#70 - My father's line?

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A large board full of different coloured ribbons stood before Abigail, they streamed down it perfectly, some intertwined and all of them long. Those ribbons represented families, powerful bloodlines and right now the Imperatrix was pointing at the Bellweather line.

"The integrity of your line is one of my greatest triumphs." The Imperatrix declared, "All of the traits that mark a Bellweather are present, in you." She turns to Abigail with satisfaction.

Abigail stood alone in the room, the attention making her oddly weary. "I'm more than just traits." She said back. "I've worked hard."

"Skills help us win the battle, but breeding lets us win the war, dear." The Imperatrix spits back. The use of breeding made Abigail feel gross.

"And you want me to handiest with..." Abigail watched the woman's pointer trace along the board until it stopped under a name, a name that filled Abigail with disappointment almost. "Gregorio Shellback?" Her Coven member? Abigail almost couldn't believe it, "Pass." She retorted back.

The Imperatrix was unfazed by the reaction, "You are so like your mother. She also had her flighty side."

Abigail scoffed, "Petra Bellweather? Flighty?"

"At the end of the day, I at least got her to narrow the field to the three men that we chose to father you."

"Then extend me the same courtesy." Abigail asked with a pleading look in her eyes.

"The Earthquake boy." Imperatrix said in a mocking tone.

Abigail frowned, "How do you..."

"I have eyes and ears everywhere." She tells Abigail sternly, "A Bellweather being handfasted to someone who's not even in the military. How did you think that would go?" Imperatrix throws the question about and honestly Abigail had been avoiding even thinking about it.

"Your timetable will be accelerated."

Abigail's heart rate quickened, "And what does that mean, exactly?"

The tone of Abigail's voice made the Imperatrix frown, she turned to face the young Bellweather, "Your handfasting will take place at the end of this year."

Abigail wanted to protest, scream and kick something... but she didn't, she stayed calm. She gave the Imperatrix no reaction.

"May I be dismissed." Abigail said bluntly. The Imperatrix nodded and with that Abigail left the room hastily.

She passed General Ullsthorpe who was waiting outside the door, Abigail swore the woman had tried to speak to her but she was too busy in her own thoughts to acknowledge her.

Camila had indeed tried to greet Abigail but it was clear by the displeased expression on the girl's face that whatever had taken place in the Imperatrix's office wasn't to her liking. Camila feared she too would leave with a similar expression.

"Come in, General." She heard the woman inside call out. Camila took in a deep breath and walked in to see the Imperatrix smiling at her, she could already see it had second intentions.


"Ah, Camila." She greeted her. "How's your husbands?"


Imperatrix rubbed her hands together, "Jonathan really has grown into his looks, hasn't he?"

Camila half-heartedly laughed, "Indeed."

"I can see his features within Carmen." She continues to comment.

"Yes, well, that was the goal. If I remember correctly." Camila comments back, the two look at each other.

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