#59 - It's a good job you're not dead

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TW - Depictions of violence/knives.

"I brought you some tea and a book." Grace walks into the medical bay holding a mug in one hand and a book in the other. Veronica and Carmen look over at Grace. It was now just the three of them, Adil had been called away to be debriefed but he also said he needed to see his sister.

Carmen groans, pushing herself up into a sitting up position. "I don't want to read. Raelle and Abigail are out there and I should-" Carmen makes to get out of bed but Veronica pushes her back down.

"You need to rest." Veronica tells her sternly, "I'm sure Rangers are out looking for them."

"What if they aren't!" Carmen's eyes were sad and worried, she felt like nobody was taking her seriously or even listening to her. Grace sits down on Carmen's bed and places the mug in Carmen's hands, Carmen looks at her with pleading eyes.

Grace sighs, "Oh, Carm." She pulls Carmen into a side hug and she lays her head down on Grace's shoulder. "It'll be ok."

"Will it?" Carmen mumbles out.

Veronica shuffles closer to the pair, "It will."

Carmen looks up at Veronica from Grace's shoulder, briefly looking back at the steam coming out of the mug and frowning to herself. A few sniffles can be heard coming from Carmen, Grace and Veronica look at each other sharing a confused and worried look.

"I-I saw her die." Carmen chokes out, a single tear escaping and falling down her face. "They wouldn't let me help her. I couldn't do anything."

"Carmen, if you'd of gotten out of that Bat we probably would have lost you too." Veronica tells her leaning forward to place a gentle hand on her leg. "We can't lose you too." She says warmly. Carmen looks up at her through watery eyes. "Oh, come here." Veronica pulls both Grace and Carmen in for a hug and the three hold onto each other for a small while until Glory comes running into the medical bay.

"Glory?" Grace furrows her eyebrows at the girl's frantic state.

Glory takes in a deep breath, panting breathlessly. "They're- "

"Glory breath." Veronica advices the girl. Carmen looks at her as confused as the others.

"They're alive!" She blurts out breathlessly. Carmen's eyes go wide, is she talking about them?

"Who's alive?" Veronica questions.

"Rangers, they went out to investigate the weird aftermath of the explosion. And they found Raelle and Abigail." Glory reveals, a small smile appearing on her face.

"They're alive?" Carmen quietly asks, a new hopeful glint in her still watering eyes. Glory nods frantically.

"They're five minutes out from base."

Carmen places her mug down on the bedside table and starts climbing out of the sheets to get out of bed.

"Woah, Carmen slow down." Grace moves off the bed watching Carmen search around on the floor for something. "What are you looking for?"

"Shoes. Where are my shoes." She groans.

"Here." Veronica hands Carmen her boots with a smile. "Let's go get your girl." Grace and Glory smile at the comment, Carmen looking at Veronica and letting out a relieved laugh even though tears still fall from her eyes.

Petra Bellweather was one of the first people to know, she'd been waiting outside the compound entrance in hopes of catching a glimpse of the vehicle bringing her daughter back to her. When she finally did her heart started beating rapidly and the tears started flowing.

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