#8 - SALVA

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"Of course it's raining" Carmen splutters in between heavy breaths as she throws herself onto the next monkey bar, then the next, then the next with lightening speed. All recruits from Carmen's intake are being put through a physical test today and of course it rains, why wouldn't it.

Veronica chuckles as she lands next to Carmen and they continue running through the mud with Grace just behind them.

Commando crawling, rope climbing, sprinting, hoop jumping, nets, any and every obstacle you can think of and Fort Salem have found a way to make it harder. Carmen and Veronica complete each task seemingly effortless whilst Grace lags behind slightly, but the two encourage her to keep going, waiting for her after each challenge. Carmen had quickly learnt the dynamic within her unit, Grace, whilst she wasn't as up to speed with all the physical stuff as Carmen and Veronica were, she was practically perfect at everything, plus her father was actually one of the best historians, Grace's family have made a present day name for themselves, hence why her name was chosen to name the unit. Carmen was thankful for this, she didn't exactly care about her name being put forward for the unit, just because her ancestor did something cool once... plus Carmen didn't exactly crave the attention. Not like Abigail did, Carmen wasn't surprised that Abigail's unit was named after the Bellweather.

Veronica was the impulsive, hot-headed, incredibly skilled fighter whilst Carmen is the opposite side of the coin to Veronica. Carmen is laid backed, a quick but quiet learner but she already felt like the three of them were the perfect mix for each other. The three worked together like a well oiled machine to overcome their latest obstacle, Carmen and Veronica practically pulling Grace up and out of the mud and now they run on to approach the final hurdle.

The last obstacle, a giant wall. Running up, Carmen spots the Bellweather unit, Abigail not even remotely hesitating before throwing herself up the wall, pulling herself up and over at the top. Tally following suit with a bit more of a struggle, letting herself get steady as she goes belly flat over the top of the wall, slowly lowering herself down rather than basically launching herself off it like Abigail did. The last, Raelle, who seems to have all intentions of getting up the wall that when she fell back to the ground Carmen was stunned, she was quick to pick herself up with a hint of embarrassment flashing over herself but quickly wipes it off when she sees Abigail standing the other side watching her through a crack in the wall with a death glare. Carmen notices this too and rolls her eyes but not surprised by her friends actions.

With Veronica already over the wall and having helped Grace over at the top it was finally Carmen's turn, running up and pulling herself up with ease, this is something her mother had made her practice a million times during her constant training sessions, suppose she should be thankful. Swinging her legs over to jump down she stops, catching herself and looking down to Raelle, she swings one leg back over so she straddles the top of the wall.

"Carmen." Abigail shouts up to her in annoyance already catching on to Carmen's plan, but Carmen ignored her.

"Hey!" Carmen shouts down to Raelle who's head snaps up, eyes squinting up at the hazel-haired girl who's features Raelle can barely make out through the rain, that and the fact that she was mainly covered in mud which doesn't help. Carmen extends her hand out to Raelle and she quickly catches on to what the girl is proposing, without another minute Raelle sprints and propels herself up the wall. Carmen catches the blonde, placing her arms over the top of the wall so she can hoist herself up, which she does.

Raelle looks at the girl who's just helped her, "Thanks.' Carmen simply nods in response and then jumps down, ending in a forwards roll to soften the landing. Raelle watches slightly impressed but chooses not to do that and attempts more of a Tally approach instead.

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