#50 - About time!

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Despite Carmen's somewhat promise to Tally to try and talk to her mom about Alder, Tally had continued to plead with Abigail to the point where her, Abigail and Raelle are now stood in front of Petra Bellweather. Veronica and Grace had declined the offer to come with them but wished them good luck.

Abigail takes in a deep breath as she looks at her mother's waiting face. "We have some intel that will interest you." Petra looks at her daughter curiously but it's Tally that speaks next, clearly not waiting before jumping straight in.

"Alder lied in her broadcast, about the hostages." Tally states.

Petra looks between all of their faces, "Tell me more." Abigail and Raelle share a look.

Tally doesn't wait a second longer before continuing on, "Me and Carmen saw hostages in the second truck."

Petra's expression changes from curious to sympathetic, "Yes, sadly I am aware that the Spree executed the hostages. It's a shame we couldn't have prevented such a thing, but like always, war is cruel. Now, if you don't mind..." Petra goes to get up out of her seat.

"We executed them." Tally corrects, it felt like the air had been sucked out of the room. Petra Bellweather looked at Tally stunned. "I told Anacostia about the hostages, so did Carmen. She relayed the intel to Alder, but she continued to order the strike anyway."

Petra kept her expression composed, "Collateral damage. Sadly, it's a part of war. And make no mistake, we are at war with the Spree." She tells them.

Raelle looks over at Tally's disappointed face, even Abigail had thought for a second that her mom was going to say something more hopeful and looked disappointed too.

"You've been through a lot lately." Petra sat back down at her desk, "I would focus on getting the most out of Fort Salem before your graduation." She advices them with a simple smile that doesn't quite reach her eyes. The dismissal of the topic annoyed Raelle and the nagging feeling in her stomach suddenly grew, she had to think quickly to get to the woman. If not for Tally then maybe even for the next person Alder tries to use.

"The base has been infiltrated." Raelle blurts out. Three sets of wide eyes look at her in shock, and they're only going to get wider. "And Alder has been allowing someone still in basic training to conduct secret Spree interrogations."

Abigail looks at Raelle like she'd lost her mind.

"Who has infiltrated the base?" Petra questions sternly.

"The Spree." She swallows the lump in her throat, "Scylla. Alder has her in custody on base, under interrogation."

"On Fort Salem?" Petra asks in disbelief and Raelle nods to confirm.

"It's how they found out about Baylord Auto." Raelle adds on. Petra thinks all of this over for a moment and collects her thoughts.

"Ladies, you are dismissed." She says to their surprise.

"You don't want to know who was interrogating her?" Abigail questions her mother.

Petra looks up at Abigail with a neutral expression, "If this soldier is still in basic then I assume she had no other choice then to obey orders. By knowing who she is only puts her at risk of Alder's wrath." She reasons with them. The trio share a look before backing down from the conversation and leaving Petra's office not exactly feeling satisfied, the woman had given them nothing. 

Carmen had quite literally told her mother everything, laid it all out on the table and Camila was just looking at her dumbfounded. 

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