#65 - How much time we got?

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"I'm very excited!" Grace says in a giddy mood, smile plastered on her face. 

Carmen and Veronica grimace in unison, "Why?" They say.

Grace looks at them with a disapproving look, "Mothertongue is like the language of all languages." She emphasises but it only makes the pair grimace more. One of their Coven's first classes of the day was Mothertongue and Carmen's mood had deflated once seeing it, she'd never been able to pick it up very well. 

"Not excited?" Raelle asked smugly from beside Carmen.

"Not my forte." She replied. 

Raelle playfully gasped, "Finally! Something Carmen Ullsthorpe isn't good at." The group chuckle along with Raelle but Carmen rolls her eyes sarcastically. 

"Whatever." She smiles. Raelle playfully nudges the girls shoulder and the action causes the familiar feel of butterflies in Carmen's stomach. With everything going on Raelle and Carmen had barely had time to go through their emotions... their feelings for each other and it just seems like War College is going to be another thing that gets in the way. 

Carmen's schedule was packed full, it's like they'd enrolled her to every class possible and it barely left her any free time. 

"My older sister had tried to teach me and quickly gave up." Carmen says warmly, the memory of her sister's frustrated face flashing across her mind and making her internally laugh. 

"Your mom even asked my mom to teach you, I remember that. One summer we had lessons and you were a lost cause." Abigail adds in with a cheeky grin. 

Carmen looks at her friend," Wow, thanks Abigail." She retorts back. Abigail nods her head and smiles. 

They entered the classroom and were surprised to find Adil sat at one of the desks already. Abigail smiles a this presence, quickly rushing to site at the desk next to his. 

Raelle sat down and gestured at the desk next to her for Carmen to sit there, Carmen smiled and sat there without a second thought. 

"Sorry I'm late, Cadets." Their teacher rushes into the room, closing the door behind him. "My name is Channing Grafton, and I will be your instructor for Mothertongue." Channing was a tall, slender man. He looked like he knew a lot of random facts and so it didn't surprise Carmen at the fact that he was somehow an expert at the impossible language. 

"I've asked Adil, our guest from the Tarim, to sit in since, unlike most American witches, he grew up speaking Mothertongue from birth." Impressive, Carmen thought. 

"How many of you are wondering why you need to study this at all?" He asked the class. Raelle's hand went up straight away, as did Gregor's whereas, Carmen didn't to keep hers down not wanting the attention. She felt like it was a trap, even though she'd rather put her hand up. Raelle say her hand down and looks at her with an amused but confused look. She then did none other than point directly at Carmen, calling her out. 

Carmen threw her a playful glare that didn't bother but rather deepen Raelle's amusement. 

"Isn't it just for The Hague, at this point?" Raelle says bluntly, "Or High Atlantic?" She gives Abigail who's sat in front of her a quick glance, the girl having already turned around to glare at her slightly. 

"No offence." She says to Abigail, the glances at Carmen, both girls not taking offence and if anything finding it slightly amusing. 

Carmen POV

Raelle's comment made me wonder if she actually views me as a High Atlantic. Technically, yes my family is a part of that whole circle but we're about as un-High Atlantic as you could get. High Atlantics are somewhat stuck up, and practically view themselves as royalty... Raelle doesn't see me like that does she? 

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