#58 - The Aftermath

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Scylla stares down the woman in front of her, sipping at her glass of water and then forcefully placing it back down on the table. The new information she was learning today was becoming too much to make sense off.

She narrows her eyes at the blonde woman sat with her, "Why didn't you tell me you were her mom?" The relation between the girl she loves and the woman before her was clear as day, the eyes, the hair, the face, Scylla couldn't believe it.

"I couldn't risk it." Willa responses in a monotone voice, no sign of any emotions.

Scylla slams her hand on the table, "How could you send me in blind?!" She questions. She wasn't sure where her anger was coming from, if it was hers or anger for Raelle at the fact that all these years Raelle thought her mother was dead and yet here she sat. "You burned me with the Army for a personal mission." Perhaps some of the anger was Scylla's, she endured all the torture, for what? For Willa's side mission, that wasn't what Scylla had signed up for. "And then you sent that charming agent to choke me into compliance?"

Willa watches Scylla rant on, a hint of a smile playing on her face as though she found it amusing.

"And when I don't deliver Raelle you send in the troops to attack a wedding!"

"That, my dear, was not us." Willa cuts in.

Scylla shakes her head, "What kind of strategy is that, exactly?"

Clearly having had enough, Willa reaches across the table and grabs Scylla's arms, pulling them towards her, grabbing Scylla's full attention. "You are not hearing me!" Willa states. "The attack on the Bellweather wedding had nothing to do with the Spree." Scylla yanks her arms out of Willa's grip and listens unconvinced.

"There is something else I need to show you." Willa tells Scylla, for the first time since they started talking Willa's tone was anything but calm, its like she was pleading with Scylla to listen to her, to believe her. "Please." Willa extends her hand out to Scylla and Scylla looks at it and sighs, reaching out and taking it.

Willa concentrated on their connection, mind linking with Scylla and showing her something that she hopes will help Scylla understand.


A man walks into a rather lush looking restaurant, before the waitress could even greet him he talks over her.

"You're closed for a private party." He tells hers, the distortion in his voice indicating Work at play. Without another word the waitress walks up to the front door and puts up the closed sign.

The man now walks behind a set of stairs, a flicker of a flame is seen reflected against the wall. When the man walks back out he is no longer a man, but it is Willa.

The memory jumps to Willa sat around a table with other Spree leaders, pouring wine in celebration.

"To Grace, who just brought in sixty-one new agents. You honour us all!" Willa declares proudly.

They all clink their glasses together and cheer in unison, "We are the Spree."

A glass breaking in the distance grabs Willa's attention, there shouldn't be anyone else here but them and the unconscious bystanders that happened to be in the restaurant at the time of their event. Willa investigates over by the bar where the sound came from and something catches her eye. One of the female civilians has a black earplug in their ears, as soon as Willa connects the dots said civilian springs into action.

She throws a metal ball down to the ground and it rolls on the floor in the direction of the Spree leaders table. Willa watches on in horror of the unknown. Like a grenade would, the metal ball explodes and releases a series of tiny blasts towards it's surrounding victims. Upon impact black veins started spreading across their body at a rapid speed, somehow it was a weaponised Black Plague.

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