#16 - No one can know.

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Carmen wasn't really sure where she was going but she just needed to be alone, or at least away from Abigail Bellweather. Abigail knew how to push her buttons and normally it doesn't bother Carmen too much but Tally was there, listening.  Carmen now found herself in the middle of the compound's forest, the trees beaming in the sunlight. She looks up to the sky, taking in a deep breath trying to calm down but just as she's starting to feel better... her aggravator arrives.

"Carm?" The voice brings all the anger back and she turns on her heels just in time to stop Abigail coming too close for Carmen's liking.

"What, Abigail? Got more to say?" 

"Always." She tries to lighten the mood but quickly realises Carmen's mood as she stands with her arms crossed, glaring at Abigail. "Sorry?" 

Carmen shows no interest, barely acknowledging her words. "Carmen, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said what I did. I'm angry, I shouldn't have taken it out on you." She continues to croak on. The apology was genuine, Carmen would see that but it didn't dismiss the anger Carmen feels, she didn't know what else to say but the truth.

"You're the only one here who knows Abigail. And you just- you threw it in my face." Carmen spoke barely above a whisper, too cautious for her own good, she doesn't know who's lurking in the trees. 

Something she has every reason to be cautious of as Raelle hides unnoticed, watching the two. Raelle had tried to follow Scylla and her class but had lost them at some weird crypt in the middle of the compounds forests, when she turned to head back she overhead a small bundle of voices and curiosity got the best of her, she hadn't expected to find Abigail and Carmen. 

"I'm sorry!" The loudness of Abigail's voice causes her to cough slightly. "I didn't mean to. I haven't told anybody, I know what it means to your Mom." Abigail throws the girl a sympathetic look as she runs her hand through her hazel hair, she chuckles slightly at the mention of her mother.

"She'd kill me if she knew I'd even told you, a Bellweather." Abigail shrugs, a small smile appearing on her face at the gradual lift in spirits. She tests the waters by getting closer to the pacing girl, finally catching her in her arms and embracing her, an act Abigail could feel Carmen needed as she sinks into her body willingly. 

"I promise, I won't do it again."

Carmen sigh, "No one can know." She mumbles, Abigail pulls away from Carmen slightly to make her look at her,

"Why though? This could put you way ahead." Carmen vigorously shakes her head.

"No, no, no. Spoken like a true Bellweather." Abigail ignores what Carmen sees as an insult to the girl, "If they knew, they'd use me up. I'd be a weapon. Alder, she'd..." Carmen doesn't finish her sentence, her eyes going off into a daze.

Raelle's attention is grabbed, she'd said something similar once about her mother, the words echoing in the forest. The suspense and curiosity was killing Raelle, she wanted to understand what the two were taking about.

She rolls her eyes, "That's your mother talking, Carmen. You'd be special, they'd train you. You're already are a weapon! We all are." 

"I don't want to be special Abi, that's your domain." 

Abigail chuckles and pulls the girl back into the embrace, "What I'd do to be able to do what you can."

Carmen doesn't respond, almost hoping the words hadn't come from Abigail. The two clearly have different opinions on the matter and even though Abigail promised she's still on edge about whether she would tell on her or not. 

Another minute passes before Abigail breaks the hug for a second time, "Come on. I've got to find Raelle."

"Project Shitbird?"

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