#89 - Throat on fire

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It was getting late, but that seemed to be the most happened, with the cover of night. 

Going back to the mysterious cabin in the woods, before they had been melting their personal belongings for an unknown reason, now they seem to be tying Jonas down to a chair for some unknown reason. 

Jonas doesn't seem afraid, perhaps a little nervous. They restrain his head and tie it down so he's looking up to the ceiling. A hand reaches out and strokes his hair in a comforting manner.

"It's ok to be scared." A female voice tells him, her face is cloaked by the hood of her jacket. "We'll be with you till the very end." 

Jonas lets out a deep exhale as he visibly relaxes, "I'm not afraid any more, Nicte." The woman before him removes her hood and smiles down at him, whilst she has dark hair streaks of white can be seen in it. Her face an exact copy of the one Tally keeps seeing in Alder's memories... but how was she still as young as she was? And what was she planning? 

Unknown Spree Location

Scylla had dumped Anacostia's sleeping self off on a nearby bench before they even remotely reached the house, the situation earning Scylla a surprise scowl from Myka. 

"What?" Scylla look at her in the passenger seat from the corner of her eye.

Myka had her arms crossed in front of her, "Nothing." She shrugs.

"Spit it out." Scylla groaned.

"Was that necessary?" Myka questions.

Scylla knew instantly what she was referring to, she'll admit she felt a little guilty over it especially as Scylla and Anacostia's friendship seemed to be on the mend. 

"She wanted to take Tiffany to the Army." Scylla explained, she looked over at Myka who looked to be in thought. The girl nodded and that seemed to be it, the conversation was done just like that. 

When they got back Willa seemed to have a plan in motion, she wanted to talk to Tiffany to try and find out as much as she could about where the Carmarilla base could be. Scylla and Willa had been talking about it whilst Myka got Tiffany ready for bed.

Tiffany was struggling, hard. She was becoming restless as all of her emotions finally caught up to her. Myka wasn't surprised, they hadn't told her but it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that they went to her found to find Tiffany's parents and came out with nothing. 

Myka was trying to calm her down as Willa walked in, a small teddy bear in hand. Willa gave Myka a smile and the girl let Willa take over, standing by the door with Scylla. 

Willa sat down on the edge of Tiffany's bed, holding the stuffed animal out to her. At first Tiffany seemed puzzled by it but she quickly took it and squeezed it hard. 

"Do you remember where Brianna's dad took you?" Willa asked her gently. 

Tiffany looked up at Willa with her teary eyes, "He took me lots of places." 

"Was there any place with other kids around?" Tiffany nodded to Willa's question.

Scylla noticed Myka's clenched jaw next to her, the information didn't sit well with Scylla either, the thought of the Camarilla kidnapping children to do god knows what. 

Willa placed a comforting hand on Tiffany's shoulder, "Can you remember what it was like there?" The young girl squeezed her eyes shut and nodded no. "It's important, so we can go help them." 

Tiffany slowly opened her eyes. "It was dark. I could hear someone crying. And it smelled funny, like... dog food." Willa placed her hand on Tiffany's as she recalled the details, the experienced witch tapped into this contact and used it to see into Tiffany's mind too.

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