 

Carmen wasn't sure if the day was against her or trying to tell her something at this point, as for the second time today she was voluntarily within close proximity of Raelle. This time she had Myka with her which she was thankful for. Myka had come to get her after Raelle had told them Abigail and Adil were missing. Now, Raelle, Scylla, Myka and Carmen all stood waiting for the pair to return back. 

Thankfully they did, they had ironically been in search of the group, eager to tell them what they'd seen in the town and how bad things were getting. Abigail unaware that she'd just walking into a readying lecture from Raelle.

Raelle threw her arms up when Abigail and Adil came into the room barely even looking guilty, even Scylla looked at them disapprovingly. Carmen and Myka just stood witnessed, if anything they'd wished they'd gone with them. 

"You guys left." Raelle stated the obvious. "They could kick us out for this. Abs! Where are we going to go?" 

Carmen could see this going south, the two always had a way of pushing each others buttons. "Why don't we ask why she-" She tried to interject calmly but Abigail's temper butted in.

"I tried to find out what's going on back on base- and in DC with the charges against us but we had to cut it short." Abigail starts, the end of her sentence being extremely ominous.

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