#51 - Brewing

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General Alder had told Anacostia her plans for Scylla now that she was of no use to them, she was to be sent to a place a person doesn't come back from. Anacostia had tried to reason with Alder, tried to appeal for Scylla but Alder dismissed her instantly. Anacostia wasn't surprised but she was disappointed, heck if you've of told her a week ago that she'd been trying to reason with General Alder to try and convert Scylla to their side she'd call you crazy. Yet, here she was.

Over the many times she'd mind-linked with Scylla, Anacostia had felt a sense of regret creep into Scylla's mind. What she regretted, Anacostia wasn't entirely sure but it was often followed by a memory of Raelle or even Carmen, and that was enough to give the woman hope that maybe they didn't have to lose another witch to the Spree. It might be a long shot, but she felt like she had to try.

Which led her to where she is right now. She no longer needed to interrogate Scylla yet here she was sat in front of the girl with a glum look on her face.

"How come you have time to sit with me all day?" Scylla teases.

Anacostia scoffs, "You're my priority."

"Lucky me." Scylla sarcastically snarks. "No Carmen? I'm starting to miss her." Yet again, more sarcasm but Anacostia oddly decides to entertain it.

"Missing Carmen? I could go get her, see if she wants more practice. She's easy to find, all I have to do is look for Raelle and Carmen's not far behind." It was a low blow and Anacostia knew that but she knew it would get a reaction out of Scylla, and it did. Anacostia made to get up out of her seat and she heard Scylla's chains yank in return.

"No. No." Scylla tries to hide her emotions but with how tired and uncomfortable she is Anacostia can see right through her. Scylla's expression shifted between sadness and anger multiple times.

"Hm." Anacostia teased back.

"She hates me." Scylla whispers out.

Anacostia raised an eyebrow out of curiosity from the sudden shift in mood "Can you blame her?"

"I love what you've done with the place. It's kind of medieval." Scylla comments completely ignoring Anacostia's question, gesturing around the room, well as best as she can with her chained up hands. "I confess! I am a witch!" She exclaims jokingly. She starts laughing, to Anacostia the girl's sudden change in moods seemed to be getting more insane by the second which wasn't exactly helping her case in trying to defend her humanity.

Anacostia sat back in her seat, looking Scylla up and down before catching the girl's eyes looking at her through narrowed eyes and a tilted head. "What's it like?" She bluntly asks. Scylla's laughter dies down, not fully understanding Anacostia's question. "Ending thousands of people?" Anacostia finished.

Scylla didn't seem fazed by it though, "Did you know that in Germany, in 1761, 611 witches were burned alive?"

"That's not the same." Anacostia shut her down but Scylla wasn't finished.

"These people were dragged from their homes. Children too. And even last year a witch was burned..."

Anacostia sighed, this wasn't going how she'd hoped. "Alder wants to send you to our prison in the Caribbean."

Scylla pulled a smug look, "That sounds nice, although ask them to pack me sunscreen. I tend to burn." She mocked but quickly her smirk falters and if only for a minute Anacostia could see the genuine fear flash across the girl's face. "How come I'm still here?" Scylla timidly asks, her jokey demeanour gone.

"I want to know how someone gets to be you." Anacostia confesses.

"Lots of practice." Scylla shrugs. The answer makes Anacostia scoff and shake her head, every word that comes out of Scylla's mouth just seems to be proving Alder right.

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