#42 - Ray of Sunshine

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The Cadets filter out of the buses and hastily line up and stand to attention before Witchfather, Byron, Gerit and Abigail's boys being amongst the crowd.

"Listen up!" Witchfather orders, "Citydrop is being expedited. So when you're not eating or sleeping, you're at the workshop building and modifying weapons." He tells them, with one small nod of understanding the cadets turn 180 degrees and march their way towards the building as Witchfather watches them leave.

"Witchfather." A voice behind him calls, turning he sees General Alder accompanied by her Biddies.

"General Alder." He greets.

"Let's walk." She says.

He glances at her with a warm smile on his face, "I'm glad you called us back, Sarah. Everywhere we went, the way the civilians looked at us, the pitchforks were almost out, if you get my meaning." He tells her, his tone becomes stressed as he recalls he last few adventure out into the world. "A police officer roughed up one of my men at a gas station, no reason given."

General Alder looks at him, sharing in his concerned expression as the two stop walking. "And between us, I've heard whispers about a growing debate in Congress to revoke the Accord and disband the Army. How could they justify that?" He looks at the woman in front of him, Alder having lived through it all and even been there right at the beginning hoping she would have a plan or some wise words.

She sighs, "Fear, mostly. The Spree are getting more creative in their reign of terror." She tells him as she continue to walk, Witchfather falling into place next to her as he intently listens. "But when we strike against them, we'll gain the upper hand."

Witchfather nods, "Indeed. The upper hand... would that have anything to do with the special gifts here at Fort Salem I've heard rumours about, or perhaps the Tarim Cell?" Alder goes quiet for a moment before stopping again and looking at him with a serious expression.

"Am I in some kind of trouble?" She demandingly asks.

His face softens, "Only with The Hague."

"I never needed The Hague's approval for my actions. I simply extend the invitation to accept my rulings." She spits

Witchfather chuckles lightly, "Azwà lúdíjánò." Such good manners, He jesters and finally General Alder lets a small smile spread across her face but inside the small amount of concern doesn't fade. If rumours of the Tarim and of Carmen's gifts had reached Witchfather's ears then it won't be long before The Hague catch wind and she worries things could start to get messier then they already are, they are already trying to fight off the Spree and fighting within their our ranks won't help.

In the barracks old friends chat and catch up, the Cadets mixing in with their female counterparts and vice versa. Off to the side Tally and Glory stand leaning against the wall rather than partaking in the mingling.

"Relax, Glory." Tally tells the nervous girl next to her, "Let him come to you." Abigail's words echo out of Tally's mouth.

Glory laughs, "You sound like Berryessa." Now the pair laugh together. "What if Gerit comes and finds you?" The laughing stops and Tally take sin a deep breath.

"I'll say hi and wish him well." She states confidently. Unbeknownst to her Gerit was walking towards her as she speaks, Glory glances at him briefly.

"Are you sure about that?" Glory asks Tally sheepishly. Tally follows her gaze, looking behind her and seeing Gerit instantly, a wave of emotions flow through her but she quickly composes herself turning back to Glory as keeping a calm face.

"I'm fine. It's fine." Tally says. She makes the decision to meet the man half way, the two standing an awkward distance apart. "Hi, Gerit."

"Hey. I'm so sorry" He jumps straight in, Tally eyes widen slightly at his abruptness but supposes she is thankful for the elephant in the room being addressed so soon. "I didn't know you would be at the wedding, I tried to tell you as soon as I could. But, you know. Before I could we were... kissing. Tally scoffs, "And then everything went to shit. Can we at least still be friends?" He looks at her with pleading eyes.

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