#7 - Get Deployed Early, Get Blown To Bits

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Raelle has a lot of emotions spiralling around in her head after her run in with Anacostia and now Abigail, on one hand she hates the system so why give into it and let it kill her, and yet someone like Tally doesn't deserve the shit Raelle is causing and the blonde does feel an small amount of regret, but only small. 

This is the first time she finds herself alone with the auburn haired girl, Abigail having disappeared off somewhere. The two tidy their beds and put away a few stray objects they didn't get round to unpacking yet. 

Raelle starts untucking her blanket from under Tally's mattress, taking one small, tiny step in making sure she avoids Sergeant Anacostia's gaze when inspection comes around. Being alone with Tally causes the blonde's mind back to what she told them about her conscription day, 

"Why would you come if you don't have to?" Tally internally sighs at the question, Raelle reminds her of her mother and she senses they have the same opinion on the matter which pulls on a thread Tally has hanging from her patience.

"How can you ask that after this week? Malls, cruise ships, where does it end?" The exhaustion already evident in Tally's voice does worry Raelle slightly but she doesn't show it to the girl. 

Placing her blanket away in a draw she turns back to face Tally as she sits on her bottom bunk, "Maybe they have a point." 

"Who? The Spree?" The surprise Tally feels towards Raelle's words is scary, how could she says that? 

"Conscription is slavery by another name."

"Oh, come on!" 

The way Raelle sees it, you turn 18 and whether you like it or not your life is over. You don't get to decide a career or do something else. If you're like her, it's was decided for you... hundreds of years ago. How is that fair? Raelle doesn't want to be used to fight someone else's battles, to be tired and alone like her mother was when she died. The people that were suppose to be the best, to protect them, led her to a slaughter and she fears the same thing will happen to her, unless she just gets it done first.

Tally however, does not see it that way, "you get to travel the world, do something great, protect the innocent." 

Raelle scoffs, "none of that's real. It's a grind out there, that's all it is." Raelle takes a second to reel in her emotions, she needs to remember its not Tally's fault she'd here, if anything she's jealous of the girls naivety. "I mean, I plan to get deployed early, get blown to bits, end of story." Raelle's words scare Tally, it shouldn't be like this but she doesn't know how else to get the blonde the see it differently.

"It's so much more than that. Like Alder said-" 

"Now you're gonna start quoting her?" Raelle's temper gets the best of her and she finds herself shouting at Tally, despite this Tally remains calm with her fellow unit member.

"I get that she's controversial."

"No! No witch in history has more blood on her hands!"

"Part of that she said is agenda-less and true. That Fort Salem is a witch's place. It's the only place where it's just us." When Tally first heard General Alder say those words they stuck with her instantly and by the expression on Raelle's face they have a meaning to her too. "I mean, how beautiful is that?" 

The atmosphere is the room went through a whole rollercoaster during the two's conversation but now is sits at a small understanding that Tally has found some common ground with Raelle, even if it is just a tiny slither.

The two share no one words and leave it at that, continuing on their tiding in silence. 



Smaller chapter but an important one. 

I like this conversation between Tally and Raelle because it actually sheds some light onto Raelle's perspectives and opinions and kind of shows why she's being how she is. 

I'm excited for for future chapters :)

Hope you enjoyed. 

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