#92 - Voodoo doll

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Carmen's entire being felt like it was tingling, she thought the Mycelium was suppose to be helping her but she only seemed to feel worse. Even after the abuse Raelle's had suffered was transferred over to Carmen it felt as though more was happening to her. 

Her eyes involuntarily drooped but she didn't see black, instead the inside of her eyelids seems to glow a mixture of pinks and blues.

"Am I dead?" She heard a distant Raelle ask. 

"Here, the dead dream..." The voice didn't really have a voice, it's hard to explain, it was beyond understanding but Carmen knew it was the Mycelium somehow talking to Raelle, and somehow she could hear them. 

"Wake up!" A male voice aggressively whispers.

Somehow Carmen felt that Raelle was now gone, where to she didn't know, perhaps she did wake up. That worried Carmen, it was likely they wouldn't be waking up in any better a situation. 

"Dear." The Mycelium's voice distorted as it spoke, "Relax." It was the voice of Samantha Ullsthorpe carmen recognised, but the undertone of the Mycelium was there. Carmen's vision cleared to show a strange, alien like surroundings with what looked like Samantha stood in the middle but Carmen understood that this was the Mycelium.

"Am I dead?" Carmen repeats Raelle's earlier question, "Are you Samantha or the Mycelium?" She pressed.

"Both, more Samantha right now but Mother is present. She talks through me, to you." Samantha explains gently. "Simply, yes. By taking on Raelle's wounds you died." Carmen couldn't help the unconsciously panic she felt and it's as though Samantha felt it too, she quickly rushed forward to comfort her. "You will wake Carmen."

"How is that possible?" 

"The mycelium." Samantha gestures around them. Carmen took it all in, it does remind her of the glowing webbing she's familiar with when it comes to the Mycelium but this was on a much larger scale. 

"This is her?" 

Samantha nods proud. "You're safe here, whilst you heal."

Carmen found herself nodding along but then she quickly stopped herself, this wasn't normal. The Mycelium doesn't just go around healing witches. 

"Why us?" Carmen asked bluntly. 

A small sigh came from Samantha, "You, Carmen Ullsthorpe." Carmen noticed how Samantha's voice became increasing distorted, she was more mycelium now. "The gifts you hold, and with the danger growing ever day. You're a protector and you care for Raelle. You will protect Raelle."

Carmen looked at her dumbfounded, it didn't make any sense. It's like she spoke in bullet-points, not really answering the questions. She threw her hands up in the air and groaned. "I'm thankful for the help, I am, but I need to get back! Goddess knows what they could be doing to Raelle." 

"You are here to help Raelle." The Mycelium urges.

"How am I helping her from here!" Carmen's frustrating grew and patience wore thin, she couldn't get the images of them going at Raelle with a scalpel again. 

Suddenly, Carmen felt a sharp pain in her chest. She barely flinched or reacted and yet the Mycelium looked right at her and then at the spot where she'd felt the sharpness.

"What was that?" Carmen asked her having a feeling she knew.

"You are connected." She began, "You and Raelle. You protect her, help her." 

"That came from her?" Carmen puzzled.

"More paralytic." The Mycelium, who still wore the face of Samantha Ullsthorpe, scowled unhappily. "She will overcome quicker because of you." Which sounded great and all to Carmen but she felt as though there was some small print that the Mycelium wasn't sharing. 

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