#78 - NOD

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Abigail was grabbing her millionth cup of honey tea and taking it back to their lunch table, a lunch table that had been invaded by her mother. She wasn't the only one, Carmen's mom had also decided to join them for lunch. It meant it was quite the gathering for lunch, Carmen, Abigail and their mothers, along with Veronica, Tally, Raelle and Grace. 

"Viable candidates are starting to thin, Abigail." Petra smiled at her daughter who was already rolling her eyes. "I hear Gregorio Shellback is in high demand." 

"He's about the only one The Imperatrix doesn't want me to marry." Carmen comments. Camila glared at her daughter but it didn't remove the attitude written all over the girl's face.

"That's because he's a safety school with a penis." Abigail retorted to her mother.

Raelle almost choked on her food, the entire table stifling a laugh. 

"Isn't finding and fighting the Camarilla a little more important than handfasting right now?" Abigail said in disgust and Carmen nodded along with her.

"I agree." Camila nudged Carmen in the side, giving her a warning look. The table yet again stifling in a laugh at their friend being scolded.

"There's more than one way to fight the enemy. And our family has to fight back any way that we can." There was a small pause from Petra, "After Charvel." The atmosphere became tense instantly. 

Many of the girls looked down at their food.

Petra took felt it and looked to change the subject quickly, so she turned her focus to the blonde across from her. "Raelle, excellent work at the weapon's test, but the way." Raelle however, wasn't thankful for the attention. The topic didn't help Abigail either. 

"The brass were very impressed." She told Raelle. 

"It's all a blur, but thank you." Raelle replied. 

"Savour it. History is being made, after all." Petra encouraged the girl.

Tally's interest peaked, "Oh, speaking of history! I'd like to pick your brain about Liberia. You served there, right?" 

"The forever-front?" Petra asked. 

Whilst Tally questioned Abigail's mom, Raelle looked to Abigail. "You just invited us to keep your mom from bugging you about Gregorio, didn't you?" She whispered to Abigail.

"Can you blame me?" Abigail looked at her, "Plus, it wasn't just me." Her eyes drifted to Carmen who played with her food whilst her mother said something to her.

"I'm really starting to dig into the martyrdom of the Rebels." Tally continued on telling Petra. 

"Oh, before my time, I'm afraid." Petra chuckled. 

"She's not that old." Camila joked. 

"All I know is from the same books you've read. Esterbook and her witches refused conscription when the US came knocking. So they martyred themselves to make a statement to the rest of the world." Petra told Tally but the entire table was listening, curious about the snippet of history. 

"So why isn't General Alder a bigger part of that story?" Tally asked bluntly.

Petra and Camila frowned, "Why would she be?"

"General Alder wasn't there when the Martyrdom occurred, Tally." Camila pointed out confidently. 

"Oh, I head she was." Tally was somewhat surprised to hear this. "Fighting alongside a solder named Batan. It would have one or two classes before yours."

Camila and Petra shared a brief look of confusion, "Where are you getting your information?" Petra asked her. 

"She's been reading so many books, it's hard to say." Abigail covered for Tally. 

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