#2 - Say The Words

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Sparks crackle within the room, growing louder and brighter by the second, it's finally time. What looks like a small flame hovers in the air, spinning in a circle, sparks flicking off it as it moves, slowly an image starts to appear. 

"I, Tally Craven, do solemnly pledge to protect and defend the United States of America against all enemies..." As Tally speaks the burning flicker turns into a burning medal that waves in the non-existent wind, standing proud in the middle of the room. 

Abigail kneels in her New York home with her mother watching proud as she continues her oath, "...foreign or domestic. I will faithfully serve and obey the rules and articles for the government of the Army..."

"...of the United States, all secrets keep," Raelle's face does not falter yet tears brim in her eyes, "all lawful commands willingly perform as dictated by..."

"...the Salem Accord." Carmen takes a deep exhale, her expression neither happy nor sad. 

It was done. The words had been spoken and now the medal stops burning and falls into each girls hand, except now it's a pendent. A pendent to signify their oath and the words they have spoken, each one engraved with their names.

Private Tally Craven,

Private Abigail Bellweather,

Private Raelle Collar,

And Private Carmen Ullsthorpe. 



Thank you to everyone reading, the chapters do get longer I promise! Just setting the scene, hope you are enjoying :)

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